
Споделяне чрез

AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute Method


Sets a custom attribute on this assembly.



Set a custom attribute on this assembly using a custom attribute builder.

SetCustomAttribute(ConstructorInfo, Byte[])

Set a custom attribute on this assembly using a specified custom attribute blob.



Set a custom attribute on this assembly using a custom attribute builder.

 void SetCustomAttribute(System::Reflection::Emit::CustomAttributeBuilder ^ customBuilder);
public void SetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder);
member this.SetCustomAttribute : System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder -> unit
Public Sub SetCustomAttribute (customBuilder As CustomAttributeBuilder)



An instance of a helper class to define the custom attribute.


con is null.

The caller does not have the required permission.


The following code sample illustrates the use of SetCustomAttribute within AssemblyBuilder, using a CustomAttributeBuilder.

public ref class MyAttribute: public Attribute
   String^ s;
   int x;
   MyAttribute( String^ s, int x )
      this->s = s;
      this->x = x;

Type^ CreateCallee( AppDomain^ domain )
   AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
   myAssemblyName->Name = "EmittedAssembly";
   AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly = domain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::Run );
   Type^ myType = MyAttribute::typeid;
   array<Type^>^temp0 = {String::typeid,int::typeid};
   ConstructorInfo^ infoConstructor = myType->GetConstructor( temp0 );
   array<Object^>^temp1 = {"Hello",2};
   CustomAttributeBuilder^ attributeBuilder = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder( infoConstructor,temp1 );
   myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( attributeBuilder );
   ModuleBuilder^ myModule = myAssembly->DefineDynamicModule( "EmittedModule" );
   // Define a public class named "HelloWorld" in the assembly.
   TypeBuilder^ helloWorldClass = myModule->DefineType( "HelloWorld", TypeAttributes::Public );
   return (helloWorldClass->CreateType());

int main()
   Type^ customAttribute = CreateCallee( Thread::GetDomain() );
   array<Object^>^attributes = customAttribute->Assembly->GetCustomAttributes( true );
   Console::WriteLine( "MyAttribute custom attribute contains : " );
   for ( int index = 0; index < attributes->Length; index++ )
      if ( dynamic_cast<MyAttribute^>(attributes[ index ]) )
         Console::WriteLine( "s : {0}", (dynamic_cast<MyAttribute^>(attributes[ index ]))->s );
         Console::WriteLine( "x : {0}", (dynamic_cast<MyAttribute^>(attributes[ index ]))->x );
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
   public String s;
   public int x;

   public MyAttribute(String s, int x)
      this.s = s;
      this.x = x;

class MyApplication
   public static void Main()
      Type customAttribute = CreateCallee(Thread.GetDomain());
      object[] attributes = customAttribute.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(true);
      Console.WriteLine("MyAttribute custom attribute contains : ");
      for(int index=0; index < attributes.Length; index++)
         if(attributes[index] is MyAttribute)
            Console.WriteLine("s : " + ((MyAttribute)attributes[index]).s);
            Console.WriteLine("x : " + ((MyAttribute)attributes[index]).x);

   private static Type CreateCallee(AppDomain domain)
      AssemblyName myAssemblyName = new AssemblyName();
      myAssemblyName.Name = "EmittedAssembly";
      AssemblyBuilder myAssembly = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAssemblyName,
      Type myType = typeof(MyAttribute);
      ConstructorInfo infoConstructor = myType.GetConstructor(new Type[2]{typeof(String), typeof(int)});
      CustomAttributeBuilder attributeBuilder =
         new CustomAttributeBuilder(infoConstructor, new object[2]{"Hello", 2});
      ModuleBuilder myModule = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule("EmittedModule");
      // Define a public class named "HelloWorld" in the assembly.
      TypeBuilder helloWorldClass = myModule.DefineType("HelloWorld", TypeAttributes.Public);

<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple := False)>  _
Public Class MyAttribute
   Inherits Attribute
   Public s As String
   Public x As Integer

   Public Sub New(s As String, x As Integer)
      Me.s = s
      Me.x = x
   End Sub
End Class

Class MyApplication
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim customAttribute As Type = CreateCallee(Thread.GetDomain())
      Dim attributes As Object() = customAttribute.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(True)
      Console.WriteLine("MyAttribute custom attribute contains : ")
      Dim index As Integer
      For index = 0 To attributes.Length - 1
         If TypeOf attributes(index) Is MyAttribute Then
            Console.WriteLine("s : " + CType(attributes(index), MyAttribute).s)
            Console.WriteLine("x : " + CType(attributes(index), MyAttribute).x.ToString())
            Exit For
         End If
      Next index
   End Sub

   Private Shared Function CreateCallee(domain As AppDomain) As Type
      Dim myAssemblyName As New AssemblyName()
      myAssemblyName.Name = "EmittedAssembly"
      Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = _
                     domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run)
      Dim myType As Type = GetType(MyAttribute)
      Dim infoConstructor As ConstructorInfo = _
                     myType.GetConstructor(New Type(1) {GetType(String), GetType(Integer)})
      Dim attributeBuilder As New CustomAttributeBuilder(infoConstructor, New Object(1) {"Hello", 2})
      Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule("EmittedModule")
      ' Define a public class named "HelloWorld" in the assembly.
      Dim helloWorldClass As TypeBuilder = myModule.DefineType("HelloWorld", TypeAttributes.Public)
      Return helloWorldClass.CreateType()
   End Function 'CreateCallee
End Class



SetCustomAttribute cannot be used to set declarative security attributes. Use one of the overloads of DefineDynamicAssembly that takes required, optional, and refused permissions.


