Azure cloud translator: Free tier terms

Robert 1 Reputation point

I've read available information but I'm still confused: when free tier translator actually expires:

  • when I reach 2M per month characters quota? what does happen?
    ** I lose free tier permanently and I have to change to pay-as-you go or other plan?
    ** I temporary lose access to free service for current month?
  • Is free tier available for one year only?

Please, clarify!

Azure Translator
Azure Translator
An Azure service to easily conduct machine translation with a simple REST API call.
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  1. YutongTie-MSFT 47,336 Reputation points

    Hello @Robert

    • when I reach 2M per month characters quota? what does happen?
      You will receive below error if you are working on v3 {
      "error": {
      "message":"The operation isn't allowed because the subscription has exceeded its free quota."

    • I lose free tier permanently and I have to change to pay-as-you go or other plan?

    No, you will just receive this error until a new month.

    • I temporary lose access to free service for current month?
      Kind of, you can not send request any more of you are not upgrading your service for more quota this month.
      • Is free tier available for one year only?
        When you upgrade to S tier, I don't think you can downgrade it back to Free tier. I am sorry about that.

    Please let me know if you have any more question regarding to this question, I hope it helps.

    -Please kindly accept the answer if you feel helpful to support the community, thanks a lot.

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