Exercise - Add and manage participants for an engagement opportunity


This exercise will take you through how to add and approve an application for an engagement opportunity and allocate participants to a schedule. You'll then mark participant attendance for the engagement opportunity.

Learning objectives

At the end of this exercise, you'll be able to accomplish the following:

  • Add participants to an engagement opportunity

  • Create a schedule for participants

  • Record participant attendance

Sample data

Before you begin, to achieve the maximum effect for this lab and the other labs, it's recommended that you deploy Volunteer Management with the sample data. For more information, see Deploy Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofits.

Add a participant to an engagement opportunity

  1. In Volunteer Management, select the Volunteering area from the bottom of the screen.

  2. Select Engagements from the left navigation menu.

  3. Open the Invasive Species Removal engagement opportunity.

  4. From the Participants section on the record, select +New Participation.

  5. Select Ashley Schroeder in the contact lookup column.

  6. Ensure the participation status is set to Needs Review, then select Save and Close.

  7. You should see Ashley appear in the participants list.

Create a participation schedule

  1. From the participants list on the engagement opportunity, select to open Ashley Schroeder's participation record.

  2. Change the Participation Status to Approved and Save the participation record.

  3. With Ashley's participation record still open, select +New Participation Schedule from the Associated Shifts section.

  4. Select Afternoon Shift - Invasive Species Removal in the schedule lookup column. Ensure the schedule status is set to pending.

  5. Select Save and Close to save the shift.

  6. Select Save & Close to close the participation record and return to the Invasive Species Removal engagement opportunity.

  7. You'll see that the number of participants in the Afternoon Shift, found in the Sign Up Status section of record, will be updated.

Record participant attendance

  1. To mark that Ashley attended the engagement, from the Invasive Species Removal engagement opportunity, select Ashley Schroeder's participation record.

  2. From the participation record, select to open the Afternoon Shift from the Associated Shifts section.

  3. Change the Schedule Status to Completed.

  4. Save and Close the participation schedule record.