IReliableDictionary3<TKey,TValue>.CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync Method




(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, Func<TKey,Boolean>)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, Func<TKey,Boolean>, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, TKey, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, Func<TKey,Boolean>, TKey, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.


(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>> CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction txn);
abstract member CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync : Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<'Key, 'Value>>>
Public Function CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (txn As ITransaction) As Task(Of IAsyncEnumerable(Of VersionedKeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)))



The transaction to associate this operation with.


A task that represents the asynchronous create enumerable operation. The task result is an enumerator for the Reliable Dictionary.


Indicates that the IReliableDictionary cannot serve reads at the moment. This exception can be thrown in all ReplicaRoles. One reason it may be thrown in the Primary role is loss of ReadStatus. One reason it may be thrown in the ActiveSecondary role is that Reliable Collection's state is not yet consistent.

The transaction has been internally faulted by the system. Retry the operation on a new transaction

Thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. Example, transaction used is already terminated: committed or aborted by the user. If this exception is thrown, it is highly likely that there is a bug in the service code of the use of transactions.

Indicates that the Reliable Dictionary is closed or deleted.


The returned enumerator is safe to use concurrently with reads and writes to the Reliable Dictionary. It represents a snapshot consistent view. Please note that GetAsyncEnumerator() needs to be called on the returned IAsyncEnumerable in order to enumerate. Example usage can be seen here.

Applies to

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, Func<TKey,Boolean>)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>> CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction txn, Func<TKey,bool> filter);
abstract member CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync : Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction * Func<'Key, bool (requires 'Key :> IComparable<'Key> and 'Key :> IEquatable<'Key>)> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<'Key, 'Value>>>
Public Function CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (txn As ITransaction, filter As Func(Of TKey, Boolean)) As Task(Of IAsyncEnumerable(Of VersionedKeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)))



The transaction to associate this operation with.


Predicate that filters the versioned key-value pairs to include in the enumeration based on the key.


A task that represents the asynchronous create enumerable operation. The task result is an enumerator for the Reliable Dictionary.


Indicates that the IReliableDictionary cannot serve reads at the moment. This exception can be thrown in all ReplicaRoles. One reason it may be thrown in the Primary role is loss of ReadStatus. One reason it may be thrown in the ActiveSecondary role is that Reliable Collection's state is not yet consistent.

The transaction has been internally faulted by the system. Retry the operation on a new transaction

Thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. Example, transaction used is already terminated: committed or aborted by the user. If this exception is thrown, it is highly likely that there is a bug in the service code of the use of transactions.

Indicates that the Reliable Dictionary is closed or deleted.


The returned enumerator is safe to use concurrently with reads and writes to the Reliable Dictionary. It represents a snapshot consistent view. Please note that GetAsyncEnumerator() needs to be called on the returned IAsyncEnumerable in order to enumerate. Example usage can be seen here.

Applies to

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>> CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction txn, TKey firstKey);
abstract member CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync : Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction * 'Key -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<'Key, 'Value>>>
Public Function CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (txn As ITransaction, firstKey As TKey) As Task(Of IAsyncEnumerable(Of VersionedKeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)))



The transaction to associate this operation with.


The key to start enumerating from in ordered enumeration.


A task that represents the asynchronous create enumerable operation. The task result is an enumerator for the Reliable Dictionary.


Indicates that the IReliableDictionary cannot serve reads at the moment. This exception can be thrown in all ReplicaRoles. One reason it may be thrown in the Primary role is loss of ReadStatus. One reason it may be thrown in the ActiveSecondary role is that Reliable Collection's state is not yet consistent.

The transaction has been internally faulted by the system. Retry the operation on a new transaction

Thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. Example, transaction used is already terminated: committed or aborted by the user. If this exception is thrown, it is highly likely that there is a bug in the service code of the use of transactions.

Indicates that the Reliable Dictionary is closed or deleted.


The returned enumerator is safe to use concurrently with reads and writes to the Reliable Dictionary. It represents a snapshot consistent view. Please note that GetAsyncEnumerator() needs to be called on the returned IAsyncEnumerable in order to enumerate. Example usage can be seen here.

Applies to

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, Func<TKey,Boolean>, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>> CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction txn, Func<TKey,bool> filter, TKey firstKey);
abstract member CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync : Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction * Func<'Key, bool (requires 'Key :> IComparable<'Key> and 'Key :> IEquatable<'Key>)> * 'Key -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<'Key, 'Value>>>
Public Function CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (txn As ITransaction, filter As Func(Of TKey, Boolean), firstKey As TKey) As Task(Of IAsyncEnumerable(Of VersionedKeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)))



The transaction to associate this operation with.


