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Configure financial holding categories

The Financial holdings control component manages and displays the financial holdings of a customer within an institution. You can configure the component at an environment level to determine the categories supported in the data model of the institution. You can also configure it at the level of an app or a form, to control the usability of specific personas and experiences throughout the organization.


Components such as Cards, Financial holdings, and Connections display only financial holdings with an Active status.

Environment-level configurations

Environment configurations affect all the applications installed in an environment and determine the different categories of events and types of each category.

Learn more about removing a financial category from the data model: Get started with Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services


  • You cannot add or modify categories at the environment level.

  • Removing a financial holdings category and all its instruments from the data model also removes the category from both the Summary and the Extended financial holdings tabs.

  • In the case where you remove the Lines of credit category, the Cards component carousel shows an empty state, but is not hidden.

Configurations for financial holding roles

You can add, delete, or rename financial holding roles depending on your requirements. The following roles are associated with different financial holdings:

  • Owner: All the holdings with this role are categorized as customer holdings. These values affect the calculation of a client's assets and liabilities.

  • Joint owner: Similar to the Owner role, all the holdings with the Joint owner role are categorized as customer holdings, and they affect the calculation of a client’s assets and liabilities.

  • Cardholder: All the holdings with this role are categorized as associated holdings. The Cards component carousel displays these holdings for the selected client.

  • All other defined and newly added roles: The holdings with these roles are categorized as associated holdings, and they appear in appropriate locations on the detailed Financial Holdings view. Associated holdings aren't considered when calculating a client's assets and liabilities.

App-level configurations

The app-level configurations allow creating multiple experiences for different personas who don't necessarily require a comprehensive view of all holding categories of the organization.

If you hide a specific category is at the app level, the Financial holdings component behaves as follows:

  • The Financial holdings summary control shows that category as one of the available tabs.

  • The Financial holdings tab doesn't show the details of the hidden category. The tab displays a banner message at the top indicating that some of the holdings are hidden from view.

  • The Household summary control indicates that some of the holdings might be hidden from view.

    Screenshot of the Household summary control.

  • The Connections tab doesn't allow you to add or modify existing households or connections, as the application shows only partial holdings and might create a partial household perception.

    Screenshot of the Connections tab.

  • When one of the hidden categories is Line of credit, the Cards component carousel shows an empty state indicating that the information is hidden from view.

    Screenshot of the Cards component carousel indicating that the information is hidden from view.

Hiding financial holdings

You can hide one or more financial holdings at the app level.

  1. Sign in to Power Apps maker portal, and modify the specified form.

  2. Under Controls, search for Hide financial holdings categories.

  3. By default, this value is empty. Therefore, insert comma-separated values of the categories from the data set that you wish to hide from view. For example: 104800002, 104800003.


  • The app must display at least one financial holding category.

  • For user level access to financial entities, the permissions level is used instead of the app level. In cases where the user does not have the required permissions to access one or more of the categories, they appear in the financial holdings summary without the holdings information. Instead, the summary provides partial information of the financial holdings. Both the Financial Holdings tab and the Household tab do not show the holdings information.

Screenshot of the Financial Holdings tab indicating hidden information.

Hiding financial alert indications

You can hide the indicators appearing in the Financial holdings summary and the Financial holdings tab.

  1. Sign in to Power Apps maker portal, and modify the specified form.

  2. Under Controls, search for Show Financial Insights.

  3. By default, this value is show. You can toggle between show and hide to control the alert visibility.

    Screenshot of the Financial Holdings tab.

See also

Deploy Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services
What is Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services?