List of Service Fabric events
Service Fabric exposes a primary set of cluster events to inform you of the status of your cluster as Service Fabric Events. These are based on actions performed by Service Fabric on your nodes and your cluster or management decisions made by a cluster owner/operator. These events can be accessed by configuring in various ways including configuring Azure Monitor logs with your cluster, or querying the EventStore. On Windows machines, these events are fed into the EventLog - so you can see Service Fabric Events in Event Viewer.
Here are some characteristics of these events
- Each event is tied to a specific entity in the cluster, for example, Application, Service, Node, Replica.
- Each event contains a set of common fields: EventInstanceId, EventName, and Category.
- Each event contains fields that tie the event back to the entity it's associated with. For instance, the ApplicationCreated event would have fields that identify the name of the application created.
- Events are structured in such a way that they can be consumed in various tools to do further analysis. Additionally, relevant details for an event are defined as separate properties as opposed to a long String.
- Events are written by different subsystems in Service Fabric are identified by Source(Task) below. More information is available on these subsystems in Service Fabric Architecture and Service Fabric Technical Overview.
Here's a list of these Service Fabric events organized by entity.
Cluster events
Cluster upgrade events
More details on cluster upgrades can be found here.
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
29627 | ClusterUpgradeStarted | Upgrade | A cluster upgrade has started | CM | Informational |
29628 | ClusterUpgradeCompleted | Upgrade | A cluster upgrade has completed | CM | Informational |
29629 | ClusterUpgradeRollbackStarted | Upgrade | A cluster upgrade has started to roll back | CM | Warning |
29630 | ClusterUpgradeRollbackCompleted | Upgrade | A cluster upgrade has completed rolling back | CM | Warning |
29631 | ClusterUpgradeDomainCompleted | Upgrade | An upgrade domain has finished upgrading during a cluster upgrade | CM | Informational |
Node events
Node lifecycle events
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
18602 | NodeDeactivateCompleted | StateTransition | Deactivation of a node has completed | FM | Informational |
18603 | NodeUp | StateTransition | The cluster has detected a node has started up | FM | Informational |
18604 | NodeDown | StateTransition | The cluster has detected a node has shut down. During a node restart, you'll see a NodeDown event followed by a NodeUp event | FM | Error |
18605 | NodeAddedToCluster | StateTransition | A new node has been added to the cluster and Service Fabric can deploy applications to this node | FM | Informational |
18606 | NodeRemovedFromCluster | StateTransition | A node has been removed from the cluster. Service Fabric will no longer deploy applications to this node | FM | Informational |
18607 | NodeDeactivateStarted | StateTransition | Deactivation of a node has started | FM | Informational |
25621 | NodeOpenSucceeded | StateTransition | A node started successfully | FabricNode | Informational |
25622 | NodeOpenFailed | StateTransition | A node failed to start and join the ring | FabricNode | Error |
25624 | NodeClosed | StateTransition | A node shut down successfully | FabricNode | Informational |
25626 | NodeAborted | StateTransition | A node has ungracefully shut down | FabricNode | Error |
Ktl Logger Node events
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
50187 | SharedLogWriteThrottled | Health | Writes to Shared log are throttling | KtlLoggerNode | Informational |
50188 | SharedLogWriteUnthrottled | Health | Writes to Shared log have unthrottled | KtlLoggerNode | Informational |
Application events
Application lifecycle events
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
29620 | ApplicationCreated | LifeCycle | A new application was created | CM | Informational |
29625 | ApplicationDeleted | LifeCycle | An existing application was deleted | CM | Informational |
23083 | ApplicationProcessExited | LifeCycle | A process within an application has exited | Hosting | Informational |
Application upgrade events
More details on application upgrades can be found here.
