DICOM Conformance Statement v2


API version 2 is the latest API version. For a list of changes in v2 compared to v1, see DICOM service API v2 changes

The Medical Imaging Server for DICOM® supports a subset of the DICOMweb Standard. Support includes:

Additionally, these nonstandard APIs are supported:

The service uses REST API versioning. The version of the REST API must be explicitly specified as part of the base URL, as in the following example:


This version of the conformance statement corresponds to the v2 version of the REST APIs.

For more information on how to specify the version when making requests, see the API Versioning Documentation.

You can find example requests for supported transactions in the Postman collection.

Preamble Sanitization

The service ignores the 128-byte File Preamble, and replaces its contents with null characters. This behavior ensures that no files passed through the service are vulnerable to the malicious preamble vulnerability. However, this preamble sanitization also means that preambles used to encode dual format content such as TIFF can't be used with the service.

Studies Service

The Studies Service allows users to store, retrieve, and search for DICOM Studies, Series, and Instances. We added the nonstandard Delete transaction to enable a full resource lifecycle.

Store (STOW-RS)

This transaction uses the POST or PUT method to store representations of studies, series, and instances contained in the request payload.

Method Path Description
POST ../studies Store instances.
POST ../studies/{study} Store instances for a specific study.
PUT ../studies Upsert instances.
PUT ../studies/{study} Upsert instances for a specific study.

Parameter study corresponds to the DICOM attribute StudyInstanceUID. If specified, any instance that doesn't belong to the provided study is rejected with a 43265 warning code.

The following is the only response Accept header supported:

  • application/dicom+json

The following Content-Type headers are supported:

  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"
  • application/dicom


The server won't coerce or replace attributes that conflict with existing data for POST requests. All data is stored as provided. For upsert (PUT) requests, the existing data is replaced by the new data received.

Store required attributes

The following DICOM elements are required to be present in every DICOM file attempting to be stored:

  • StudyInstanceUID
  • SeriesInstanceUID
  • SOPInstanceUID
  • SOPClassUID
  • PatientID


All UIDs must be between 1 and 64 characters long, and only contain alpha numeric characters or the following special characters: ., -. PatientID continues to be a required tag and can have the value as null in the input. PatientID is validated based on its LO VR type.

Each file stored must have a unique combination of StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, and SopInstanceUID. The warning code 45070 is returned if a file with the same identifiers already exists.

Only transfer syntaxes with explicit Value Representations are accepted.


Requests are limited to 4GB. No single DICOM file or combination of files might exceed this limit.

Store changes from v1

In previous versions, a Store request would fail if any of the required or searchable attributes failed validation. Beginning with V2, the request fails only if required attributes fail validation.

Failed validation of attributes not required by the API results in the file being stored with a warning. A warning is given about each failing attribute per instance. When a sequence contains an attribute that fails validation, or when there are multiple issues with a single attribute, only the first failing attribute reason is noted.

If an attribute is padded with nulls, the attribute is indexed when searchable and is stored as is in dicom+json metadata. No validation warning is provided.

Store response status codes

Code Description
200 (OK) All the SOP instances in the request were stored.
202 (Accepted) The origin server stored some of the Instances and others failed or returned warnings. Additional information regarding this error might be found in the response message body.
204 (No Content) No content was provided in the store transaction request.
400 (Bad Request) The request was badly formatted. For example, the provided study instance identifier didn't conform the expected UID format.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
406 (Not Acceptable) The specified Accept header isn't supported.
409 (Conflict) None of the instances in the store transaction request were stored.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) The provided Content-Type isn't supported.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
500 (Internal Server Error) The server encountered an unknown internal error. Try again later.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Store response paylo

The response payload populates a DICOM dataset with the following elements:

Tag Name Description
(0008, 1190) RetrieveURL The Retrieve URL of the study if the StudyInstanceUID was provided in the store request and at least one instance is successfully stored.
(0008, 1198) FailedSOPSequence The sequence of instances that failed to store.
(0008, 1199) ReferencedSOPSequence The sequence of stored instances.

