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Dynamic Signal (Preview)

Dynamic Signal is an Employee Communication and Engagement Platform, trusted by organizations to connect, align and engage employees. Connect to Dynamic Signal to create and manage your posts and users.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Connector Metadata
Publisher Dynamic Signal

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Bearer Token securestring The Bearer Token for this api True
Dynamic Signal URL string The URL where you access Dynamic Signal. True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Add an image to a post via upload

Sets the post image via binary upload.

Add an image to a post via URL

Sets the post image via a URL.

Create a post

Creates a post.

Get a post

Gets a specific post by ID

Get a user by email

Retrieves a user by their email address

Get categories

Gets a list of categories that are visible to the authenticated user

Get divisions

Gets the list of divisions

Get post tags

Gets the post tags defined in the system

Get targets

Gets a list of the community's targets and target definitions

Get user tags

Gets a list of user tags defined in the system

Manage posts

Allows server-authenticated calls to update properties for multiple posts in a single request

Preregister a user

Creates a new user in the preregistered state

Update a post

Edits an existing post.

Upload a document to a post

Uploads a document to a post via binary upload

Upload image

Uploads an image via binary upload

Add an image to a post via upload

Sets the post image via binary upload.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True uuid

The post ID

File True binary

File to upload

Content-Type such as image/jpg, image/pjpeg, image/png, image/x-png, image/gif
Content-Type True string

Content-Type of uploaded file


A simple response indicating the action was carried out successfully


Add an image to a post via URL

Sets the post image via a URL.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True uuid

The post ID, required: true

url True string



A simple response indicating the action was carried out successfully


Create a post

Creates a post.


Name Key Required Type Description
description string

The short description of the post

Tag Line
tagLine string

The tag line of the post

content string

The body of the post

Creator Comments
creatorComments string

A message associated with the post

Perma Link
permaLink string

The external URL referenced by the post

Internal Discussions Enabled
internalDiscussionsEnabled boolean

Whether members are allowed to perform like action and add comments on posts internally

title True string

The title of the post

Member Video Url
memberVideoUrl string

The video URL referenced by the post

Post Type
postType string

The basic type of the post

Approval State
approvalState string

The approval state of the post. Defaults to the author's Review Status setting.

Display Mode
displayMode string

Indicates redirection of a post to an internal or external location

sharable boolean

Whether the VoiceStorm platform and widgets will allow for the post to be shared

Start Date
startDate date-time

The date after which the post is available for viewing

End Date
endDate date-time

The date the after which the post will no longer be available for viewing

Suggested Share Text
suggestedShareText string

The suggested share text for the post

Short Suggested Share Text
shortSuggestedShareText string

The suggested share text for the post for short message providers

Share Points
sharePoints integer

The number of points awarded when a user shares the post

Click Points
clickPoints integer

The number of points awarded when someone clicks on a shared link to the post

Share With Images
shareWithImages boolean

Controls if posts shared to short message services (like Twitter) have images shared

Share Images Only
shareImagesOnly boolean

Controls if posts shared to certain services are treated as image/photo only updates

name string

The tag name

language string

The language of the post content

documents array of uuid

A list of documents IDs to attach to this post

Creator ID
creatorId integer

The user that is creating the post; This property is only available for server-authenticated requests at this time. All other posts are automatically set to the authenticated user.

Display Creator
displayCreator boolean

Controls whether the creator information is to be displayed with the post or not; This property is only available for server-authenticated requests at this time.

Category IDs
categoryIds array of integer

A list of category IDs that have been assigned to the post

Target IDs
targetIds array of integer

A list of target Ids that have been assigned to the post


A post


Get a post

Gets a specific post by ID


Name Key Required Type Description
id True uuid

The post ID.; This is the unique identifier for the post.

User ID
userId integer

The user who is viewing the post. The logged in user will be used if no ID is specified


A post


Get a user by email

Retrieves a user by their email address


Name Key Required Type Description
email True string

The user's email

include array of string

Specifies optional data to return with the user.


