
Споделяне чрез

StripLine Class


Represents the strip lines on a chart.

public ref class StripLine : System::Web::UI::DataVisualization::Charting::ChartElement, System::Web::UI::DataVisualization::Charting::IChartMapArea
public class StripLine : System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartElement, System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.IChartMapArea
type StripLine = class
    inherit ChartElement
    interface IChartMapArea
Public Class StripLine
Inherits ChartElement
Implements IChartMapArea


The following code example demonstrates three applications of strip lines. First, horizontal strip lines are added at recurring intervals. Second, vertical strip lines are added to highlight weekend data points. Lastly, a non-recurring strip line is added to denote the mean of the data points in the first series of the chart.

Imports System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting  

Public Partial Class StripLines   
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page   
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)  

        ' Add chart data before adding strip lines.   

        ' Adds repeating horizontal strip lines.   

        ' Highlights weekend points using strip lines.   

        ' Adds a threshold line using strip lines.   
    End Sub   

    ' Adds a week of data with values between 20 and 35.   
    Private Sub AddChartData()   
        ' Declare new random variable   
        Dim rand As New Random()   
        For i As Integer = 0 To 6   

            ' Add a week of data   
            chart1.Series(0).Points.AddXY(DateTime.Now.AddDays(i), rand.[Next](20, 35))   
    End Sub   

    ' Adds repeating horizontal strip lines at intervals of 5.   
    Private Sub AddHorizRepeatingStripLines()   
        ' Instantiate new strip line   
        Dim stripLine1 As New StripLine()  
        stripLine1.StripWidth = 2.5   
        stripLine1.Interval = 5   

        ' Consider adding transparency so that the strip lines are lighter   
        stripLine1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.Red)   

        ' Add the strip line to the chart   
    End Sub   

    ' Adds strip lines to highlight weekend values.   
    Private Sub HighlightWeekendsWithStripLines()   
        ' Set strip line to highlight weekends   
        Dim stripLine2 As New StripLine()   
        stripLine2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.Gold)   
        stripLine2.IntervalOffset = -1.5   
        stripLine2.IntervalOffsetType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days   
        stripLine2.Interval = 1   
        stripLine2.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Weeks   
        stripLine2.StripWidth = 2   
        stripLine2.StripWidthType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days   

        ' Add strip line to the chart   

        ' Set the axis label to show the name of the day   
        ' This is done in order to demonstrate that weekends are highlighted   
        chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "ddd"   
    End Sub   

    ' Adds a horizontal threshold strip line at the mean value of the first series.  
    Private Sub AddThresholdStripLine()   
        Dim stripLine3 As New StripLine()   

        ' Set threshold line so that it is only shown once   
        stripLine3.Interval = 0   

        ' Set the threshold line to be drawn at the calculated mean of the first series   
        stripLine3.IntervalOffset = chart1.DataManipulator.Statistics.Mean(chart1.Series(0).Name)   

        stripLine3.BackColor = Color.DarkGreen   
        stripLine3.StripWidth = 0.25   

        ' Set text properties for the threshold line   
        stripLine3.Text = "Mean"   
        stripLine3.ForeColor = Color.Black   

        ' Add strip line to the chart   
    End Sub   
End Class  
public partial class StripLines : System.Web.UI.Page   
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
            // Add chart data  

            // Adds repeating horizontal strip lines.  

            // Highlights weekend points using strip lines.  

            // Adds a threshold line using strip lines.  

        /// <summary>  
        /// Adds a week of data with values between 20 and 35.  
        /// </summary>  
        private void AddChartData()  
            // Declare new random variable  
            Random rand = new Random();  

            // Add a week of data  
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)   
                chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(DateTime.Now.AddDays(i), rand.Next(20,35));  

        /// <summary>  
        /// Adds repeating horizontal strip lines at intervals of 5.  
        /// </summary>  
        private void AddHorizRepeatingStripLines()  
            // Instantiate new strip line  
            StripLine stripLine1 = new StripLine();  
            stripLine1.StripWidth = 0;  
            stripLine1.BorderColor = Color.Black;  
            stripLine1.BorderWidth = 3;  
            stripLine1.Interval = 5;  

            // Consider adding transparency so that the strip lines are lighter  
            stripLine1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.Red);  

            stripLine1.BackSecondaryColor = Color.Black;  
            stripLine1.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.LeftRight;  

            // Add the strip line to the chart  

        /// <summary>  
        /// Adds strip lines to highlight weekend values.  
        /// </summary>  
        private void HighlightWeekendsWithStripLines()  
            // Set strip line to highlight weekends  
            StripLine stripLine2 = new StripLine();  
            stripLine2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.Gold);              
            stripLine2.IntervalOffset = -1.5;  
            stripLine2.IntervalOffsetType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days;  
            stripLine2.Interval = 1;  
            stripLine2.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Weeks;  
            stripLine2.StripWidth = 2;  
            stripLine2.StripWidthType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days;  