Each dataset in the FailedSOPSequence has the following elements (if the DICOM file attempting to be stored could be read):

Tag Name Description
(0008, 1150) ReferencedSOPClassUID The SOP class unique identifier of the instance that failed to store.
(0008, 1155) ReferencedSOPInstanceUID The SOP instance unique identifier of the instance that failed to store.
(0008, 1197) FailureReason The reason code why this instance failed to store.
(0008, 1196) WarningReason A WarningReason indicates validation issues that were detected but weren't severe enough to fail the store operation.
(0074, 1048) FailedAttributesSequence The sequence of ErrorComment that includes the reason for each failed attribute.

Each dataset in the ReferencedSOPSequence has the following elements:

Tag Name Description
(0008, 1150) ReferencedSOPClassUID The SOP class unique identifier of the instance that was stored.
(0008, 1155) ReferencedSOPInstanceUID The SOP instance unique identifier of the instance that was stored.
(0008, 1190) RetrieveURL The retrieve URL of this instance on the DICOM server.

An example response with Accept header application/dicom+json without a FailedAttributesSequence in a ReferencedSOPSequence:


An example response with Accept header application/dicom+json with a FailedAttributesSequence in a ReferencedSOPSequence:

      "00081196": {
        "vr": "US",
        "Value": [
      "00741048": {
        "vr": "SQ",
        "Value": [
            "00000902": {
              "vr": "LO",
              "Value": [
                "DICOM100: (0008,0020) - Content \"NotAValidDate\" does not validate VR DA: one of the date values does not match the pattern YYYYMMDD"
            "00000902": {
              "vr": "LO",
              "Value": [
                "DICOM100: (0008,002a) - Content \"NotAValidDate\" does not validate VR DT: value does not mach pattern YYYY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS[.F{1-6}]]]]]]"

Store failure reason codes

Code Description
272 The store transaction didn't store the instance because of a general failure in processing the operation.
43264 The DICOM instance failed the validation.
43265 The provided instance StudyInstanceUID didn't match the specified StudyInstanceUID in the store request.
45070 A DICOM instance with the same StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, and SopInstanceUID was already stored. If you want to update the contents, delete this instance first.
45071 A DICOM instance is being created by another process, or the previous attempt to create failed and the cleanup process isn't complete. Delete the instance first before attempting to create again.

Store warning reason codes

Code Description
45063 A DICOM instance Data Set doesn't match SOP Class. The Studies Store Transaction (Section 10.5) observed that the Data Set didn't match the constraints of the SOP Class during storage of the instance.
1 The Studies Store Transaction (Section 10.5) observed that the Data Set has validation

Store Error Codes

Code Description
100 The provided instance attributes didn't meet the validation criteria.

Retrieve (WADO-RS)

This Retrieve Transaction offers support for retrieving stored studies, series, instances and frames by reference.

Method Path Description
GET ../studies/{study} Retrieves all instances within a study.
GET ../studies/{study}/metadata Retrieves the metadata for all instances within a study
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series} Retrieves all instances within a series
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/metadata Retrieves the metadata for all instances within a series
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance} Retrieves a single instance
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}/metadata Retrieves the metadata for a single instance
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}/rendered Retrieves an instance rendered into an image format
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}/frames/{frames} Retrieves one or many frames from a single instance. To specify more than one frame, a comma separate each frame to return. For example, /studies/1/series/2/instance/3/frames/4,5,6.
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}/frames/{frame}/rendered Retrieves a single frame rendered into an image format

Retrieve instances within study or series

The following Accept headers are supported for retrieving instances within a study or a series.

  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=*
  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 is used as default)
  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.
  • */* (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, * is used as default and mediaType defaults to application/dicom)

Retrieve an Instance

The following Accept headers are supported for retrieving a specific instance.

  • application/dicom; transfer-syntax=*
  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=*
  • application/dicom; (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 is used as default)
  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom" (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 is used as default)
  • application/dicom; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
  • application/dicom; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.
  • multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.
  • */* (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, * is used as default and mediaType defaults to application/dicom)

Retrieve Frames

The following Accept headers are supported for retrieving frames.