Starting with the .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1, this member no longer requires ReflectionPermission with the ReflectionPermissionFlag.ReflectionEmit flag. (See Security Issues in Reflection Emit.) To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework 3.5 or later.

Applies to

SetCustomAttribute(ConstructorInfo, Byte[])


Set a custom attribute on this assembly using a specified custom attribute blob.

 void SetCustomAttribute(System::Reflection::ConstructorInfo ^ con, cli::array <System::Byte> ^ binaryAttribute);
public void SetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo con, byte[] binaryAttribute);
public void SetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo con, byte[] binaryAttribute);
member this.SetCustomAttribute : System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo * byte[] -> unit
member this.SetCustomAttribute : System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo * byte[] -> unit
Public Sub SetCustomAttribute (con As ConstructorInfo, binaryAttribute As Byte())



The constructor for the custom attribute.


A byte blob representing the attributes.



con or binaryAttribute is null.

The caller does not have the required permission.

con is not a RuntimeConstructorInfo object.


The following code sample illustrates the use of SetCustomAttribute to attach a custom attribute to a dynamically generated assembly.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;

public ref class MyAttribute: public Attribute
   bool s;
   MyAttribute( bool s )
      this->s = s;

Type^ CreateCallee( AppDomain^ domain )
   AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
   myAssemblyName->Name = "EmittedAssembly";
   AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly = domain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::Run );
   Type^ myType = MyAttribute::typeid;
   array<Type^>^temp0 = {bool::typeid};
   ConstructorInfo^ infoConstructor = myType->GetConstructor( temp0 );
   array<Byte>^temp1 = {01,00,01};
   myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( infoConstructor, temp1 );
   ModuleBuilder^ myModule = myAssembly->DefineDynamicModule( "EmittedModule" );

   // Define a public class named "HelloWorld" in the assembly.
   TypeBuilder^ helloWorldClass = myModule->DefineType( "HelloWorld", TypeAttributes::Public );
   return (helloWorldClass->CreateType());

int main()
   Type^ customAttribute = CreateCallee( Thread::GetDomain() );
   array<Object^>^attributes = customAttribute->Assembly->GetCustomAttributes( true );
   Console::WriteLine( "MyAttribute custom attribute contains : " );
   for ( int index = 0; index < attributes->Length; index++ )
      if ( dynamic_cast<MyAttribute^>(attributes[ index ]) )
         Console::WriteLine( "s : {0}", (dynamic_cast<MyAttribute^>(attributes[ index ]))->s );
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
   public bool s;

   public MyAttribute(bool s)
      this.s = s;

class MyApplication
   public static void Main()
      Type customAttribute = CreateCallee(Thread.GetDomain());
      object[] attributes = customAttribute.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(true);
      Console.WriteLine("MyAttribute custom attribute contains : ");
      for(int index=0; index < attributes.Length; index++)
         if(attributes[index] is MyAttribute)
            Console.WriteLine("s : " + ((MyAttribute)attributes[index]).s);

   private static Type CreateCallee(AppDomain domain)
      AssemblyName myAssemblyName = new AssemblyName();
      myAssemblyName.Name = "EmittedAssembly";
      AssemblyBuilder myAssembly = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAssemblyName,
      Type myType = typeof(MyAttribute);
      ConstructorInfo infoConstructor = myType.GetConstructor(new Type[]{typeof(bool)});
      myAssembly.SetCustomAttribute(infoConstructor, new byte[]{01,00,01});
      ModuleBuilder myModule = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule("EmittedModule");
      // Define a public class named "HelloWorld" in the assembly.
      TypeBuilder helloWorldClass = myModule.DefineType("HelloWorld", TypeAttributes.Public);

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit

<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple := False)>  _
Public Class MyAttribute
   Inherits Attribute
   Public s As Boolean
   Public Sub New(s As Boolean)
      Me.s = s
   End Sub
End Class

Class MyApplication
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim customAttribute As Type = CreateCallee(Thread.GetDomain())
      Dim attributes As Object() = customAttribute.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(True)
      Console.WriteLine("MyAttribute custom attribute contains : ")
      Dim index As Integer
      For index = 0 To attributes.Length - 1
         If TypeOf attributes(index) Is MyAttribute Then
            Console.WriteLine("s : " + CType(attributes(index), MyAttribute).s.ToString())
            Exit For
         End If
      Next index
   End Sub
   Private Shared Function CreateCallee(domain As AppDomain) As Type
      Dim myAssemblyName As New AssemblyName()
      myAssemblyName.Name = "EmittedAssembly"
      Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAssemblyName, _
      Dim myType As Type = GetType(MyAttribute)
      Dim infoConstructor As ConstructorInfo = myType.GetConstructor(New Type() {GetType(Boolean)})
      myAssembly.SetCustomAttribute(infoConstructor, New Byte() {01, 00, 01})
      Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule("EmittedModule")
      ' Define a public class named "HelloWorld" in the assembly.
      Dim helloWorldClass As TypeBuilder = myModule.DefineType("HelloWorld", TypeAttributes.Public)
      Return helloWorldClass.CreateType()
   End Function 'CreateCallee
End Class


For information on how to format binaryAttribute, see the metadata specification in Partition II of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification.

RuntimeConstructorInfo is a special type generated by the system. It derives from the ConstructorInfo class, and any ConstructorInfo object you obtain through reflection is actually an instance of RuntimeConstructorInfo.


SetCustomAttribute cannot be used to set declarative security attributes. Use one of the overloads of DefineDynamicAssembly that takes required, optional, and refused permissions.


Starting with the .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1, this member no longer requires ReflectionPermission with the ReflectionPermissionFlag.ReflectionEmit flag. (See Security Issues in Reflection Emit.) To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework 3.5 or later.

Applies to