
Споделяне чрез

WebPartAddingEventHandler Delegate


Represents the method that handles the WebPartAdding event of a WebPartManager object.

public delegate void WebPartAddingEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, WebPartAddingEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void WebPartAddingEventHandler(object sender, WebPartAddingEventArgs e);
type WebPartAddingEventHandler = delegate of obj * WebPartAddingEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub WebPartAddingEventHandler(sender As Object, e As WebPartAddingEventArgs)



The source of the event.


A WebPartAddingEventArgs that contains the event data.


The WebPartAdding event is raised by the OnWebPartAdding method just before adding a control to a Web Parts zone. This event provides an opportunity to cancel the process before it is complete. The WebPartAdded event is called after a control has been added to a Web Parts zone.

The method specified in the WebPartAddingEventHandler delegate is called when a WebPartAdding event is raised.

Page developers can provide custom handlers for the event by adding the OnWebPartAdding attribute to the <asp:webpartmanager> element in a page, and assigning a custom method name to the attribute. A custom handler can also be assigned programmatically. For more information about how to subscribe to an event, see How to: Raise and Consume Events.

Extension Methods


Gets an object that represents the method represented by the specified delegate.

Applies to

See also