  • multipart/related; type="application/octet-stream"; transfer-syntax=*
  • multipart/related; type="application/octet-stream"; (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 is used as default)
  • multipart/related; type="application/octet-stream"; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
  • multipart/related; type="image/jp2"; (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, 1.2.840.10008. is used as default)
  • multipart/related; type="image/jp2";transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.
  • application/octet-stream; transfer-syntax=* for single frame retrieval
  • */* (when transfer-syntax isn't specified, * is used as default and mediaType defaults to application/octet-stream)

Retrieve transfer syntax

When the requested transfer syntax is different from the original file, the original file is transcoded to requested transfer syntax. The original file needs to be one of the following formats for transcoding to succeed, otherwise transcoding might fail.

  • 1.2.840.10008.1.2 (Little Endian Implicit)
  • 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 (Little Endian Explicit)
  • 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2 (Explicit VR Big Endian)
  • 1.2.840.10008. (JPEG Baseline Process 1)
  • 1.2.840.10008. (JPEG Lossless)
  • 1.2.840.10008. (JPEG Lossless Selection Value 1)
  • 1.2.840.10008. (JPEG 2000 Lossless Only)
  • 1.2.840.10008. (JPEG 2000)
  • 1.2.840.10008.1.2.5 (RLE Lossless)

An unsupported transfer-syntax results in 406 Not Acceptable.

Retrieve metadata (for study, series, or instance)

The following Accept header is supported for retrieving metadata for a study, a series, or an instance.

  • application/dicom+json

Retrieving metadata doesn't return attributes with the following value representations.

VR Name Description
OB Other Byte
OD Other Double
OF Other Float
OL Other Long
OV Other 64-Bit Very Long
OW Other Word
UN Unknown

Retrieved metadata includes the null character when the attribute was padded with nulls and stored as is.

Retrieve metadata cache validation (for study, series, or instance)

Cache validation is supported using the ETag mechanism. In the response to a metadata request, ETag is returned as one of the headers. This ETag can be cached and added as an If-None-Match header in the later requests for the same metadata. Two types of responses are possible if the data exists.

  • Data is unchanged since the last request: the HTTP 304 (Not Modified) response is sent with no response body.
  • Data changed since the last request: the HTTP 200 (OK) response is sent with updated ETag. Required data is returned as part of the body.

Retrieve rendered image (for instance or frame)

The following Accept headers are supported for retrieving a rendered image an instance or a frame.

  • image/jpeg
  • image/png

In the case that no Accept header is specified the service renders an image/jpeg by default.

The service only supports rendering of a single frame. If rendering is requested for an instance with multiple frames, by default only the first frame is rendered as an image.

When specifying a particular frame to return, frame indexing starts at 1.

The quality query parameter is also supported. An integer value between 1 and 100 inclusive (1 being worst quality, and 100 being best quality) might be passed as the value for the query parameter. This parameter is used for images rendered as jpeg, and is ignored for png render requests. If not specified the parameter defaults to 100.

Retrieve original version

Using the bulk update operation allows you to retrieve either the original or latest version of a study, series, or instance. The latest version of a study, series, or instance is always returned by default. The original version might be returned by setting the msdicom-request-original header to true. Here's an example request:

GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=*
msdicom-request-original: true
Content-Type: application/dicom

Retrieve response status codes

Code Description
200 (OK) All requested data was retrieved.
304 (Not Modified) The requested data is unchanged since the last request. Content isn't added to the response body in such case. For more information, see the preceding section Retrieve Metadata Cache Validation (for Study, Series, or Instance).
400 (Bad Request) The request was badly formatted. For example, the provided study instance identifier didn't conform to the expected UID format, or the requested transfer-syntax encoding isn't supported.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
404 (Not Found) The specified DICOM resource couldn't be found, or for rendered request the instance didn't contain pixel data.
406 (Not Acceptable) The specified Accept header isn't supported, or for rendered and transcodes requests the file requested was too large.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Search (QIDO-RS)

Query based on ID for DICOM Objects (QIDO) enables you to search for studies, series, and instances by attributes.

Method Path Description
Search for Studies
GET ../studies?... Search for studies
Search for Series
GET ../series?... Search for series
GET ../studies/{study}/series?... Search for series in a study
Search for Instances
GET ../instances?... Search for instances
GET ../studies/{study}/instances?... Search for instances in a study
GET ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances?... Search for instances in a series

The following Accept header is supported for searching.

