secureScoreControlProfile resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Represents a tenant's secure score per control data. By default, this resource returns all controls for a tenant and can explicitly pull individual controls.
Method | Return Type | Description |
List secure score control profiles | secureScoreControlProfile | Read properties and metadata of a secureScoreControlProfiles object. |
Get secure score control profile | securescorecontrolprofile | Read properties and metadata of a secureScoreControlProfiles object. |
Update secure score control profiles | securescorecontrolprofile | Update an securescorecontrolprofile object. |
Name | Type | Description |
actionType | String | Control action type (Config, Review, Behavior). |
actionUrl | String | URL to where the control can be actioned. |
azureTenantId | String | GUID string for tenant ID. |
complianceInformation | complianceInformation collection | The collection of compliance information associated with secure score control |
controlCategory | String | Control action category (Identity, Data, Device, Apps, Infrastructure). |
controlStateUpdates | secureScoreControlStateUpdate collection | Flag to indicate where the tenant has marked a control (ignored, thirdParty, reviewed) (supports update). |
deprecated | Boolean | Flag to indicate if a control is depreciated. |
id | String | Provider-generated GUID/unique identifier. Read-only. Required. |
implementationCost | String | Resource cost of implemmentating control (low, moderate, high). |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Time at which the control profile entity was last modified. The Timestamp type represents date and time |
maxScore | Double | max attainable score for the control. |
rank | Int32 | Microsoft's stack ranking of control. |
remediation | String | Description of what the control will help remediate. |
remediationImpact | String | Description of the impact on users of the remediation. |
service | String | Service that owns the control (Exchange, Sharepoint, Microsoft Entra ID). |
threats | String collection | List of threats the control mitigates (accountBreach, dataDeletion, dataExfiltration, dataSpillage, elevationOfPrivilege, maliciousInsider, passwordCracking, phishingOrWhaling, spoofing). |
tier | String | Control tier (Core, Defense in Depth, Advanced.) |
title | String | Title of the control. |
userImpact | String | User impact of implementing control (low, moderate, high). |
vendorInformation | securityVendorInformation | Complex type containing details about the security product/service vendor, provider, and subprovider (for example, vendor=Microsoft; provider=SecureScore). Required. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"actionType": "String",
"actionUrl": "String",
"azureTenantId": "String",
"complianceInformation": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.complianceInformation"}],
"controlCategory": "String",
"controlStateUpdates": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.secureScoreControlStateUpdate"}],
"deprecated": "Boolean",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"implementationCost": "String",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"maxScore": "Double",
"rank": "Int32",
"remediation": "String",
"remediationImpact": "String",
"service": "String",
"threats": ["String"],
"tier": "String",
"title": "String",
"userImpact": "String",
"vendorInformation": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.securityVendorInformation"}