Exchange server 2019 install stuck at step 6

GP 1 Reputation point

Hello Everyone!
I am currently trying to install Exchange server 2019 and seem to be hitting a wall on step 6 with the following error message ----->

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($exsSid -eq $null -or $exsSid -eq "")
$exsSid = get-ExchangeServerGroupSID -DomainController $RoleDomainController
start-setupservice -ServiceName MSExchangeADTopology -ServiceParameters $exsSid,$RoleDomainController
" was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ServiceDidNotReachStatusException: Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot start service MSExchangeADTopology on computer '.'. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.Start(String[] args)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.ManageSetupService.StartServiceWorker(ServiceController serviceController, String[] serviceParameters)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ThrowError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory errorCategory, Object target, String helpUrl)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.ManageSetupService.StartService(ServiceController serviceController, Boolean ignoreServiceStartTimeout, Boolean failIfServiceNotInstalled, Unlimited1 maximumWaitTime, String[] serviceParameters) at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.ManageSetupService.StartService(String serviceName, Boolean ignoreServiceStartTimeout, Boolean failIfServiceNotInstalled, Unlimited1 maximumWaitTime, String[] serviceParameters)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.StartSetupService.InternalProcessRecord()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__91_1()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)".

I currently have 2 Domain Controllers setup via Win server 2019 and completed all the requisties which checked out complete.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

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A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.
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Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Limitless Technology 39,371 Reputation points


    Thank you for your question and reaching out.

    Based on the Exception error you are receiving "MSExchangeADTopology on computer '.'. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion".

    The Service gets timeout for starting services on the inactive server is 15 minutes but when it fails right away (after about 30 seconds) it is because of a windows timeout that is occurring.

    Solution: Apply the following Registry change to extend the timeout value for starting of services.

    1. Open regedit on the replica and find the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
    2. Point to New, and then click DWORD Value. In the right pane of Registry Editor, notice that New Value #1 (the name of a new registry entry) is selected for editing.
    3. Type Services PipeTimeout to replace New Value #1, and then press ENTER.
    4. Right-click the ServicesPipeTimeout registry entry that you created in step c, and then click Modify. The Edit DWORD Value dialog box appears.
    5. In the Value data text box, type TimeoutPeriod, and then click OK
    6. The value of TimeoutPeriod is in milliseconds. Set the value for TimeoutPeriod to 300000 (300sec). By default it is set to 30000 that is 30 sec.
    7. Power-cycle the Server
    8. Disable any Antivirus product you may have.

    --If the reply is helpful, please Upvote and Accept as answer--

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