  • application/dicom+json

Search changes from v1

In the v1 API and continued for v2, if an extended query tag has any errors because one or more of the existing instances had a tag value that couldn't be indexed, then subsequent search queries containing the extended query tag returns erroneous-dicom-attributes as detailed in the documentation. However, tags (also known as attributes) with validation warnings from STOW-RS are not included in this header. If a store request results in validation warnings for searchable attributes at the time the instance was stored, those attributes may not be used to search for the stored instance. However, any searchable attributes that failed validation can return results if the values are overwritten by instances in the same study or series that are stored after the failed one, or if the values are already stored correctly by a previous instance. If the attribute values aren't overwritten, they don't produce any search results.

An attribute can be corrected in the following ways.

  • Delete the stored instance and upload a new instance with the corrected data
  • Upload a new instance in the same study/series with corrected data

Supported search parameters

The following parameters for each query are supported:

Key Support Values Allowed Count Description
{attributeID}= {value} 0...N Search for attribute/ value matching in query
includefield= {attributeID}
0...N The other attributes to return in the response. Both, public and private tags are supported.
When all is provided, refer to Search Response for more information.
If a mixture of {attributeID} and all is provided, the server defaults to using all
limit= {value} 0..1 Integer value to limit the number of values returned in the response.
Value can be between the range 1 >= x <= 200. Defaulted to 100
offset= {value} 0..1 Skip {value} results.
If an offset is provided larger than the number of search query results, a 204 (no content) response is returned.
fuzzymatching= true / false 0..1 If true fuzzy matching is applied to PatientName attribute. It does a prefix word match of any name part inside PatientName value. For example, if PatientName is "John^Doe", then "joh", "do", "jo do", "Doe" and "John Doe" all match. However "ohn" doesn't match.

Searchable attributes

We support searching the following attributes and search types.

Attribute Keyword All Studies All Series All Instances Study's Series Study's Instances Study Series' Instances
StudyInstanceUID X X X
PatientName X X X
PatientID X X X
PatientBirthDate X X X
AccessionNumber X X X
ReferringPhysicianName X X X
StudyDate X X X
StudyDescription X X X
ModalitiesInStudy X X X
SeriesInstanceUID X X X X
Modality X X X X
PerformedProcedureStepStartDate X X X X
ManufacturerModelName X X X X
SOPInstanceUID X X X


We do not support searching using empty string for any attributes.

Search matching

We support the following matching types.

Search Type Supported Attribute Example
Range Query StudyDate/PatientBirthDate {attributeID}={value1}-{value2}. For date/time values, we support an inclusive range on the tag. This range is mapped to attributeID >= {value1} AND attributeID <= {value2}. If {value1} isn't specified, all occurrences of dates/times prior to, and including {value2} are matched. Likewise, if {value2} isn't specified, all occurrences of {value1} and subsequent dates/times are matched. However, one of these values has to be present. {attributeID}={value1}- and {attributeID}=-{value2} are valid, however, {attributeID}=- is invalid.
Exact Match All supported attributes {attributeID}={value1}
Fuzzy Match PatientName, ReferringPhysicianName Matches any component of the name that starts with the value

Attribute ID

Tags can be encoded in several ways for the query parameter. We partially implemented the standard as defined in PS3.18 The following encodings for a tag are supported.

Value Example
{group}{element} 0020000D
{dicomKeyword} StudyInstanceUID

Example query searching for instances:


Search response

The response is an array of DICOM datasets. Depending on the resource, by default the following attributes are returned.

Default Study tags

Tag Attribute Name
(0008, 0020) StudyDate
(0008, 0050) AccessionNumber
(0008, 1030) StudyDescription
(0009, 0090) ReferringPhysicianName
(0010, 0010) PatientName
(0010, 0020) PatientID
(0010, 0030) PatientBirthDate
(0020, 000D) StudyInstanceUID

Default Series tags

Tag Attribute Name
(0008, 0060) Modality
(0008, 1090) ManufacturerModelName
(0020, 000E) SeriesInstanceUID
(0040, 0244) PerformedProcedureStepStartDate

Default Instance tags

Tag Attribute Name
(0008, 0018) SOPInstanceUID

If includefield=all, these attributes are included along with default attributes. Along with the default attributes, this list contains a full list of attributes supported at each resource level.

