Create a Kubernetes cluster, or have access to an existing one.
Single-node clusters work well for development and evaluation purposes. Use Kubernetes Certified multi-node clusters on-premises or in the cloud for production workloads.
The following steps deploy the self-hosted gateway to Kubernetes and enable authentication to the API Management instance by using a gateway access token (authentication key). You can also deploy the self-hosted gateway to Kubernetes and enable authentication to the API Management instance by using Microsoft Entra ID.
Select Gateways under Deployment and infrastructure.
Select the self-hosted gateway resource that you want to deploy.
Select Deployment.
An access token in the Token text box was auto-generated for you, based on the default Expiry and Secret key values. If needed, choose values in either or both controls to generate a new token.
Select the Kubernetes tab under Deployment scripts.
Select the <gateway-name>.yml file link and download the YAML file.
Select the copy icon at the lower-right corner of the Deploy text box to save the kubectl commands to the clipboard.
When using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), run az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <resource-name> --admin in a new terminal session.
Run the commands to create the necessary Kubernetes objects in the default namespace and start self-hosted gateway pods from the container image downloaded from the Microsoft Artifact Registry.
The first step creates a Kubernetes secret that contains the access token generated in step 4. Next, it creates a Kubernetes deployment for the self-hosted gateway which uses a ConfigMap with the configuration of the gateway.
Confirm that the gateway is running
Run the following command to check if the deployment succeeded. It might take a little time for all the objects to be created and for the pods to initialize.
kubectl get deployments
It should return
<gateway-name> 1/1 1 1 18s
Run the following command to check if the services were successfully created. Your service IPs and ports will be different.
kubectl get services
It should return
<gateway-name>-live-traffic ClusterIP None <none> 4290/UDP,4291/UDP 9m1s
<gateway-name>-instance-discovery LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31620/TCP,443:30456/TCP 9m1s
Go back to the Azure portal and select Overview.
Confirm that Status shows a green check mark, followed by a node count that matches the number of replicas specified in the YAML file. This status means the deployed self-hosted gateway pods are successfully communicating with the API Management service and have a regular "heartbeat."
Run the kubectl logs deployment/<gateway-name> command to view logs from a randomly selected pod if there's more than one.
Run kubectl logs -h for a complete set of command options, such as how to view logs for a specific pod or container.