
Споделяне чрез

InstanceDataCollection Class


Provides a strongly typed collection of InstanceData objects.

public ref class InstanceDataCollection : System::Collections::DictionaryBase
public class InstanceDataCollection : System.Collections.DictionaryBase
type InstanceDataCollection = class
    inherit DictionaryBase
Public Class InstanceDataCollection
Inherits DictionaryBase


The following code example displays the instance data for a particular PerformanceCounterCategory on the local computer. It first displays a numbered list of PerformanceCounterCategory names. After the user enters the number of one of the categories, the example gets the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for that PerformanceCounterCategory. It then converts the collection returned by Values to an array of InstanceDataCollection objects. The example also displays the instance data associated with each InstanceData of each InstanceDataCollection.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;

class InstDataKeysValuesMod

    private static string categoryName;

    public static void Main()
        string catNumStr;
        int categoryNum;

        PerformanceCounterCategory[] categories = PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories();

        Console.WriteLine("These categories are registered on this computer:");

        int catX;
        for(catX=0; catX<categories.Length; catX++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX+1, categories[catX].CategoryName);

        // Ask the user to choose a category.
        Console.Write("Enter the category number from the above list: ");
        catNumStr = Console.ReadLine();

        // Validate the entered category number.
            categoryNum = int.Parse(catNumStr);
            if (categoryNum<1||categoryNum>categories.Length)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("The category number must be in the " +
                    "range 1..{0}.", categories.Length));
            categoryName = categories[(categoryNum - 1)].CategoryName;
        catch(Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" is not a valid category number." +
                "\r\n{1}", catNumStr, ex.Message);

        // Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        PerformanceCounterCategory pcc = new PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName);
        InstanceDataCollectionCollection idColCol = pcc.ReadCategory();

        ICollection idColColKeys = idColCol.Keys;
        string[] idCCKeysArray = new string[idColColKeys.Count];
        idColColKeys.CopyTo(idCCKeysArray, 0);

        ICollection idColColValues = idColCol.Values;
        InstanceDataCollection[] idCCValuesArray = new InstanceDataCollection[idColColValues.Count];
        idColColValues.CopyTo(idCCValuesArray, 0);

        Console.WriteLine("InstanceDataCollectionCollection for \"{0}\" " +
            "has {1} elements.", categoryName, idColCol.Count);

        // Display the InstanceDataCollectionCollection Keys and Values.
        // The Keys and Values collections have the same number of elements.
        int index;
        for(index=0; index<idCCKeysArray.Length; index++)
            Console.WriteLine("  Next InstanceDataCollectionCollection " +
                "Key is \"{0}\"", idCCKeysArray[index]);

    // Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
    public static void ProcessInstanceDataCollection(InstanceDataCollection idCol)

        ICollection idColKeys = idCol.Keys;
        string[] idColKeysArray = new string[idColKeys.Count];
        idColKeys.CopyTo(idColKeysArray, 0);

        ICollection idColValues = idCol.Values;
        InstanceData[] idColValuesArray = new InstanceData[idColValues.Count];
        idColValues.CopyTo(idColValuesArray, 0);

        Console.WriteLine("  InstanceDataCollection for \"{0}\" " +
            "has {1} elements.", idCol.CounterName, idCol.Count);

        // Display the InstanceDataCollection Keys and Values.
        // The Keys and Values collections have the same number of elements.
        int index;
        for(index=0; index<idColKeysArray.Length; index++)
            Console.WriteLine("    Next InstanceDataCollection " +
                "Key is \"{0}\"", idColKeysArray[index]);

    // Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
    public static void ProcessInstanceDataObject(InstanceData instData)
        CounterSample sample = instData.Sample;

        Console.WriteLine("    From InstanceData:\r\n      " +
            "InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", instData.InstanceName, instData.Sample.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("    From CounterSample:\r\n      " +
            "CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}\r\n" +
            "      BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}\r\n" +
            "      CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}\r\n" +
            "      TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Collections

Module InstDataKeysValuesMod

    Private categoryName As String

    Sub Main()
        Dim catNumStr As String
        Dim categoryNum As Integer

        Dim categories As PerformanceCounterCategory() = _

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "These categories are registered on this computer:")

        Dim catX As Integer
        For catX = 0 To categories.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX + 1, _
        Next catX

        ' Ask the user to choose a category.
        Console.Write( _
            "Enter the category number from the above list: ")
        catNumStr = Console.ReadLine()

        ' Validate the entered category number.
            categoryNum = Integer.Parse(catNumStr)
            If categoryNum < 1 Or categoryNum > categories.Length Then
                Throw New Exception( _
                    String.Format("The category number must be in the " & _
                        "range 1..{0}.", categories.Length))
            End If
            categoryName = categories((categoryNum - 1)).CategoryName

        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("""{0}"" is not a valid category number." & _
                vbCrLf & "{1}", catNumStr, ex.Message)
        End Try

        ' Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        Dim pcc As New PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName)
        Dim idColCol As InstanceDataCollectionCollection = pcc.ReadCategory()