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
29621 | ApplicationUpgradeStarted | Upgrade | An application upgrade has started | CM | Informational |
29622 | ApplicationUpgradeCompleted | Upgrade | An application upgrade has completed | CM | Informational |
29623 | ApplicationUpgradeRollbackStarted | Upgrade | An application upgrade has started to roll back | CM | Warning |
29624 | ApplicationUpgradeRollbackCompleted | Upgrade | An application upgrade has completed rolling back | CM | Warning |
29626 | ApplicationUpgradeDomainCompleted | Upgrade | An upgrade domain has finished upgrading during an application upgrade | CM | Informational |
Service events
Service lifecycle events
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
18657 | ServiceCreated | LifeCycle | A new service was created | FM | Informational |
18658 | ServiceDeleted | LifeCycle | An existing service was deleted | FM | Informational |
Partition events
Partition move events
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
18940 | PartitionReconfigured | LifeCycle | A partition reconfiguration has completed | RA | Informational |
Replica events
Replica lifecycle events
EventId | Name | Category | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
61701 | ReliableDictionaryOpened | LifeCycle | Reliable dictionary has opened | DistributedDictionary | Informational |
61702 | ReliableDictionaryClosed | LifeCycle | Reliable dictionary has closed | DistributedDictionary | Informational |
61703 | ReliableDictionaryCheckpointRecovered | LifeCycle | Reliable dictionary has recovered its checkpoint | DistributedDictionary | Informational |
61704 | ReliableDictionaryCheckpointFilesSent | LifeCycle | Replica has sent reliable dictionary's checkpoint files | DistributedDictionary | Informational |
61705 | ReliableDictionaryCheckpointFilesReceived | LifeCycle | Replica has received reliable dictionary's checkpoint files | DistributedDictionary | Informational |
61963 | ReliableQueueOpened | LifeCycle | Reliable queue has opened | DistributedQueue | Informational |
61964 | ReliableQueueClosed | LifeCycle | Reliable queue has closed | DistributedQueue | Informational |
61965 | ReliableQueueCheckpointRecovered | LifeCycle | Reliable queue has recovered its checkpoint | DistributedQueue | Informational |
61966 | ReliableQueueCheckpointFilesSent | LifeCycle | Replica has sent reliable queue's checkpoint files | DistributedQueue | Informational |
63647 | ReliableQueueCheckpointFilesReceived | LifeCycle | Replica has received reliable queue's checkpoint files | DistributedQueue | Informational |
63648 | ReliableConcurrentQueueOpened | LifeCycle | Reliable concurrent queue has opened | ReliableConcurrentQueue | Informational |
63649 | ReliableConcurrentQueueClosed | LifeCycle | Reliable concurrent queue has closed | ReliableConcurrentQueue | Informational |
63650 | ReliableConcurrentQueueCheckpointRecovered | LifeCycle | Reliable concurrent queue has recovered its checkpoint | ReliableConcurrentQueue | Informational |
61687 | TStoreError | Failure | Reliable collection has received an unexpected error | TStore | Error |
63831 | PrimaryFullCopyInitiated | LifeCycle | Primary replica has initiated a full copy | TReplicator | Informational |
63832 | PrimaryPartialCopyInitiated | LifeCycle | Primary replica has initiated a partial copy | TReplicator | Informational |
16831 | BuildIdleReplicaStarted | LifeCycle | Primary replica has started building idle replica | Replication | Informational |
16832 | BuildIdleReplicaCompleted | LifeCycle | Primary replica has completed building idle replica | Replication | Informational |
16833 | BuildIdleReplicaFailed | LifeCycle | Primary replica has failed building idle replica | Replication | Warning |
16834 | PrimaryReplicationQueueFull | Health | Primary replica's replication queue is full | Replication | Warning |
16835 | PrimaryReplicationQueueWarning | Health | Primary replica's replication queue is near full | Replication | Warning |
16836 | PrimaryReplicationQueueWarningMitigated | Health | Primary replica's replication queue is okay | Replication | Informational |
16837 | SecondaryReplicationQueueFull | Health | Secondary replica's replication queue is full | Replication | Warning |
16838 | SecondaryReplicationQueueWarning | Health | Secondary replica's replication queue is near full | Replication | Warning |
16839 | SecondaryReplicationQueueWarningMitigated | Health | Secondary replica's replication queue is okay | Replication | Informational |
16840 | PrimaryFaultedSlowSecondary | Health | Primary replica has faulted a slow secondary replica | Replication | Warning |
16841 | ReplicatorFaulted | Health | Replica has faulted | Replication | Warning |
Container events
Container lifecycle events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
23074 | ContainerActivated | A container has started | Hosting | Informational | 1 |
23075 | ContainerDeactivated | A container has stopped | Hosting | Informational | 1 |
23082 | ContainerExited | A container has exited - Check the UnexpectedTermination flag | Hosting | Informational | 1 |
BackupRestoreService Events
When BackupRestoreService (BRS) is enabled on an SF Cluster, it exposes events for user triggered and periodic operations to let user understand the status of operations. User triggered operations cover actions like creating a backup policy on cluster, triggering backup on a partition or any other valid action in BRS context. BRS periodically emits status of current active policies at cluster level, information about last backup and upcoming scheduled backup and status of periodic backup at different stages at partition level.
