Azure Data Factory condition in Foreach activity

Abdul Kalam Mulla 46 Reputation points

I have a requirement to load API data into cosmos db . So need to loop all the api pages for given period and load in cosmos db.

my pipeline has a web activity to get the api response first . then passing the page_count to foreach activity to loop through.

When there is data in API response the output looks below .


When API doesnt have data the output looks below.


I have written below condition in foreach activity for looping . Since the web activity output not same in both conditions , the below code not working .any suggestion please.

@Rover (1,if(contains(activity('WEB_GET_NUMBEROFPAGES').output.Response,'No data found'),1,activity('WEB_GET_NUMBEROFPAGES').output.ameta[0].page_count))

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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  1. AnnuKumari-MSFT 31,731 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Abdul Kalam Mulla ,
    Thankyou for the detailed description about your ask. In the above expression , one or the other property would always be missing , either 'Response' or 'ameta[]' . So, we need to first check the available properties , before using them in the expression.

    Here is what you need to do:
    1. Create a variable var1 of type 'String'. Use Set variable activity after the Web activity to store the output of Web activity. Use this in the value of set variable activity: @{activity('Web1').output} or @string(activity('Web1').output)

    2. Use If Condition activity with expression : @contains(variables('var1'),'No data') .
    a. Inside True condition block: Use Execute Pipeline activity and create a new pipeline . In the new pipeline, Use For Each activity and have this
    expression as the Items value: @range(1,1)

    b. Inside False condition block: Use Execute Pipeline activity and create a new pipeline. In the new pipeline , Create a parameter named page_count and go back to the False condition block and provide activity('WEB_GET_NUMBEROFPAGES').output.ameta[0].page_count as the value for page_count variable. Use For Each activity in the new pipeline called inside False block and provide this as items value: @range(1,int(pipeline().parameters.page_count))


    Note: In the images, I have used lookup instead of web activity to reproduce your scenario.

    Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.


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  1. AnnuKumari-MSFT 31,731 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Abdul Kalam Mulla ,

    Thankyou for using Microsoft Q&A platform and thanks for posting your query here.

    As I understand your ask , it seems you are trying to loop through each of the responses of Web Activity inside ForEach activity based on the condition:
    If Webactivity output contains 'No data found', items value should be @Rover (1,1) else @Rover (1,page_count) . However, it's not working as expected. Please correct me if my understanding is incorrect.

    Please try the following expression: @range(1,if(contains(activity('WEB_GET_NUMBEROFPAGES')[0],'No data found'),1,activity('WEB_GET_NUMBEROFPAGES').output.ameta[0].page_count)) as 'No data found' is part of data[] array , we need to mention that to check if that string is part of the output or not.

    Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.


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