Accessibility properties for Power Apps

Configuration of properties that aid alternative ways of interacting with controls suitable for users with disabilities.



Label for screen readers.

An empty value for Image, Icon, and Shape controls will hide the controls from screen reader users.


How screen readers should announce changes to content. Available only in the Label control.

  • When set to Off, the screen reader doesn't announce changes.
  • When set to Polite, the screen reader finishes speaking before announcing any changes that occurred while the screen reader was speaking.
  • When set to Assertive, the screen reader interrupts itself to announce any changes that occurred while the screen reader was speaking.

Learn how to announce dynamic changes with live regions.


Intended purpose of a control. Available only in the Label control.

This lets screen reader users know whether a Label is a heading and allows them to navigate quickly to different parts of the app. There should be exactly one Heading1 in each screen that serves as the main heading. Use Heading2 for subheadings. Heading3 and Heading4 can be used for finer hierarchies of headings.

Use Default for normal text.

AcceptsFocus and TabIndex

Determines if the control participates in keyboard navigation.

You can use AcceptsFocus to configure keyboard navigation for modern controls. Classic controls use TabIndex.

AcceptsFocus TabIndex Behavior Default for
true 0 or greater Control participates in keyboard navigation, unless it's hidden or disabled. Button, Text input, Combo box, and other typically interactive controls.
false −1 or less than 0 Control does not participate in keyboard navigation. Label, Image, Icon, and other typically non-interactive controls.

Any keyboard navigation sequence can be achieved with just these properties, along with the use of the Container control. For TabIndex, we recommend using either 0 or -1 for simplicity.

Controls that have a Visible property value of false or a DisplayMode property value of Disabled are not included in keyboard navigation.


TabIndex only affects keyboard navigation. A logical control order is still necessary for screen reader users to understand app structure. Some screen reader users don't even use keyboards.

See also