Other Study tags

Tag Attribute Name
(0008, 0005) SpecificCharacterSet
(0008, 0030) StudyTime
(0008, 0056) InstanceAvailability
(0008, 0201) TimezoneOffsetFromUTC
(0008, 0063) AnatomicRegionsInStudyCodeSequence
(0008, 1032) ProcedureCodeSequence
(0008, 1060) NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy
(0008, 1080) AdmittingDiagnosesDescription
(0008, 1110) ReferencedStudySequence
(0010, 1010) PatientAge
(0010, 1020) PatientSize
(0010, 1030) PatientWeight
(0010, 2180) Occupation
(0010, 21B0) AdditionalPatientHistory
(0010, 0040) PatientSex
(0020, 0010) StudyID

Other Series tags

Tag Attribute Name
(0008, 0005) SpecificCharacterSet
(0008, 0201) TimezoneOffsetFromUTC
(0020, 0011) SeriesNumber
(0020, 0060) Laterality
(0008, 0021) SeriesDate
(0008, 0031) SeriesTime
(0008, 103E) SeriesDescription
(0040, 0245) PerformedProcedureStepStartTime
(0040, 0275) RequestAttributesSequence

Other Instance tags

Tag Attribute Name
(0008, 0005) SpecificCharacterSet
(0008, 0016) SOPClassUID
(0008, 0056) InstanceAvailability
(0008, 0201) TimezoneOffsetFromUTC
(0020, 0013) InstanceNumber
(0028, 0010) Rows
(0028, 0011) Columns
(0028, 0100) BitsAllocated
(0028, 0008) NumberOfFrames

The following attributes are returned.

  • All the match query parameters and UIDs in the resource URL
  • IncludeField attributes supported at that resource level
  • If the target resource is All Series, then Study level attributes are also returned.
  • If the target resource is All Instances, then Study and Series level attributes are also returned.
  • If the target resource is Study's Instances, then Series level attributes are also returned.
  • NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances aggregated attribute is supported in Study level includeField.
  • NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances aggregated attribute is supported in Series level includeField.

Search response codes

The query API returns one of the following status codes in the response.

Code Description
200 (OK) The response payload contains all the matching resources.
204 (No Content) The search completed successfully but returned no results.
400 (Bad Request) The server was unable to perform the query because the query component was invalid. The response body contains details of the failure.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.


  • Querying using the TimezoneOffsetFromUTC (00080201) isn't supported.
  • The query API doesn't return 413 (request entity too large). If the requested query response limit is outside of the acceptable range, a bad request is returned. Anything requested within the acceptable range is resolved.
  • When the target resource is Study/Series, there's a potential for inconsistent study/series level metadata across multiple instances. For example, two instances could have different patientName. In this case, the latest wins and you can search only on the latest data.
  • Paged results are optimized to return matched newest instance first, possibly resulting in duplicate records in subsequent pages if newer data matching the query was added.
  • Matching is not case sensitive, and not accent sensitive for PN VR types.
  • Matching is not case sensitive, and is accent sensitive for other string VR types.
  • Only the first value is indexed of a single valued data element that incorrectly has multiple values.
  • Using the default attributes or limiting the number of results requested maximizes performance.
  • When an attribute was stored using null padding, it can be searched for with or without the null padding in uri encoding. Results retrieved are for attributes stored both with and without null padding.


This transaction isn't part of the official DICOMweb Standard. It uses the DELETE method to remove representations of Studies, Series, and Instances from the store.

Method Path Description
DELETE ../studies/{study} Delete all instances for a specific study.
DELETE ../studies/{study}/series/{series} Delete all instances for a specific series within a study.
DELETE ../studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance} Delete a specific instance within a series.

Parameters study, series, and instance correspond to the DICOM attributes StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, and SopInstanceUID respectively.

There are no restrictions on the request's Accept header, Content-Type header, or body content.


After a Delete transaction, the deleted instances will not be recoverable.

