Temporary Access Pass object with TemporaryAccessPass field as null when calling 'GET temporaryAccessPassAuthenticationMethod'

Huynh, Phuong Thao 81 Reputation points

Hi Y'all,

If someone could please help me with this. I was able to create at tap (temporaryAccessPass) but when calling 'Get', I got the object back with the TemporaryAccessPass value as null.

Below screenshot shows that tap (temporary access pass) is created. Please observe the StartDateTime of the tap token and the date time of my laptop at the bottom right of the screenshot. my laptop time is in the future time of the tap token StartDateTime.


Below is the screenshot of the return tap object when calling 'GET' method. Please observe the TemporaryAccessPass value is null. The StartDateTime has the same value as the 'Create' object which is in the future time compared to the time of my laptop.


My goal is to get the TemporaryAccessPass value that is not null (the one posted at the 'Create' from first screenshot. Is the different StartDateTime of the tap token and my laptop time, the reason for the TemporaryAccessPass's value with 'GET' method as null? If that is the reason, could someone help me on how to remediate this problem? If the time discrepancy between the tap token StartDateTime and my laptop time is not the reason for the null value of TemporaryAccessPass field when calling 'GET' method, could someone please advice me on how to address this problem?

Thank you and best regards, Thao.

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  1. Huynh, Phuong Thao 81 Reputation points

    I have solved this problem. I will close this question. Thank you!