Skype SessionDetails has MediaTypes values NOT listed in Documentation

Bruce Scarborough 21 Reputation points

I have been looking at the tables, views and procedures that are collecting Skype Call Quality data and I am finding values in the SessionDetails.MediaTypes columns that are NOT listed in the online documentation (

The latter lists the following as possible values for this column: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 & 64
However, in our Production data I am also seeing the following values: 0, 3, 48, 136 & 168. I do not find any instances of 4, 32 or 64.

When I join the SessionDetails to the Media and MediaList tables (as some of the procedures do), I get the below combinations, where MediaType is from the Media column in MediaList and MediaTypes is the value from SessionDetails column with the same name

MediaType MediaTypes
Application Sharing 8
Application Sharing 136
Application Sharing 168
Audio 16
Audio 48
File Transfer 2
File Transfer 3
IM 1
IM 3
p2p: 0
Video 48
Video 168

Does the documentation need to be updated?

Skype for Business
Skype for Business
A Microsoft communications service that provides communications capabilities across presence, instant messaging, audio/video calling, and an online meeting experience that includes audio, video, and web conferencing.
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  1. JimmyYang-MSFT 49,706 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Thanks for your feedback!

    Indeed, there is no information about the special parameter "136","168" and so on.

    Based on research,when we have operations include IM and App invite,without any exception or other operations in this progress, the MediaType will be the 65.However,if have some exception or other operation in this progress ,the MediaType will changed. I think this is the reason why the documents not added these value in it.

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