Response status codes

Code Description
204 (No Content) When all the SOP instances are deleted.
400 (Bad Request) The request was badly formatted.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
404 (Not Found) When the specified series wasn't found within a study or the specified instance wasn't found within the series.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Delete response payload

The response body is empty. The status code is the only useful information returned.

Worklist Service (UPS-RS)

The DICOM service supports the Push and Pull SOPs of the Worklist Service (UPS-RS). This service provides access to one Worklist containing Workitems, each of which represents a Unified Procedure Step (UPS).

Throughout, the variable {workitem} in a URI template stands for a Workitem UID.

Available UPS-RS endpoints include:

Verb Path Description
POST {s}/workitems{?AffectedSOPInstanceUID} Create a work item
POST {s}/workitems/{instance}{?transaction} Update a work item
GET {s}/workitems{?query*} Search for work items
GET {s}/workitems/{instance} Retrieve a work item
PUT {s}/workitems/{instance}/state Change work item state
POST {s}/workitems/{instance}/cancelrequest Cancel work item
POST {s}/workitems/{instance}/subscribers/{AETitle}{?deletionlock} Create subscription
POST {s}/workitems/1.2.840.10008. Suspend subscription
DELETE {s}/workitems/{instance}/subscribers/{AETitle} Delete subscription
GET {s}/subscribers/{AETitle} Open subscription channel

Create Workitem

This transaction uses the POST method to create a new Workitem.

Method Path Description
POST ../workitems Create a Workitem.
POST ../workitems?{workitem} Creates a Workitem with the specified UID.

If not specified in the URI, the payload dataset must contain the Workitem in the SOPInstanceUID attribute.

The Accept and Content-Type headers are required in the request, and must both have the value application/dicom+json.

There are several requirements related to DICOM data attributes in the context of a specific transaction. Attributes might be required to be present, required to not be present, required to be empty, or required to not be empty. These requirements can be found in this table.


Although the reference table says that SOP Instance UID shouldn't be present, this guidance is specific to the DIMSE protocol and is handled differently in DICOMWeb. SOP Instance UID should be present in the dataset if not in the URI.


All the conditional requirement codes including 1C and 2C are treated as optional.

Create response status codes

Code Description
201 (Created) The target Workitem was successfully created.
400 (Bad Request) There was a problem with the request. For example, the request payload didn't satisfy the requirements.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
409 (Conflict) The Workitem already exists.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) The provided Content-Type isn't supported.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Create response payload

A success response has no payload. The Location and Content-Location response headers contain a URI reference to the created Workitem.

A failure response payload contains a message describing the failure.

Request cancellation

This transaction enables the user to request cancellation of a non-owned Workitem.

There are four valid Workitem states:


This transaction only succeeds against Workitems in the SCHEDULED state. Any user can claim ownership of a Workitem by setting its Transaction UID and changing its state to IN PROGRESS. From then on, a user can only modify the Workitem by providing the correct Transaction UID. While UPS defines Watch and Event SOP classes that allow cancellation requests and other events to be forwarded, this DICOM service doesn't implement these classes, and so cancellation requests on workitems that are IN PROGRESS return a failure. An owned Workitem can be canceled via the Change Workitem State transaction.

Method Path Description
POST ../workitems/{workitem}/cancelrequest Request the cancellation of a scheduled Workitem

The Content-Type header is required, and must have the value application/dicom+json.

The request payload might include Action Information as defined in the DICOM Standard.

Request cancellation response status codes

Code Description
202 (Accepted) The request was accepted by the server, but the Target Workitem state isn't changed yet.
400 (Bad Request) There was a problem with the syntax of the request.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
404 (Not Found) The Target Workitem wasn't found.
409 (Conflict) The request is inconsistent with the current state of the Target Workitem. For example, the Target Workitem is in the SCHEDULED or COMPLETED state.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) The provided Content-Type isn't supported.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Request cancellation response payload

A success response has no payload, and a failure response payload contains a message describing the failure. If the Workitem Instance is already in a canceled state, the response includes the following HTTP Warning header: 299: The UPS is already in the requested state of CANCELED.

Retrieve Workitem

This transaction retrieves a Workitem. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-GET operation.