Get categories

Gets a list of categories that are visible to the authenticated user


Detailed information related to categories

Get divisions

Gets the list of divisions


The divisions defined in the system

Get post tags

Gets the post tags defined in the system


A list of post tags defined in the system

Get targets

Gets a list of the community's targets and target definitions


A list of target definitions and associated targets for the community.

Get user tags

Gets a list of user tags defined in the system


A list of user tags defined in the system

Manage posts

Allows server-authenticated calls to update properties for multiple posts in a single request


Name Key Required Type Description
Post IDs
postIds True array of uuid

The posts being modified

tags array of string

A collection of tag names that can be applied to posts

Division IDs
divisionIds array of integer

The division IDs to which the posts belong

Category IDs
categoryIds array of integer

The category ID's to which the posts belong

Target IDs
targetIds array of integer

The target ID's to which the posts belong

Approval State
approvalState string

The Approval state for the posts (This is not affected by the DELETE requests)


A simple response indicating the action was carried out successfully


Preregister a user

Creates a new user in the preregistered state


Name Key Required Type Description
email string

The user's email address

External Sso User ID
externalSsoUserId string

The user's ID on the external system managed by the SSO Identity Provider

handle string

The user's handle

First Name
firstName string

The user's first name.

Last Name
lastName string

The user's last name.

Division IDs
divisionIds array of integer

A list of divisions to which the user will be assigned.

Target IDs
targetIds array of integer

A list of targets to assign to the user.

name string

The tag or attribute name

value string

The optional value

Send Invitation Email
sendInvitationEmail boolean

Determines whether to send an invitation email to the user.

Invitation Message
invitationMessage string

An optional plain text message to include in the invitation email.

Notifications Default
notificationsDefault string

Setting that controls when the users will start receiving email notifications.

Can Share Posts
canSharePosts boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to share posts

Can Comment Posts
canCommentPosts boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to comment and like posts

Can Submit Posts
canSubmitPosts boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to submit posts

Can Manage Organization
canManageOrganization boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to communicate with direct and indirect reports within the community


Update a post

Edits an existing post.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True uuid

The post ID

title string

The title of the post

description string

The short description of the post

Tag Line
tagLine string

The tag line of the post

content string

The body of the post

Creator Comments
creatorComments string

A message associated with the post

Perma Link
permaLink string

The external URL referenced by the post

Internal Discussions Enabled
internalDiscussionsEnabled boolean

Whether members are allowed to perform like action and add comments on posts internally


A post


Upload a document to a post

Uploads a document to a post via binary upload


Name Key Required Type Description
File Name
fileName True string

The document's preferred filename (with extension)

id True uuid

The post ID

File True binary

File to upload

Content-Type such as image/jpg, image/pjpeg, image/png, image/x-png, image/gif
Content-Type True string

Content-Type of uploaded file


Information relevant to an attached document

Upload image

Uploads an image via binary upload


Name Key Required Type Description
File True binary

File to upload

Content-Type such as image/jpg, image/pjpeg, image/png, image/x-png, image/gif
Content-Type True string

Content-Type of uploaded file




A simple response indicating the action was carried out successfully

Name Path Type Description
code string

A value of "success" indicates a successful operation


A list of target definitions and associated targets for the community.

Name Path Type Description
definitions array of targetDefinitionInfoResponse


Detailed information for a specific target definition and its associated targets

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The Id of the target definition

name string

The name of the target definition

Get User Confirmation
getUserConfirmation boolean

Determines whether a user is asked to confirm/select their preference

Allow Multiple Selections
allowMultipleSelections boolean

Determines whether multiple targets can be selected

Selection Required
selectionRequired boolean

Determines whether a selection in this definition is required

Target Selection Prompt
targetSelectionPrompt string

A customized label to prompt users to select their preference

childTargets array of targetInfoResponse


Detailed information for a specific target.