            // Add strip line to the chart  

            // Set the axis label to show the name of the day  
            // This is done in order to demonstrate that weekends are highlighted  
            chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "ddd";  

        /// <summary>  
        /// Adds a horizontal threshold strip line at the calculated mean   
        /// value of all data points in the first series of the chart.  
        /// </summary>  
        private void AddThresholdStripLine()  
            StripLine stripLine3 = new StripLine();  

            // Set threshold line so that it is only shown once  
            stripLine3.Interval = 0;  

            // Set the threshold line to be drawn at the calculated mean of the first series  
            stripLine3.IntervalOffset = chart1.DataManipulator.Statistics.Mean(chart1.Series[0].Name);  

            stripLine3.BackColor = Color.DarkGreen;  
            stripLine3.StripWidth = 0.25;  

            // Set text properties for the threshold line  
            stripLine3.Text = "Mean";  
            stripLine3.ForeColor = Color.Black;  

            // Add strip line to the chart  


Strip lines, or strips, are horizontal or vertical ranges that shade the background of a chart in regular or custom intervals. You can use strip lines to:

  • Improve readability for looking up individual values on the chart.

  • Separate data points when reading the chart.

  • Highlight dates that occur at regular intervals, for example, to identify weekend data points.

  • Highlight a specific key range of data.

  • Add a threshold line at a specific constant value.

A single StripLine object can either be drawn once, or repeatedly, for a given interval. This action is controlled by the Interval property. When a value of -1 is assigned to the Interval property, one strip line will be drawn. When a non-zero value is assigned to the Interval property, a strip line will be drawn repeatedly at each given interval. The location where a strip line is drawn is also affected by the IntervalOffset and IntervalOffsetType properties of the strip line.

Strip lines are always associated with an Axis object. They can be added at both design time and run time.

To add a horizontal or vertical line to display a threshold, set the StripWidth property to a value of 0.0. This will result in a line being drawn. You can use the BorderColor, BorderDashStyle and BorderWidth properties for the color, width and style of the line. No chart background properties (Back*) are used when the StripWidth property is set to 0.0.

Use the Text property of the strip line to associate text with a strip line. The placement and orientation of this text can be controlled by the TextAlignment property.

When multiple strip lines are defined for the same axis, it is possible that the strip lines will overlap. The Z-order of StripLine objects is determined by their order of occurrence in the StripLinesCollection object. This means that the first occurrence is drawn first; the second occurrence is drawn second, and so on.

Strip lines are not supported for the following chart types: Pie, Doughnut, Funnel, Pyramid, Kagi, ThreeLineBreak, PointAndFigure, Polar and Radar.



Initializes a new instance of the StripLine class.



Gets or sets the background color of the strip line.


Gets or sets the gradient style of the strip line.


Gets or sets the hatching style of the strip line.


Gets or sets the background image of the strip line.


Gets or sets the background image alignment.


Gets or sets the color of a strip line background image that will be implemented as transparent.


Gets or sets the drawing mode of the background image of the strip line.


Gets or sets the secondary color of the strip line background.


Gets or sets the border color of a strip line.


Gets or sets the border style of the strip line.


Gets or sets the border width of the strip line.


Gets or sets the font used for the strip line text.


Gets or sets the color of the strip line text.


Gets or sets the interval for a strip line, and determines if the strip line is drawn once or repeatedly.


Gets or sets the offset of grid lines, tick marks, strip lines and axis labels.


Gets or sets the interval offset type of the strip line.


Gets or sets the interval type of a StripLine object.


Gets or sets the map area attributes of the strip line.


Gets the name of the strip line.


Gets or sets the postback value that can be processed on a Click event.


Gets or sets the width of a strip line.


Gets or sets the unit of measurement for the StripWidth property.


Gets or sets an object associated with this chart element.

(Inherited from ChartElement)

Gets or sets the text for the strip line.


Gets or sets the text alignment of the strip line.


Gets or sets the text line alignment of strip line text.


Gets or sets the text orientation.


Gets or sets the tooltip of a strip line.


Gets or sets the destination URL or anchor point of the strip line.



Releases the resources used by the ChartElement.

(Inherited from ChartElement)

Releases the unmanaged resources used by the StripLine and optionally releases the managed resources.


Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current ChartElement.

(Inherited from ChartElement)

Returns a hash function for a particular type.

(Inherited from ChartElement)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a string that represents the current Object.

(Inherited from ChartElement)

Applies to