Filter, sort, and search galleries with Copilot (preview)

[This article is prerelease documentation and is subject to change.]

You can use Copilot to quickly filter, sort, and search the items in canvas app galleries. Copilot uses a natural language expression to generate a query to the database that scopes the current view of records in a gallery or grid so users can quickly find the records they need.

Filter, sort, and search galleries with Copilot supports three key kinds of commands:

  • Filter the list of records to a specific set with complex criteria. This list includes and and or statements and relational operators such as equal, greater than, and more).
  • Sort the list of records, such as in ascending or descending order.
  • Search for a specific set of records using starts with text.

Copilot doesn't support aggregate queries, for example, top, min, max, sum, and average, as these answers can't be shown as a list of records.

Filter, sort, and search galleries with Copilot provides five key benefits:

  • Copilot enables natural language commands. Users can express commands (filter, sort, and search) in natural language. The prompt user interface (UI) helps users formulate sentences by showing different examples of natural language sentences that work.
  • Copilot enables queries over the full query result. Users can filter, sort, and search on fields even if the application doesn't provide UI controls for these tasks. For example, you can search for records even if the application doesn't have a search bar.
  • Copilot saves development time. Authors save time developing apps because they don't need to develop all the UI controls necessary for the app. Instead, they can rely on Copilot for this functionality.
  • Copilot is query safe. It only generates queries that can be run on the server. Authors don't need to worry about whether or not their queries can be delegated.
  • Copilot keeps private data private. It only works with the data that is normally returned to the application. It doesn't access fields that aren't returned to the app in a gallery/grid or form.


  • This feature is not yet available and is expected to begin rollout as on-by-default in late June. However, if you turn the feature off before the release, the feature should be turned off when it rolls out to you.
  • To use this feature, your environment must be in a region with GPU (graphics processing unit) capacity, or your tenant must have the Move data across regions checkbox selected. Learn more: Turn on copilots and generative AI features
  • To use this feature, the browser language must be US English.
  • This capability is powered by Azure OpenAI Service.
  • This capability may be subject to usage limits or capacity throttling.
  • Copilot isn't supported and won't work for environments that have customer-managed key (CMK) or have lockbox.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.
  • This feature is designed for galleries that use SharePoint as their sole data source. More data sources are planned to have this capability in the future. SharePoint only supports filter, sort, and search. When this feature is extended to other data sources, this feature will still only support filter, sort, and search.
  • Filters, sorts, and searches are restricted to actions that can be run on the server—all actions can be delegated. For a complete list of actions that can be delegated for SharePoint, see Power Apps delegable functions and operations for SharePoint.
  • For more information about the preview, go to our preview terms.

Use this feature

  1. Select an item in the gallery.
  2. The option to Sort, filter, and search with Copilot should appear. Select that option.
  3. Write your desired filter, sort, or search query into the text box or select one of the suggested queries.


    You must enter the text in English. This feature only supports the English language at this time.

  4. Select the Send icon.
  5. Copilot updates the gallery for you. Review the filters applied. The following options are available:
    • If you want to remove any filters you have applied, select the x on the tag displaying the filter you want to remove.
    • To clear all applied filters, select the trash icon button.
    • If you're satisfied with the filters that are applied to the gallery, select Keep it. You can always go back and remove or add more filters.

You can turn off gallery filtering for an app or an environment using a PowerShell cmdlet.


  • When using PowerShell cmdlets, you must use the latest Power Apps admin PowerShell module version. More information: Get started using the Power Apps admin module
  • If an admin has turned off this feature at the environment-level, this feature isn't available for any apps in that environment.
  • The PowerShell cmdlets may take up to two hours to take effect.
  • This feature is not yet available and is expected to begin rollout as on-by-default in early June. However, if you turn the feature off before the release, the feature should be turned off when it rolls out to you.

You can use a PowerShell cmdlet to turn off this setting for an app.

To turn off for an app using PowerShell:

Set-PowerAppSettings -AppName 'AppName' -CanvasGalleryFilteringCopilotEnabled $false

To turn off gallery filtering for a specific environment, use the following cmdlet.

Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentCopilotSettings -EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName' -CanvasAppGalleryFilterCopilotEnabled $false

Known issue