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Explore tiles in the Power BI mobile apps

Applies to:

iPhone iPad Android phone Android tablet Windows devices
iPhones iPads Android phones Android tablets Windows devices

Tiles are live snapshots of your data, pinned to a dashboard. Their values change as the data changes. You add tiles to a dashboard in the Power BI service.

Then in the Power BI mobile apps, you open tiles in focus mode and interact with them. You can open tiles with all kinds of visuals, including tiles based on Bing and R.

Tiles in the iOS apps

  1. Open a dashboard in the mobile app for iOS.

  2. Tap a tile. It opens in focus mode, where it's easier to view and explore the tile data. In focus mode you can:

    In a line, bar, or column chart, tap to view the values for specific parts of the visualization.

    Screenshot of a line chart, showing the selected values for This Year Sales and Last Year Sales.

    For example, in this line chart, the selected values are for This Year Sales and Last Year Sales in August.

    In a pie chart, tap a slice of the pie to show the value of the slice at the top of the pie.

    Screenshot of a pie chart, showing the value of the Opportunity Count.

  3. In a map, tap the Center Map icon Center map icon to center the map to your current location.

    Screenshot of a map, showing the center map of your current location of Alabama.

  4. Tap the pencil icon Pencil icon to annotate a tile and then the share icon Share icon to share it with others.

  5. Add an alert to the tile. If the values go above or below targets, Power BI will notify you.

  6. Sometimes the dashboard creator has added a link to a tile. If so, it has a link icon Link icon when it's in focus mode:

    Screenshot of a dashboard, showing the link icon in focus mode.

    Links can go to other Power BI dashboards or to an external URL. You can tap the link to open it inside the Power BI app. If it's an external site, Power BI asks you to allow it.

    Screenshot of a dialog, showing to allow Power B I to open links with internal browser.

    After you open the link in the Power BI app, you can copy the link and open it in a browser window instead.

  7. Open the report Open report icon in i O S. that the tile is based on.

  8. To leave tile focus mode, tap the tile name, then tap the dashboard name or My Workspace.

    Screenshot of a dashboard, showing pointers to My Workspace and Opportunity Analysis Sample.

Tiles in the mobile app for Android phones and tablets

  1. Open a dashboard in the Power BI mobile app.

  2. Tap a tile to open it in focus mode, where it's easier to view and explore the tile data.

    Screenshot of a line chart, showing the selected value for This Year Sales and Last Year Sales.

    In focus mode, you can:

    • Tap the chart to move the bar in a line, bar, column, or bubble chart, to view the values for a specific point in the visualization.
    • Tap the Pencil icon Pencil icon to annotate a tile and then the Share snapshot icon Share snapshot icon to share it with others.
    • Tap the Open report icon Open report icon in Android. to view the report in the mobile app.
  3. Sometimes the dashboard creator has added a link to a tile. If so, when you tap the vertical ellipsis (...) you see Open link Link icon:

    Screenshot of a dashboard, showing the vertical ellipsis pointing to Open Link.

    Links can go to other Power BI dashboards or to an external URL. You can tap the link to open it inside the Power BI app. If it's an external site, Power BI asks you to allow it.

    Screenshot of a dialog, showing to allow Power B I to open links with internal browser.

    After you open the link in the Power BI app, you can copy the link and open it in a browser window instead.

  4. Tap the arrow in the upper-left corner to close the tile and return to the dashboard.

Tiles in the Windows mobile app


Power BI mobile app support for phones using Windows 10 Mobile has been discontinued as of March 16, 2021. Learn more

  1. Open a dashboard in the Power BI mobile app for Windows.

  2. Tap the vertical ellipsis on the tile. From here, you can:

    Screenshot of a tile, showing a vertical ellipsis to Open link.

    Share a snapshot of the tile.

    Tap Open Report Open Report icon to view the underlying report.

    Open the link, if it has a link. Links can go to Power BI dashboards or to an external URL.

  3. Tap Expand Tile Expand Tile icon. It opens in focus mode, where it's easier to view and explore the tile data. In this mode you can:

    Spin a pie chart to show the values of the slice at the top of the pie.

    Screenshot of a pie chart, showing the values for Opportunity Count.

    Tap the chart to move the bar in a line, bar, column, or bubble chart, to view the values for a specific point in the visualization.

    Screenshot of a bar chart, showing the values for the Decor bar.

    In this bar chart, the values for the Decor bar are shown at the top of the chart.

    Tap the Switch to presentation mode icon Image of switch to presentation icon. to open the tile in presentation mode, without the navigation and menu bars.


    You can also view dashboards and reports in presentation mode in the Power BI mobile app for Windows.

    In a map, tap the Center Map icon Center Map icon to center the map to your current location.

    Screenshot of a map, showing the center map of your current location of Kentucky.

    Tap the Share Snapshot icon Share Snapshot icon to share a tile with others.

    Tap the Open Report icon Open Report icon to view the report that the tile is based on.

  4. Tap the back arrow or the back button to close the tile and return to the dashboard.