Predicate that filters the versioned key-value pairs to include in the enumeration based on the key.


The key to start enumerating from in ordered enumeration.


A task that represents the asynchronous create enumerable operation. The task result is an enumerator for the Reliable Dictionary.


Indicates that the IReliableDictionary cannot serve reads at the moment. This exception can be thrown in all ReplicaRoles. One reason it may be thrown in the Primary role is loss of ReadStatus. One reason it may be thrown in the ActiveSecondary role is that Reliable Collection's state is not yet consistent.

The transaction has been internally faulted by the system. Retry the operation on a new transaction

Thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. Example, transaction used is already terminated: committed or aborted by the user. If this exception is thrown, it is highly likely that there is a bug in the service code of the use of transactions.

Indicates that the Reliable Dictionary is closed or deleted.


The returned enumerator is safe to use concurrently with reads and writes to the Reliable Dictionary. It represents a snapshot consistent view. Please note that GetAsyncEnumerator() needs to be called on the returned IAsyncEnumerable in order to enumerate. Example usage can be seen here.

Applies to

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, TKey, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>> CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction txn, TKey firstKey, TKey lastKey);
abstract member CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync : Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction * 'Key * 'Key -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<'Key, 'Value>>>
Public Function CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (txn As ITransaction, firstKey As TKey, lastKey As TKey) As Task(Of IAsyncEnumerable(Of VersionedKeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)))



The transaction to associate this operation with.


The key to start enumerating from in ordered enumeration.


The key to stop enumerating at in ordered enumeration.


A task that represents the asynchronous create enumerable operation. The task result is an enumerator for the Reliable Dictionary.


Indicates that the IReliableDictionary cannot serve reads at the moment. This exception can be thrown in all ReplicaRoles. One reason it may be thrown in the Primary role is loss of ReadStatus. One reason it may be thrown in the ActiveSecondary role is that Reliable Collection's state is not yet consistent.

The transaction has been internally faulted by the system. Retry the operation on a new transaction

Thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. Example, transaction used is already terminated: committed or aborted by the user. If this exception is thrown, it is highly likely that there is a bug in the service code of the use of transactions.

Indicates that the Reliable Dictionary is closed or deleted.


The returned enumerator is safe to use concurrently with reads and writes to the Reliable Dictionary. It represents a snapshot consistent view. Please note that GetAsyncEnumerator() needs to be called on the returned IAsyncEnumerable in order to enumerate. Example usage can be seen here.

Applies to

CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync(ITransaction, Func<TKey,Boolean>, TKey, TKey)

(Beta) Creates an asynchronous enumerator over the IReliableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>> CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction txn, Func<TKey,bool> filter, TKey firstKey, TKey lastKey);
abstract member CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync : Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.ITransaction * Func<'Key, bool (requires 'Key :> IComparable<'Key> and 'Key :> IEquatable<'Key>)> * 'Key * 'Key -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.IAsyncEnumerable<Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.VersionedKeyValuePair<'Key, 'Value>>>
Public Function CreateVersionedEnumerableAsync (txn As ITransaction, filter As Func(Of TKey, Boolean), firstKey As TKey, lastKey As TKey) As Task(Of IAsyncEnumerable(Of VersionedKeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)))



The transaction to associate this operation with.


Predicate that filters the versioned key-value pairs to include in the enumeration based on the key.


The key to start enumerating from in ordered enumeration.


The key to stop enumerating at in ordered enumeration.


A task that represents the asynchronous create enumerable operation. The task result is an enumerator for the Reliable Dictionary.


Indicates that the IReliableDictionary cannot serve reads at the moment. This exception can be thrown in all ReplicaRoles. One reason it may be thrown in the Primary role is loss of ReadStatus. One reason it may be thrown in the ActiveSecondary role is that Reliable Collection's state is not yet consistent.

The transaction has been internally faulted by the system. Retry the operation on a new transaction

Thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. Example, transaction used is already terminated: committed or aborted by the user. If this exception is thrown, it is highly likely that there is a bug in the service code of the use of transactions.

Indicates that the Reliable Dictionary is closed or deleted.


The returned enumerator is safe to use concurrently with reads and writes to the Reliable Dictionary. It represents a snapshot consistent view. Please note that GetAsyncEnumerator() needs to be called on the returned IAsyncEnumerable in order to enumerate. Example usage can be seen here.

Applies to