Training data for custom neural voice

When you're ready to create a custom Text to speech voice for your application, the first step is to gather audio recordings and associated scripts to start training the voice model. The Speech service uses this data to create a unique voice tuned to match the voice in the recordings. After you train the voice, you can start synthesizing speech in your applications.


To create a voice for production use, we recommend you use a professional recording studio and voice talent. For more information, see record voice samples to create a custom neural voice.

Types of training data

A voice training dataset includes audio recordings, and a text file with the associated transcriptions. Each audio file should contain a single utterance (a single sentence or a single turn for a dialog system), and be less than 15 seconds long.

In some cases, you might not have the right dataset ready. You can test the custom neural voice training with available audio files, short or long, with or without transcripts.

This table lists data types and how each is used to create a custom Text to speech voice model.

Data type Description When to use Extra processing required
Individual utterances + matching transcript A collection (.zip) of audio files (.wav) as individual utterances. Each audio file should be 15 seconds or less in length, paired with a formatted transcript (.txt). Professional recordings with matching transcripts Ready for training.
Long audio + transcript A collection (.zip) of long, unsegmented audio files (.wav or .mp3, longer than 20 seconds, at most 1,000 audio files), paired with a collection (.zip) of transcripts that contains all spoken words. You have audio files and matching transcripts, but they aren't segmented into utterances. Segmentation (using batch transcription).
Audio format transformation wherever required.
Audio only (Preview) A collection (.zip) of audio files (.wav or .mp3, at most 1,000 audio files) without a transcript. You only have audio files available, without transcripts. Segmentation + transcript generation (using batch transcription).
Audio format transformation wherever required.

Files should be grouped by type into a dataset and uploaded as a zip file. Each dataset can only contain a single data type.


The maximum number of datasets allowed to be imported per subscription is 500 zip files for standard subscription (S0) users.

Individual utterances + matching transcript

You can prepare recordings of individual utterances and the matching transcript in two ways. Either write a script and have it read by a voice talent or use publicly available audio and transcribe it to text. If you do the latter, edit disfluencies from the audio files, such as "um" and other filler sounds, stutters, mumbled words, or mispronunciations.

To produce a good voice model, create the recordings in a quiet room with a high-quality microphone. Consistent volume, speaking rate, speaking pitch, and expressive mannerisms of speech are essential.

For data format examples, refer to the sample training set on GitHub. The sample training set includes the sample script and the associated audio.

Audio data for Individual utterances + matching transcript

Each audio file should contain a single utterance (a single sentence or a single turn of a dialog system), less than 15 seconds long. All files must be in the same spoken language. Multi-language custom Text to speech voices aren't supported, except for the Chinese-English bi-lingual. Each audio file must have a unique filename with the filename extension .wav.

Follow these guidelines when preparing audio.

Property Value
File format RIFF (.wav), grouped into a .zip file
File name File name characters supported by Windows OS, with .wav extension.
The characters \ / : * ? " < > \| aren't allowed.
It can't start or end with a space, and can't start with a dot.
No duplicate file names allowed.
Sampling rate 24 KHz and higher required when creating a custom neural voice.
Sample format PCM, at least 16-bit
Audio length Shorter than 15 seconds
Archive format .zip
Maximum archive size 2048 MB


The default sampling rate for a custom neural voice is 24 KHz. Audio files with a sampling rate lower than 16,000 Hz will be rejected. If a .zip file contains .wav files with different sample rates, only those equal to or higher than 16,000 Hz will be imported. Your audio files with a sampling rate higher than 16,000 Hz and lower than 24 KHz will be up-sampled to 24 KHz to train a neural voice. It's recommended that you should use a sample rate of 24 KHz and higher for your training data.

Transcription data for Individual utterances + matching transcript

The transcription file is a plain text file. Use these guidelines to prepare your transcriptions.

Property Value
File format Plain text (.txt)
Encoding format ANSI, ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-8-BOM, UTF-16-LE, or UTF-16-BE. For zh-CN, ANSI and ASCII encoding aren't supported.
# of utterances per line One - Each line of the transcription file should contain the name of one of the audio files, followed by the corresponding transcription. You must use a tab (\t) to separate the file name and transcription.
Maximum file size 2048 MB

Here's an example of how the transcripts are organized utterance by utterance in one .txt file:

0000000001[tab]	This is the waistline, and it's falling.
0000000002[tab]	We have trouble scoring.
0000000003[tab]	It was Janet Maslin.

It's important that the transcripts are 100% accurate transcriptions of the corresponding audio. Errors in the transcripts introduce quality loss during the training.

Long audio + transcript (Preview)


For Long audio + transcript (Preview), only these languages are supported: Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified), English (India), English (United Kingdom), English (United States), French (France), German (Germany), Italian (Italy), Japanese (Japan), Portuguese (Brazil), and Spanish (Mexico).

