Contacts.Request Not getting all contacts

Meir Rotfleisch 161 Reputation points


When i do a request for contacts I only get about 10 contacts returned? Suggestions ?



Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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Accepted answer
  1. Zehui Yao_MSFT 5,836 Reputation points

    Hello @Meir Rotfleisch , The PageIterator class simplifies consuming of paged collections. PageIterator handles enumerating the current page and requesting subsequent pages automatically. Here is the documentation for your reference :

    var messages = await graphClient.Me.Messages  
        .Header("Prefer", "outlook.body-content-type=\"text\"")  
        .Select(e => new {  
    var pageIterator = PageIterator<Message>  
            // Callback executed for each item in  
            // the collection  
            (m) =>  
                return true;  
            // Used to configure subsequent page  
            // requests  
            (req) =>  
                // Re-add the header to subsequent requests  
                req.Header("Prefer", "outlook.body-content-type=\"text\"");  
                return req;  
    await pageIterator.IterateAsync();  

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    2 people found this answer helpful.

2 additional answers

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  1. HarmeetSingh7172 4,811 Reputation points

    Hi @Meir Rotfleisch

    Using Microsoft graph API, you don't get all the results on a single page (in API response). You get an "@odata.nextLink" in response, using which you can retrieve next set of results.

    In order to check/count the number of contacts, I have used me/contacts?$count=true (refer to the attached screenshot) and as the total count is 13 (in API response), so I am getting a "@odata.nextLink" in response. Now using this link, I can get the next set of results.

    Please refer below screenshot for better understanding.


    Hope this helps.
    If the answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly upvote it. If you have further questions about this answer, please click "Comment".

    1 person found this answer helpful.

  2. Meir Rotfleisch 161 Reputation points


    Seems the default for the .GetAsync()_ is 10 Records

    What needs to be added is to send to the GraphHelper function an integer as such

    public static async Task<IEnumerable<Microsoft.Graph.Contact>> GetContactsAsync(int P)
    var graphClient = GetAuthenticatedClient();

            var events = await graphClient.Me.Contacts.Request()
            return events.CurrentPage;

    And in the Controller you need to keep track and send each time a value for the P :) to get the paging



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