Matrix3x2 Struct


Represents a 3x2 matrix.

public value class Matrix3x2 : IEquatable<System::Numerics::Matrix3x2>
public struct Matrix3x2 : IEquatable<System.Numerics.Matrix3x2>
type Matrix3x2 = struct
Public Structure Matrix3x2
Implements IEquatable(Of Matrix3x2)


For matrix transformations, the Vector2, Vector3, and Vector4 instances are represented as rows: a vector v is transformed by a matrix M with vM multiplication.


Matrix3x2(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)

Creates a 3x2 matrix from the specified components.



The first element of the first row.


The second element of the first row.


The first element of the second row.


The second element of the second row.


The first element of the third row.


The second element of the third row.



Gets the multiplicative identity matrix.


Indicates whether the current matrix is the identity matrix.

Item[Int32, Int32]

Gets or sets the element at the specified indices.


Gets or sets the translation component of this matrix.


Add(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Adds each element in one matrix with its corresponding element in a second matrix.

CreateRotation(Single, Vector2)

Creates a rotation matrix using the specified rotation in radians and a center point.


Creates a rotation matrix using the given rotation in radians.

CreateScale(Single, Single, Vector2)

Creates a scaling matrix that is offset by a given center point.

CreateScale(Single, Single)

Creates a scaling matrix from the specified X and Y components.

CreateScale(Single, Vector2)

Creates a scaling matrix that scales uniformly with the specified scale with an offset from the specified center.


Creates a scaling matrix that scales uniformly with the given scale.

CreateScale(Vector2, Vector2)

Creates a scaling matrix from the specified vector scale with an offset from the specified center point.


Creates a scaling matrix from the specified vector scale.

CreateSkew(Single, Single, Vector2)

Creates a skew matrix from the specified angles in radians and a center point.

CreateSkew(Single, Single)

Creates a skew matrix from the specified angles in radians.

CreateTranslation(Single, Single)

Creates a translation matrix from the specified X and Y components.


Creates a translation matrix from the specified 2-dimensional vector.


Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another 3x2 matrix are equal.


Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.


Calculates the determinant for this matrix.


Returns the hash code for this instance.

Invert(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Inverts the specified matrix. The return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.

Lerp(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2, Single)

Performs a linear interpolation from one matrix to a second matrix based on a value that specifies the weighting of the second matrix.

Multiply(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Returns the matrix that results from multiplying two matrices together.

Multiply(Matrix3x2, Single)

Returns the matrix that results from scaling all the elements of a specified matrix by a scalar factor.


Negates the specified matrix by multiplying all its values by -1.

Subtract(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Subtracts each element in a second matrix from its corresponding element in a first matrix.


Returns a string that represents this matrix.


Addition(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Adds each element in one matrix with its corresponding element in a second matrix.

Equality(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Returns a value that indicates whether the specified matrices are equal.

Inequality(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Returns a value that indicates whether the specified matrices are not equal.

Multiply(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Returns the matrix that results from multiplying two matrices together.

Multiply(Matrix3x2, Single)

Returns the matrix that results from scaling all the elements of a specified matrix by a scalar factor.

Subtraction(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2)

Subtracts each element in a second matrix from its corresponding element in a first matrix.


Negates the specified matrix by multiplying all its values by -1.

Applies to