BackupRestoreService partition events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
65305 | BRSInfo | Periodic backup triggered | BackupRestoreService | Informational |
65307 | BRSWarning | Incremental backup failed, triggering a full backup | BackupRestoreService | Warning |
65309 | BRSError | Periodic backup failed | BackupRestoreService | Error |
BackupRestoreService cluster events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level |
65306 | BRSInfo | Backup policy created | BackupRestoreService | Informational |
65308 | BRSWarning | Backup policy deleted | BackupRestoreService | Warning |
65310 | BRSError | AddBackupPolicy failed | BackupRestoreService | Error |
Health reports
The Service Fabric Health Model provides a rich, flexible, and extensible health evaluation and reporting. Starting Service Fabric version 6.2, health data is written as Platform events to provide historical records of health. To keep the volume of health events low, we only write the following as Service Fabric events:
- All
health reports Ok
health reports during transitions- When an
health event expires. This can be used to determine how long an entity was unhealthy
Cluster health report events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
54428 | ClusterNewHealthReport | A new cluster health report is available | HM | Informational | 1 |
54437 | ClusterHealthReportExpired | An existing cluster health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
Node health report events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
54423 | NodeNewHealthReport | A new node health report is available | HM | Informational | 1 |
54432 | NodeHealthReportExpired | An existing node health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
Application health report events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
54425 | ApplicationNewHealthReport | A new application health report was created. This is for undeployed applications. | HM | Informational | 1 |
54426 | DeployedApplicationNewHealthReport | A new deployed application health report was created | HM | Informational | 1 |
54427 | DeployedServicePackageNewHealthReport | A new deployed service health report was created | HM | Informational | 1 |
54434 | ApplicationHealthReportExpired | An existing application health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
54435 | DeployedApplicationHealthReportExpired | An existing deployed application health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
54436 | DeployedServicePackageHealthReportExpired | An existing deployed service health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
Service health report events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
54424 | ServiceNewHealthReport | A new service health report was created | HM | Informational | 1 |
54433 | ServiceHealthReportExpired | An existing service health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
Partition health report events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
54422 | PartitionNewHealthReport | A new partition health report was created | HM | Informational | 1 |
54431 | PartitionHealthReportExpired | An existing partition health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
Replica health report events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
54429 | StatefulReplicaNewHealthReport | A stateful replica health report was created | HM | Informational | 1 |
54430 | StatelessInstanceNewHealthReport | A new stateless instance health report was created | HM | Informational | 1 |
54438 | StatefulReplicaHealthReportExpired | An existing stateful replica health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
54439 | StatelessInstanceHealthReportExpired | An existing stateless instance health report has expired | HM | Informational | 1 |
Chaos testing events
Chaos session events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
50021 | ChaosStarted | A Chaos testing session has started | Testability | Informational | 1 |
50023 | ChaosStopped | A Chaos testing session has stopped | Testability | Informational | 1 |
Chaos node events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
50033 | ChaosNodeRestartScheduled | A node has scheduled to restart as part of a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
50087 | ChaosNodeRestartCompleted | A node has finished restarting as part of a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
Chaos application events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
50053 | ChaosCodePackageRestartScheduled | A code package restart has been scheduled during a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
50101 | ChaosCodePackageRestartCompleted | A code package restart has completed during a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
Chaos partition events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
50069 | ChaosPartitionPrimaryMoveScheduled | A primary partition has scheduled to move as part of a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
50077 | ChaosPartitionSecondaryMoveScheduled | A secondary partition has scheduled to move as part of a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
65003 | PartitionPrimaryMoveAnalysis | The deeper analysis of the primary partition move is available | Testability | Informational | 1 |
Chaos replica events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
50047 | ChaosReplicaRestartScheduled | A replica restart has been scheduled as part of a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
50051 | ChaosReplicaRemovalScheduled | A replica removal has been scheduled as part of a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
50093 | ChaosReplicaRemovalCompleted | A replica removal has completed as part of a Chaos testing session | Testability | Informational | 1 |
Other events
Correlation events
EventId | Name | Description | Source (Task) | Level | Version |
65011 | CorrelationOperational | A correlation has been detected | Testability | Informational | 1 |
Events prior to version 6.2
Here's a comprehensive list of events provided by Service Fabric before version 6.2.
EventId | Name | Source (Task) | Level |
25620 | NodeOpening | FabricNode | Informational |
25621 | NodeOpenedSuccess | FabricNode | Informational |
25622 | NodeOpenedFailed | FabricNode | Informational |
25623 | NodeClosing | FabricNode | Informational |
25624 | NodeClosed | FabricNode | Informational |
25625 | NodeAborting | FabricNode | Informational |
25626 | NodeAborted | FabricNode | Informational |
29627 | ClusterUpgradeStart | CM | Informational |
29628 | ClusterUpgradeComplete | CM | Informational |
29629 | ClusterUpgradeRollback | CM | Informational |
29630 | ClusterUpgradeRollbackComplete | CM | Informational |
29631 | ClusterUpgradeDomainComplete | CM | Informational |
23074 | ContainerActivated | Hosting | Informational |
23075 | ContainerDeactivated | Hosting | Informational |
29620 | ApplicationCreated | CM | Informational |
29621 | ApplicationUpgradeStart | CM | Informational |
29622 | ApplicationUpgradeComplete | CM | Informational |
29623 | ApplicationUpgradeRollback | CM | Informational |
29624 | ApplicationUpgradeRollbackComplete | CM | Informational |
29625 | ApplicationDeleted | CM | Informational |
29626 | ApplicationUpgradeDomainComplete | CM | Informational |
18566 | ServiceCreated | FM | Informational |
18567 | ServiceDeleted | FM | Informational |
Next steps
- Get an overview of diagnostics in Service Fabric
- Learn more about the EventStore in Service Fabric Eventstore Overview
- Modifying your Azure Diagnostics configuration to collect more logs
- Setting up Application Insights to see your Operational channel logs