In some cases, you might not have segmented audio available. The Speech Studio can help you segment long audio files and create transcriptions. The long-audio segmentation service uses the Batch Transcription API feature of speech to text.

During the processing of the segmentation, your audio files and the transcripts are also sent to the custom speech service to refine the recognition model so the accuracy can be improved for your data. No data is retained during this process. After the segmentation is done, only the utterances segmented and their mapping transcripts will be stored for your downloading and training.


This service will be charged toward your speech to text subscription usage. The long-audio segmentation service is only supported with standard (S0) Speech resources.

Audio data for Long audio + transcript

Follow these guidelines when preparing audio for segmentation.

Property Value
File format RIFF (.wav) or .mp3, grouped into a .zip file
File name File name characters supported by Windows OS, with .wav extension.
The characters \ / : * ? " < > \| aren't allowed.
It can't start or end with a space, and can't start with a dot.
No duplicate file names allowed.
Sampling rate 24 KHz and higher required when creating a custom neural voice.
Sample format RIFF(.wav): PCM, at least 16-bit.

mp3: At least 256 KBps bit rate.
Audio length Longer than 20 seconds
Archive format .zip
Maximum archive size 2048 MB, at most 1,000 audio files included


The default sampling rate for a custom neural voice is 24 KHz. Audio files with a sampling rate lower than 16,000 Hz will be rejected. Your audio files with a sampling rate higher than 16,000 Hz and lower than 24 KHz will be up-sampled to 24 KHz to train a neural voice. It's recommended that you should use a sample rate of 24 KHz and higher for your training data.

All audio files should be grouped into a zip file. It's OK to put .wav files and .mp3 files into the same zip file. For example, you can upload a 45-second audio file named 'kingstory.wav' and a 200-second long audio file named 'queenstory.mp3' in the same zip file. All .mp3 files will be transformed into the .wav format after processing.

Transcription data for Long audio + transcript

Transcripts must be prepared to the specifications listed in this table. Each audio file must be matched with a transcript.

Property Value
File format Plain text (.txt), grouped into a .zip
File name Use the same name as the matching audio file
Encoding format ANSI, ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-8-BOM, UTF-16-LE, or UTF-16-BE. For zh-CN, ANSI and ASCII encoding aren't supported.
# of utterances per line No limit
Maximum file size 2048 MB

All transcripts files in this data type should be grouped into a zip file. For example, you might upload a 45-second audio file named 'kingstory.wav' and a 200-second long audio file named 'queenstory.mp3' in the same zip file. You need to upload another zip file containing the corresponding two transcripts--one named 'kingstory.txt' and the other one named 'queenstory.txt'. Within each plain text file, you provide the full correct transcription for the matching audio.

After your dataset is successfully uploaded, we'll help you segment the audio file into utterances based on the transcript provided. You can check the segmented utterances and the matching transcripts by downloading the dataset. Unique IDs are assigned to the segmented utterances automatically. It's important that you make sure the transcripts you provide are 100% accurate. Errors in the transcripts can reduce the accuracy during the audio segmentation and further introduce quality loss in the training phase that comes later.

Audio only (Preview)


For Audio only (Preview), only these languages are supported: Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified), English (India), English (United Kingdom), English (United States), French (France), German (Germany), Italian (Italy), Japanese (Japan), Portuguese (Brazil), and Spanish (Mexico).

If you don't have transcriptions for your audio recordings, use the Audio only option to upload your data. Our system can help you segment and transcribe your audio files. Keep in mind, this service is charged toward your speech to text subscription usage.

Follow these guidelines when preparing audio.


The long-audio segmentation service will leverage the batch transcription feature of speech to text, which only supports standard subscription (S0) users.

Property Value
File format RIFF (.wav) or .mp3, grouped into a .zip file
File name File name characters supported by Windows OS, with .wav extension.
The characters \ / : * ? " < > \| aren't allowed.
It can't start or end with a space, and can't start with a dot.
No duplicate file names allowed.
Sampling rate 24 KHz and higher required when creating a custom neural voice.
Sample format RIFF(.wav): PCM, at least 16-bit
mp3: At least 256 KBps bit rate.
Audio length No limit
Archive format .zip
Maximum archive size 2048 MB, at most 1,000 audio files included


The default sampling rate for a custom neural voice is 24 KHz. Your audio files with a sampling rate higher than 16,000 Hz and lower than 24 KHz will be up-sampled to 24 KHz to train a neural voice. It's recommended that you should use a sample rate of 24 KHz and higher for your training data.

All audio files should be grouped into a zip file. Once your dataset is successfully uploaded, the Speech service helps you segment the audio file into utterances based on our speech batch transcription service. Unique IDs are assigned to the segmented utterances automatically. Matching transcripts are generated through speech recognition. All .mp3 files will be transformed into the .wav format after processing. You can check the segmented utterances and the matching transcripts by downloading the dataset.

Next steps