Refer to: https://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part18.html#sect_11.5

If the Workitem exists on the origin server, the Workitem is returned in an Acceptable Media Type. The returned Workitem won't contain the Transaction UID (0008,1195) Attribute. This is necessary to preserve the Attribute's role as an access lock.

Method Path Description
GET ../workitems/{workitem} Request to retrieve a Workitem

The Accept header is required and must have the value application/dicom+json.

Retrieve Workitem response status codes

Code Description
200 (OK) Workitem Instance was successfully retrieved.
400 (Bad Request) There was a problem with the request.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
404 (Not Found) The Target Workitem wasn't found.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Retrieve Workitem response payload

  • A success response has a single part payload containing the requested Workitem in the Selected Media Type.
  • The returned Workitem shall not contain the Transaction UID (0008, 1195) attribute of the Workitem, since that should only be known to the Owner.

Update Workitem

This transaction modifies attributes of an existing Workitem. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-SET operation.

Refer to: https://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part18.html#sect_11.6

To update a Workitem currently in the SCHEDULED state, the Transaction UID attribute shall not be present. For a Workitem in the IN PROGRESS state, the request must include the current Transaction UID as a query parameter. If the Workitem is already in the COMPLETED or CANCELED states, the response is 400 (Bad Request).

Method Path Description
POST ../workitems/{workitem}?{transaction-uid} Update Workitem Transaction

The Content-Type header is required, and must have the value application/dicom+json.

The request payload contains a dataset with the changes to be applied to the target Workitem. When a sequence is modified, the request must include all Items in the sequence, not just the Items to be modified. When you need to update multiple Attributes as a group, update them as multiple Attributes in a single request, not as multiple requests.

There are many requirements related to DICOM data attributes in the context of a specific transaction. Attributes might be required to be present, required to not be present, required to be empty, or required to not be empty. These requirements can be found in this table.


All the conditional requirement codes including 1C and 2C are treated as optional.


The request can't set the value of the Procedure Step State (0074,1000) attribute. Procedure Step State is managed using the Change State transaction, or the Request Cancellation transaction.

Update Workitem transaction response status codes

Code Description
200 (OK) The Target Workitem was updated.
400 (Bad Request) There was a problem with the request. For example: (1) the Target Workitem was in the COMPLETED or CANCELED state. (2) the Transaction UID is missing. (3) the Transaction UID is incorrect. (4) the dataset didn't conform to the requirements.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
404 (Not Found) The Target Workitem wasn't found.
409 (Conflict) The request is inconsistent with the current state of the Target Workitem.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) The provided Content-Type isn't supported.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Update Workitem transaction response payload

The origin server supports header fields as required in Table 11.6.3-2.

A success response has either no payload, or a payload containing a Status Report document.

A failure response payload might contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.

Change Workitem state

This transaction is used to change the state of a Workitem. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Change UPS State". State changes are used to claim ownership, complete, or cancel a Workitem.

Refer to: https://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part18.html#sect_11.7

If the Workitem exists on the origin server, the Workitem is returned in an Acceptable Media Type. The returned Workitem won't contain the Transaction UID (0008,1195) attribute. This is necessary to preserve the Attribute's role as an access lock as described here.

Method Path Description
PUT ../workitems/{workitem}/state Change Workitem State

The Accept header is required, and must have the value application/dicom+json.

The request payload contains the Change UPS State Data Elements. These data elements are as follows.

  • Transaction UID (0008, 1195). The request payload includes a Transaction UID. The user agent creates the Transaction UID when requesting a transition to the IN PROGRESS state for a given Workitem. The user agent provides that Transaction UID in subsequent transactions with that Workitem.
  • Procedure Step State (0074, 1000). The legal values correspond to the requested state transition. These are: IN PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or CANCELED.

Change Workitem state response status codes

Code Description
200 (OK) Workitem Instance was successfully retrieved.
400 (Bad Request) The request can't be performed for one of the following reasons: (1) the request isn't valid given the current state of the Target Workitem. (2) the Transaction UID is missing. (3) the Transaction UID is incorrect
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
404 (Not Found) The Target Workitem wasn't found.
409 (Conflict) The request is inconsistent with the current state of the Target Workitem.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Change Workitem state response payload

  • Responses include the header fields specified in section
  • A success response has no payload.
  • A failure response payload might contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.