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The target ID

name string

The name of the target

description string

The targets descritption

Definition ID
definitionId integer

The ID of the target definition the target belongs to

Parent ID
parentId integer

The ID of the targets parent, if it has one

Is Subscribed
isSubscribed boolean

Whether the user is subscribed to a specific target

childTargets array of targetInfoResponse1


A list of post tags defined in the system

Name Path Type Description
tags array of managePostTagResponse


Detailed information for a specific post tag

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The tag ID

name string

The tag name

Is Available To Members
isAvailableToMembers boolean

Determines if the tag is avilable to be used on member-facing post submission pages (if enabled)


A list of user tags defined in the system

Name Path Type Description
tags array of manageUserTagResponse


Detailed information for a specific user tag

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The tag ID

name string

The tag name

type string
acceptedValues array of string


Detailed information related to categories

Name Path Type Description
categories array of categoryResponse
Subscription Prompt
subscriptionPrompt string

The label to prompt members to select category subscriptions

Enable Category Subscription
enableCategorySubscription boolean

Whether members are allowed to modify their category subscriptions

Require Subscription Selection
requireSubscriptionSelection boolean

Whether members are required to select category subscriptions during onboarding

Landing Page Default Category
landingPageDefaultCategory integer

The default content to show when loading news feed information


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The category ID

name string

The category name

description string

The category description

Display Order
displayOrder integer

The order in which to display the category

Is Pinned
isPinned boolean

Whether the category has been pinned by an administrator

Is Forced
isForced boolean

Whether the authenticated user is force-subscribed to the given category

Is Subscribed
isSubscribed boolean

Wther the authenticated user is subscribed to the given category

Is Hidden
isHidden boolean

Whether the category is hidden by an administrator

Is User Selectable
isUserSelectable boolean

Whether users are allowed to select categories for submitted posts

Parent Category ID
parentCategoryId integer

The parent category ID

childCategories array of categoryResponse1


A post

Name Path Type Description
Post ID
postId uuid

The post ID

Post Source ID
postSourceId integer

The source ID

title string

The title of the post

description string

The short description of the post

Tag Line
tagLine string

The tag line of the post

content string

The body of the post

Raw Content
rawContent string

The body of the post including all HTML (when both Content and RawContent are included)

Creator Comments
creatorComments string

A message associated with the post

creatorInfo userOverviewResponse

Summary information about a user

location string

Geographic location related to the post

properties object

Miscellaneous properties of the post. Not available with all post types

Perma Link
permaLink string

The external URL referenced by the post

Clean Perma Link
cleanPermaLink string

The permalink (excluding problematic spaces and newlines)

postType string
postSourceType string
postBylineType string
provider string

The social provider from which the post originated (e.g., Facebook, Twitter).

approvalState string
displayMode string
status string
User Editable
userEditable boolean
User Shareable
userShareable boolean

Indicates whether the current user is able to share the post. If no current user, defaults to true.

User Commentable
userCommentable boolean

Indicates whether the current user is able to participate in dicussions on the post. If no current user, defaults to false.

sharable boolean

Whether the platform and widgets will allow for the post to be shared

broadcasted boolean

Whether the post has been broadcast to users for sharing

pinned boolean

Whether the post has been set for priority display in streams

Publish Date
publishDate date-time

For user-submitted content, the date of post submission; for content imported from an external source, the publication date according to the source

Start Date
startDate date-time

The date after which the post is available for viewing

End Date
endDate date-time

The date the after which the post will no longer be available for viewing

Event Start Date
eventStartDate date-time

The date the event begins (for event-type posts)

Event End Date
eventEndDate date-time

The date the event ends (for event-type posts)

Provider Time Stamp
providerTimeStamp date-time

The date of the post from the providers perspective, i.e., when it was originally posted on the social provider

Received Publish Points
receivedPublishPoints boolean

Whether the user who submitted the post received points when the post was published

Suggested Share Text
suggestedShareText string

The suggested share text for the post

Short Suggested Share Text
shortSuggestedShareText string

The suggested share text for the post for short message providers

suggestedShareTextList array of string
shortSuggestedShareTextList array of string
Share Points
sharePoints integer

The number of points awarded when a user shares the post

Click Points
clickPoints integer

The number of points awarded when someone clicks on a shared link to the post

Provider Post ID
providerPostId string

The original ID of the post on the providers network

Url Slug
urlSlug string

The SEO text to put in public links to the post

classification string

The type of post on the providers network.

