NotifyDataErrorValidationRule Class


Represents a rule that checks for errors that are raised by a data source that implements INotifyDataErrorInfo.

public ref class NotifyDataErrorValidationRule sealed : System::Windows::Controls::ValidationRule
public sealed class NotifyDataErrorValidationRule : System.Windows.Controls.ValidationRule
type NotifyDataErrorValidationRule = class
    inherit ValidationRule
Public NotInheritable Class NotifyDataErrorValidationRule
Inherits ValidationRule


The WPF data binding model enables you to associate ValidationRules with a Binding or BindingGroup object. The NotifyDataErrorValidationRule class is a built-in rule that checks for exceptions that are thrown during the updates of the binding source property. You can provide custom logic to specify how the binding engine handles these exceptions by using a UpdateSourceExceptionFilterCallback. For more information, see UpdateSourceExceptionFilter.

An alternative syntax to setting the NotifyDataErrorValidationRule explicitly is to set the ValidatesOnExceptions property to true on your Binding, MultiBinding, or BindingGroup object. By default, the value of ValidatesOnExceptions is true, so you do not need to explicitly use a NotifyDataErrorValidationRule.

You can create a custom rule by creating a class that derives from ValidationRule. For more information and a detailed discussion of data validation, see Data Binding Overview.



Creates a new instance of the NotifyDataErrorValidationRule class.



Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the validation rule runs when the target of the Binding is updated.

(Inherited from ValidationRule)

Gets or sets when the validation rule runs.

(Inherited from ValidationRule)



Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)
Validate(Object, CultureInfo, BindingExpressionBase)

Performs validation checks on a value.

(Inherited from ValidationRule)
Validate(Object, CultureInfo, BindingGroup)

Performs validation checks on a value.

(Inherited from ValidationRule)
Validate(Object, CultureInfo)

Performs validation checks on a value.

Applies to