I STILL can't find the right SQL syntax to COPY my database!

Robert Gustafson 606 Reputation points

Visual Basic 2019, .NET Framework 4+, WinForms, Entity Framework 6+, SQL Server (version unsure)

I want my program to be able to make a copy of a database--with a new catalog, data file, and log file--to a destination on the same machine (and same server), while keeping the original database--along its with catalog, data file, and log file--intact and unmoved.

VS Help advises using BACKUP and RESTORE, and my run-time code executes SQL to copy the following sample database with catalog name "contactlist2.mdf 12/8/2021 6:13:57 pm", data file name "C:\ProgramData\Robert AlanGustafson II\Social Contacts Tracker\\contactlist2.mdf", and log file name "C:\ProgramData\Robert AlanGustafson II\Social Contacts Tracker\\contactlist2_log.ldf" to a database with catalog name "contactlist3.mdf 12/8/2021 6:13:57 pm", data file name "C:\ProgramData\Robert AlanGustafson II\Social Contacts Tracker\\contactlist3.mdf", and log file name "C:\ProgramData\Robert AlanGustafson II\Social Contacts Tracker\\contactlist3_log.ldf"--basically, copying all "conctactlist2"'s to "contactlist3"'s--using the following procedure:

''' <summary>
''' copy one database to another
''' </summary>
''' <param name="SourceCatalogName">catalog name of source database</param>
''' <param name="SourceFileName">file name of source database</param>
''' <param name="DestinationCatalogName">catalog name of destination database</param>
''' <param name="DestinationFileName">file name of destination database</param>
''' <returns>True if successful, False if cancelled</returns>
''' <remarks>Note the following:<br></br>
''' 1. If either database is the same as the currently open one (if any), if the
'''    source database doesn't exist, or if an error occurs while making the copy,
'''    an exception is thrown<br></br>
''' 2. If a database with the given destination catalog name and/or a file with the
'''    same name as the desination primary file name already exists, then the
'''    CatlogExists and/or DatabaseFileExists events will be fired to allow the user to
'''    decide whether to cancel the operation or overwrite the catalog and/or file with
'''    the database copy</remarks>
Public Overridable Function Copy(ByVal SourceCatalogName As String, _
    ByVal SourceFileName As String, _
    ByVal DestinationCatalogName As String, ByVal DestinationFileName As String) As Boolean
    '   normalize names for and verify existence of source database
    CheckNamesForOpenExisting(SourceCatalogName, SourceFileName)
    '   normalize names for destination database
    CheckNamesForCreateNew(DestinationCatalogName, DestinationFileName)
    '   see if either database is already opened
    VerifyIsNotOpen(SourceCatalogName, SourceFileName)
    VerifyIsNotOpen(DestinationCatalogName, DestinationFileName)
    '   verify existence of source database
    Using Context As SocialContactsTracker1 = _
            GetContextForExistingDatabase(SourceCatalogName, SourceFileName)
        '   do nothing
    End Using
    '   see if we need to overwrite destination database
    Using Context As SocialContactsTracker1 = _
            GetContextForNewDatabase(DestinationCatalogName, DestinationFileName)
        If Context Is Nothing Then
            '   exit if destination database exists and is not to be overwritten
            Return False
        End If
    End Using
    '   copy database using backup and restore
    Using Context As SocialContactsTracker1 = GetPrototypeContext()
        Dim BackupFileName As String = _
            SourceFileName.Substring(0, SourceFileName.Length - 3) & "bak"
        Dim BackupDeviceName As String = _
            SourceCatalogName.Substring(0, SourceCatalogName.Length - 5) & "_TEMP"
        '   perform copy using backup and restore
        With Context.Database
            .ExecuteSqlCommand(Entity.TransactionalBehavior.DoNotEnsureTransaction, _
                "BACKUP DATABASE """ & SourceCatalogName _
                    & """ TO DISK='" & BackupFileName & "'; " _
                & "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK='" &  BackupFileName & "'; " _
                & "RESTORE DATABASE """ & DestinationCatalogName _
                    & """ FROM DISK='" & BackupFileName _
                        & "' WITH MOVE '" & SourceCatalogName & "_Data' TO '" _
                        & DestinationFileName & "', " _
                    & "MOVE '" & SourceCatalogName & "_Log' TO '" _
                        & IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestinationFileName, Nothing) & "_log.ldf'; ")
        End With
        If IO.File.Exists(BackupFileName) Then
            '   remove temporary backup file
        End If
    End Using
    '   flag operation successful
    Return True
End Function

When I attempt to access sys.database_Files to get the correct logical data/log names, I'm stymied.