Search Workitems

This transaction enables you to search for Workitems by attributes.

Method Path Description
GET ../workitems? Search for Workitems

The following Accept header is supported for searching.

  • application/dicom+json

Supported Search Parameters

The following parameters for each query are supported:

Key Support Values Allowed Count Description
{attributeID}= {value} 0...N Search for attribute/value matching in query.
includefield= {attributeID}
0...N The other attributes to return in the response. Only top-level attributes can be included - not attributes that are part of sequences. Both public and private tags are supported. When all is provided. See Search Response for more information about which attributes are returned for each query type. If a mixture of {attributeID} and all is provided, the server defaults to using 'all'.
limit= {value} 0...1 Integer value to limit the number of values returned in the response. Value can be between the range 1 >= x <= 200. Defaulted to 100.
offset= {value} 0...1 Skip {value} results. If an offset is provided larger than the number of search query results, a 204 (no content) response is returned.
fuzzymatching= true \ false 0...1 If true fuzzy matching is applied to any attributes with the Person Name (PN) Value Representation (VR). It does a prefix word match of any name part inside these attributes. For example, if PatientName is John^Doe, then joh, do, jo do, Doe and John Doe all match. However ohn doesn't match.
Searchable Attributes

We support searching on the following attributes.

Attribute Keyword


We do not support searching using empty string for any attributes.

Search Matching

We support the following matching types.

Search Type Supported Attribute Example
Range Query ScheduledProcedureStepStartDateTime {attributeID}={value1}-{value2}. For date/time values, we support an inclusive range on the tag. This range is mapped to attributeID >= {value1} AND attributeID <= {value2}. If {value1} isn't specified, all occurrences of dates/times prior to, and including {value2} is matched. Likewise, if {value2} isn't specified, all occurrences of {value1} and subsequent dates/times are matched. However, one of these values must be present. {attributeID}={value1}- and {attributeID}=-{value2} are valid, however, {attributeID}=- isn't valid.
Exact Match All supported attributes {attributeID}={value1}
Fuzzy Match PatientName Matches any component of the name that starts with the value.
WildCard Match PatientID,
Following wildcard characters are supported:
* - Matches zero or more characters. For example - {attributeID}={val*} matches "val", "valid", "value" but not "evaluate".
? - Matches a single character. For example - {attributeID}={valu?} matches "value", "valu1" but not "valued" or "valu"


Although we don't support full sequence matching, we do support exact match on the attributes listed that are contained in a sequence.

Attribute ID

Tags can be encoded in many ways for the query parameter. We partially implemented the standard as defined in PS3.18 The following encodings for a tag are supported.

Value Example
{group}{element} 00100010
{dicomKeyword} PatientName

Example query:


Search Response

The response is an array of 0...N DICOM datasets with the following attributes returned.

Search Response Codes

The query API returns one of the following status codes in the response:

Code Description
200 (OK) The response payload contains all the matching resource.
206 (Partial Content) The response payload contains only some of the search results, and the rest can be requested through the appropriate request.
204 (No Content) The search completed successfully but returned no results.
400 (Bad Request) There was a problem with the request. For example, invalid Query Parameter syntax. The response body contains details of the failure.
401 (Unauthorized) The client isn't authenticated.
403 (Forbidden) The user isn't authorized.
424 (Failed Dependency) The DICOM service can't access a resource it depends on to complete this request. An example is failure to access the connected Data Lake store, or the key vault for supporting customer-managed key encryption.
503 (Service Unavailable) The service is unavailable or busy. Try again later.

Additional notes

The query API doesn't return 413 (request entity too large). If the requested query response limit is outside of the acceptable range, a bad request is returned. Anything requested within the acceptable range is resolved.

  • Paged results are optimized to return matched newest instance first, which might result in duplicate records in subsequent pages if newer data matching the query was added.
  • Matching is case insensitive and accent insensitive for PN VR types.
  • Matching is case insensitive and accent sensitive for other string VR types.
  • If there's a scenario where canceling a Workitem and querying the same happens at the same time, then the query most likely excludes the Workitem that's getting updated and the response code is 206 (Partial Content).


DICOM® is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its Standards publications relating to digital communications of medical information.