        Dim idColColKeys As ICollection = idColCol.Keys
        Dim idCCKeysArray(idColColKeys.Count - 1) As String
        idColColKeys.CopyTo(idCCKeysArray, 0)

        Dim idColColValues As ICollection = idColCol.Values
        Dim idCCValuesArray(idColColValues.Count - 1) As InstanceDataCollection
        idColColValues.CopyTo(idCCValuesArray, 0)

        Console.WriteLine("InstanceDataCollectionCollection for ""{0}"" " & _
            "has {1} elements.", categoryName, idColCol.Count)

        ' Display the InstanceDataCollectionCollection Keys and Values.
        ' The Keys and Values collections have the same number of elements.
        Dim index As Integer
        For index = 0 To idCCKeysArray.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("  Next InstanceDataCollectionCollection " & _
                "Key is ""{0}""", idCCKeysArray(index))
        Next index
    End Sub

    ' Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
    Sub ProcessInstanceDataCollection(ByVal idCol As InstanceDataCollection)

        Dim idColKeys As ICollection = idCol.Keys
        Dim idColKeysArray(idColKeys.Count - 1) As String
        idColKeys.CopyTo(idColKeysArray, 0)

        Dim idColValues As ICollection = idCol.Values
        Dim idColValuesArray(idColValues.Count - 1) As InstanceData
        idColValues.CopyTo(idColValuesArray, 0)

        Console.WriteLine("  InstanceDataCollection for ""{0}"" " & _
            "has {1} elements.", idCol.CounterName, idCol.Count)

        ' Display the InstanceDataCollection Keys and Values.
        ' The Keys and Values collections have the same number of elements.
        Dim index As Integer
        For index = 0 To idColKeysArray.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("    Next InstanceDataCollection " & _
                "Key is ""{0}""", idColKeysArray(index))
        Next index
    End Sub

    ' Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
    Sub ProcessInstanceDataObject(ByVal instData As InstanceData)
        Dim sample As CounterSample = instData.Sample

        Console.WriteLine("    From InstanceData:" & vbCrLf & "      " & _
            "InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", _
            instData.InstanceName, instData.Sample.RawValue)
        Console.WriteLine("    From CounterSample:" & vbCrLf & "      " & _
            "CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}" & vbCrLf & _
            "      BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}" & vbCrLf & _
            "      CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}" & vbCrLf & _
            "      TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", _
            sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, _
            sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, _
            sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec)
    End Sub
End Module


The InstanceDataCollection class represents a collection containing all the instance data for a counter. This collection is contained in the InstanceDataCollectionCollection when using the ReadCategory method.



Initializes a new instance of the InstanceDataCollection class, using the specified performance counter (which defines a performance instance).



Gets the number of elements contained in the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets the name of the performance counter whose instance data you want to get.


Gets the list of elements contained in the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets the list of elements contained in the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets the instance data associated with this counter. This is typically a set of raw counter values.


Gets the object and counter registry keys for the objects associated with this instance data.


Gets the raw counter values that comprise the instance data for the counter.



Clears the contents of the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Determines whether a performance instance with a specified name (identified by one of the indexed InstanceData objects) exists in the collection.

CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Copies the DictionaryBase elements to a one-dimensional Array at the specified index.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
CopyTo(InstanceData[], Int32)

Copies the items in the collection to the specified one-dimensional array at the specified index.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator that iterates through the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Performs additional custom processes before clearing the contents of the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Performs additional custom processes after clearing the contents of the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnGet(Object, Object)

Gets the element with the specified key and value in the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnInsert(Object, Object)

Performs additional custom processes before inserting a new element into the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnInsertComplete(Object, Object)

Performs additional custom processes after inserting a new element into the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnRemove(Object, Object)

Performs additional custom processes before removing an element from the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnRemoveComplete(Object, Object)

Performs additional custom processes after removing an element from the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnSet(Object, Object, Object)

Performs additional custom processes before setting a value in the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnSetComplete(Object, Object, Object)

Performs additional custom processes after setting a value in the DictionaryBase instance.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
OnValidate(Object, Object)

Performs additional custom processes when validating the element with the specified key and value.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Explicit Interface Implementations


Gets a value indicating whether access to a DictionaryBase object is synchronized (thread safe).

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to a DictionaryBase object.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)
IDictionary.Add(Object, Object)

Adds an element with the specified key and value into the DictionaryBase.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Determines whether the DictionaryBase contains a specific key.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets a value indicating whether a DictionaryBase object has a fixed size.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets a value indicating whether a DictionaryBase object is read-only.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets an ICollection object containing the keys in the DictionaryBase object.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Removes the element with the specified key from the DictionaryBase.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Gets an ICollection object containing the values in the DictionaryBase object.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Returns an IEnumerator that iterates through the DictionaryBase.

(Inherited from DictionaryBase)

Extension Methods


Casts the elements of an IEnumerable to the specified type.


Filters the elements of an IEnumerable based on a specified type.


Enables parallelization of a query.


Converts an IEnumerable to an IQueryable.

Applies to

See also