I've tried the following procedure:

Here's a code snippet, where Context is opened to an existing database with a given CatalogName and FileName, where I try to determine the logical/physical files and their types for the database:

Protected Function GetLogicalFiles(ByVal CatalogName As String, _
    ByVal FileName As String) As List(Of LogicalFileEntry)
Dim results As New List(Of LogicalFileEntry)
    Using Context As SocialContactsTracker1 = _
        GetContextForExistingDatabase(CatalogName, FileName)
        '   get database list from master database
        results = _
            Context.Database.SqlQuery(Of LogicalFileEntry) _
                ("SELECT file_id AS " & NameOf(LogicalFileEntry.FileID) _
                        & ", type AS " & NameOf(LogicalFileEntry.FileType) _
                        & ", name AS " & NameOf(LogicalFileEntry.LogicalName) _
                        & ", physical_name AS " & NameOf(LogicalFileEntry.PhysicalName) _
                    & " FROM sys.database_files;").ToList()
            For Each LogicalName As LogicalFileEntry In results
                With LogicalName
                    MessageBox.Show( _
                        .FileID & ControlChars.CrLf & .FileType _
                        & ControlChars.CrLf & """" & .LogicalName & """" _
                        & ControlChars.CrLf & """" & .PhysicalName & """")
                End With
            Next LogicalName
        Return results
    End Using
End Function

where LogicalFileEntry is defined (within the larger class) as follows:

''' <summary>
''' This class returns the data that was retrieved in the
''' T-SQL script of the GetLogicalFiles method 
''' </summary>
Protected Class LogicalFileEntry
    Public FileID As Integer
    Public FileType As Byte
    Public LogicalName As String
    Public PhysicalName As String
End Class

When I list the fields for each entry (there are 2), FileId and FileType return 0, while LogicalName and PhysicalName return "". When I try to qualify "sys,database_files" as CatalogName & ".sys.database_files", it tells me that the database doesn't exist. (That's wrong, because it does open,) What's wrong?! Is it the "sys.database_files" table name, the SQL syntax, the LogicalFileEntry field types?

Remember, I want everything copied, not merely moved!

As for the database catalog name, my program lets users create and open social-contact lists by specifying a name for a contact-list XML file--which contains the names of the catalog and .mdf database file that are subsequently created/opened by the program, both of which are derived from the contact-list name. (The user is allowed to create multiple contact lists, each with its own database. Don't ask why they might want to, but this makes copy functionality useful.) I need some system to give each database a unique catalog name. I use the .mdf file name plus the date and time the contact list is created to do this. When not trying to copy a database, this all works just fine in my program. As for the partial time stamp for the backup device, that's only because I derived its name from that of the backup file.

I sense that there's a problem with the syntax of the RESTORE DATABASE command. What is it?! Is there a way to "Intellisense" the generated SQL for syntax errors? I can't gleam from Help how to access the SQL editors and syntax-checkers.

PS. What's the best SQL for moving (not copying) a database to a new catalog, data file, and log file?

PPS. Remember, none of what I'm doing is across machines or across servers (although it could be in the future).

PPPS. I tried to add this new development to 1 of my previous posts on this issue, but the website won't do anything when I click "Submit." (I've had this problem before using the website after a lot of back-and-forth on a given issue!)

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6 answers

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  1. Patrick Hurst 1 Reputation point

    The give away here is in the error you received:

    Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names

    DECLARE @baseBackup NVARCHAR(200) = '\\myBackupPath\Backup.bak'   
    DECLARE @DatabaseName SYSNAME = 'MyNewDatabase', @DataPath NVARCHAR(100) = 'D:\Data\MyNewDatabase.mdf', @LogPath NVARCHAR(100) = 'F:\TLOG\MyNewDatabase_log.ldf'  
    DECLARE @fileList TABLE (LogicalName NVARCHAR(128), PhysicalName NVARCHAR(260), Type CHAR(1), FileGroupName NVARCHAR(128), Size NUMERIC(20,0), MaxSize NUMERIC(20,0), FileId TINYINT, CreateLSN NUMERIC(20,0), DropLSN INT, UniqueID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, ReadOnlyLSN NUMERIC(25,0),  
                             ReadWriteLSN NUMERIC(25,0), BackupSizeInBytes BIGINT, SourceBlockSize INT, FileGroupId INT, LogGroupGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, DifferentialBaseLSN NUMERIC(25,0), DifferentialBaseGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, IsReadOnly BIT, IsPresent BIT,   
    						 TDEThumbprint VARBINARY(32), SnapshotUrl NVARCHAR(336));  
    INSERT INTO @fileList   
    EXEC ('RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM '+'DISK'+'= N'''+@baseBackup+''' WITH  FILE = 1')  
    ;WITH moves AS (  
    SELECT ' MOVE '''+ LogicalName+''' TO '''+   
    END) AS moveString  
      FROM @fileList  
    SELECT 'RESTORE DATABASE ['+@DatabaseName+'] FROM DISK '''+@baseBackup+''' WITH '+ STRING_AGG(moveString,',')  
      FROM moves  

    You can supply the values to the variables in this script and it'll generate the restore statement for you. You may wish to alter it to add other options (NORECOVERY for example, if you intend to also restore subsequent log backups).

    If you also need to find the most recent full backup, you could do something like:

    DECLARE @ExistingDatabaseName SYSNAME = 'MyTemplateDatabase'  
    SELECT TOP 1 @baseBackup= bmf.physical_device_name  
      FROM msdb.dbo.backupset bs  
        INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf  
    	  ON bs.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id  
     WHERE bs.type = 'd'  
       AND @ExistingDatabaseName = bs.database_name  
     ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date DESC  

    beforehand, to populate the baseBackup variable.

    Hope this helps!

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  2. Robert Gustafson 606 Reputation points

    To get the logical and physical files:

    Protected Function GetDatabaseFiles(ByVal CatalogName As String, _
        ByVal FileName As String) As DatabaseFiles
        Const LogType As Byte = 1, TypeName As String = "type", _
            LogicalName As String = "name", PhysicalName As String = "physical_name"
        Dim df As DatabaseFiles = New DatabaseFiles()
        Using Context As SocialContactsTracker1 = _
                GetContextForExistingDatabase(CatalogName, FileName)
            Using c As SqlConnection = _
                    New SqlConnection(Context.Database.Connection.ConnectionString)
                Using command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand( _
                        "SELECT * FROM """ & CatalogName & """.sys.database_files;", c)
                    Using r As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                        Do While r.Read()
                            If r.GetByte(r.GetOrdinal(TypeName)) = LogType Then
                                df.LogicalLogFile = r.GetString(r.GetOrdinal(LogicalName))
                                df.PhysicalLogFile = r.GetString(r.GetOrdinal(PhysicalName))
                                df.LogicalDataFile = r.GetString(r.GetOrdinal(LogicalName))
                                df.PhysicalDataFile = r.GetString(r.GetOrdinal(PhysicalName))
                            End If
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Using
        Return df
    End Function

    Defined within the above method's class:

    ''' <summary>
    ''' This class returns the data that was retrieved in the GetDataFiles method 
    ''' </summary>
    Protected Class DatabaseFiles
        Public LogicalDataFile As String    
        Public PhysicalDataFile As String
        Public LogicalLogFile As String
        Public PhysicalLogFile As String
    End Class

    The orginal method then becomes:

    ''' <summary>
    ''' copy one database to another
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="SourceCatalogName">catalog name of source database</param>
    ''' <param name="SourceFileName">file name of source database</param>
    ''' <param name="DestinationCatalogName">catalog name of destination database</param>
    ''' <param name="DestinationFileName">file name of destination database</param>
    ''' <returns>True if successful, False if cancelled</returns>
    ''' <remarks>Note the following:<br></br>
    ''' 1. If either database is the same as the currently open one (if any), if the
    '''    source database doesn't exist, or if an error occurs while making the copy,
    '''    an exception is thrown<br></br>
    ''' 2. If a database with the given destination catalog name and/or a file with the
    '''    same name as the desination primary file name already exists, then the
    '''    CatlogExists and/or DatabaseFileExists events will be fired to allow the user to
    '''    decide whether to cancel the operation or overwrite the catalog and/or file with
    '''    the database copy</remarks>
    Public Overridable Function Copy(ByVal SourceCatalogName As String, _
        ByVal SourceFileName As String, _
        ByVal DestinationCatalogName As String, ByVal DestinationFileName As String) As Boolean
        '   normalize names for and verify existence of source database
        CheckNamesForOpenExisting(SourceCatalogName, SourceFileName)
        '   normalize names for destination database
        CheckNamesForCreateNew(DestinationCatalogName, DestinationFileName)
        '   see if either database is already opened
        VerifyIsNotOpen(SourceCatalogName, SourceFileName)
        VerifyIsNotOpen(DestinationCatalogName, DestinationFileName)
        '   get files of source database
        Dim SourceFiles As DatabaseFiles = _
            GetDatabaseFiles(SourceCatalogName, SourceFileName)
        '   see if we need to overwrite destination database
        Using Context As SocialContactsTracker1 = _
                GetContextForNewDatabase(DestinationCatalogName, DestinationFileName)
            If Context Is Nothing Then
                '   exit if destination database exists and is not to be overwritten
                Return False
            End If
        End Using
        '   copy database using backup and restore
        Using Context As SocialContactsTracker1 = GetPrototypeContext()
            Dim BackupFileName As String = _
                SourceFileName.Substring(0, SourceFileName.Length - 3) & "bak"
            Dim BackupDeviceName As String = _
                SourceCatalogName.Substring(0, SourceCatalogName.Length - 5) & "_TEMP"
            '   perform copy using backup and restore
            With Context.Database
                .ExecuteSqlCommand(Entity.TransactionalBehavior.DoNotEnsureTransaction, _
                    "BACKUP DATABASE """ & SourceCatalogName _
                        & """ TO DISK='" & BackupFileName & "'; " _
                    & "RESTORE DATABASE """ & DestinationCatalogName _
                        & """ FROM DISK='" & BackupFileName _
                            & "' WITH MOVE '" & SourceFiles.LogicalDataFile & "' TO '" _
                            & DestinationFileName & "', " _
                        & "MOVE '" & SourceFiles.LogicalLogFile & "' TO '" _
                            & IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestinationFileName, Nothing) & "_log.ldf'; ")
            End With
            If IO.File.Exists(BackupFileName) Then
                '   remove temporary backup file
            End If
        End Using
        '   flag operation successful
        Return True
    End Function
    0 comments No comments

  3. Tom Phillips 17,716 Reputation points

    I suggest you read this. Specifically "GetDatabaseFileList".


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  4. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 56,766 Reputation points

    you need to understand logical files. a sqlserver database can be spread across multiple drives/files. when a database is created a logical name and file path is given to each file used by the database (the default is a log file and database file, but you can use more).

    when you restore a database, the restore need to know the physical path for each logical file name. you can skip this step if restoring to the same database as the backup was made from, because the logical names and paths are stored in the database. if you restore to a new database, then you must specify the path for each logical file. this is done with the move clause in the restore.

    if you are restore a database and do not know the logical names, then you can query the actual backup file for the logical name list.

    FROM DISK = N'C:\AdventureWorks-FullBackup.bak';

    this will return a result set with all the information for each logical drive, name. physical path, and the file group name.

    with this information you can restore a copy. you will need a new file path for each logical because the old files are in use.

    RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorksCopy
    FROM DISK = N'C:\AdventureWorks-FullBackup.bak'
    MOVE 'AdventureWorks_Data' TO 'c:\mssql\data\AdventureWorksCopy_Data.mdf',
    MOVE 'AdventureWorks_Log' TO 'c:\mssql\log\AdventureWorksCopy_Log.ldf'

    to do this pragmatically, you will need a way to assign new filenames. this will depend on how you want them placed. do you want the copies in the same folders with different names, or different folders, same name, or just a random name (typically the filename has the database name as a prefix).

    2 people found this answer helpful.

  5. Olaf Helper 40,901 Reputation points

    Logical file 'contactlist2.mdf 12/8/2021 6:13:57 pm_Data' is not

    On Windows machines a slash (/) is not allowed in a file name., also not double points (:) and some more characters.