Share With Images
shareWithImages boolean

Controls if posts shared to short message services (like Twitter) have images shared

Share Images Only
shareImagesOnly boolean

Controls if posts shared to certain services are treated as image/photo only updates

actions string

A JSON blob containing a list of action items for the post and URLs

mentions string

The mentions (users, hash tags, etc.) stored as a JSON blob.

statistics postStatisticsResponse
userShareInfo postUserShareInfoResponse
author postAuthorRequestResponse
links array of postLinkRequestResponse
tags array of postTagRequestResponse
media array of postMediaRequestResponse
images object
candidateImages array of postCandidateImageResponse
visible boolean

Whether the post is currently visible

shareDisclosures array of postShareDisclosureResponse
shareCommentRules array of postShareCommentRulesResponse
language string

The language of the post content

User Hidden
userHidden boolean

Whether the user has hidden the post from one or more streams

Is Viewed By User
isViewedByUser boolean

Whether the post has been viewed by the current user.

Is Discussion Viewed By User
isDiscussionViewedByUser boolean

Whether the posts discussion thread has been viewed by the current user

Is Liked By User
isLikedByUser boolean

Whether the post has been internally liked by the current user.

Is Commented By User
isCommentedByUser boolean

Whether the post has been commented on by the current user.

Is Shared By User
isSharedByUser boolean

Whether the post has been previously shared by the current user

targets array of targetOverviewResponse
categories array of categoryOverviewResponse
Current Time
currentTime date-time

The current time on the server.


Basic category information

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The category ID

name string

The category name

Parent Category ID
parentCategoryId integer

The parent category ID


A lightweight target response consisting of the targets name, ID, and the ID of the target definition it belongs to

Name Path Type Description
name string

The targets name

id integer

The targets ID

Definition ID
definitionId integer

The ID of the target definition to which the target belongs


Name Path Type Description
provider string
Share Max Character Limit
shareMaxCharacterLimit integer

The maximum length of a users comment in a share on this provider.


Name Path Type Description
provider string
Provider Display Name
providerDisplayName string

The providers display name

Share Disclosure Text
shareDisclosureText string

The disclosure text appended to each share


Name Path Type Description
url string

The images URL

width integer

The images width

height integer

The images height

Mime Type
mimeType string

The images MIME type

Ssl Url
sslUrl string

The images secure URL


Name Path Type Description
name string

The name of the media object

width integer

The width of the media object in pixels

height integer

The height of the media object in pixels

Mime Type
mimeType string

The MIME type of the media object

html string

HTML that can be used to render the media object

url string

The URL to the media object

origin string

If available, specifies the original location of the media object

provider string

The social provider name

role string

The type of media (if determined)

duration integer

The video duration in milliseconds

description string

The video format description

Has Video Url
hasVideoUrl boolean

Indicates that this media has a video URL that must be signed by using the "WatchVideo" include


Name Path Type Description
name string

The tag name


Name Path Type Description
url string

The posts URL

Expanded Url
expandedUrl string

The expanded URL (if it exists)

title string

The posts title

domain string

The links domain

Favicon Url
faviconUrl string

The favicon URL of the link

name string

The name of the link assigned by the social provider

caption string

The short caption of the link (i.e., the text under the link)

description string

The description of the link (i.e., the longer text under the caption)

Modified Date
modifiedDate date-time
Created Date
createdDate date-time


Name Path Type Description
author string

The stored text to display as the author.

Profile Image Url
profileImageUrl string

The authors profile picture on the social network

Provider User ID
providerUserId string

The authors ID on the social network

Provider User Name
providerUserName string

The authors name on the social network

Profile Url
profileUrl string

The authors profile URL on the social network

Post Source Name
postSourceName string

The name of the source of the post.

Post Source Site
postSourceSite string

The website in which the post originated


Name Path Type Description
Points Earned
pointsEarned integer

The number of points earned by the user for sharing

Share Count
shareCount integer

The number of times the user shared

Most Recent Share Date
mostRecentShareDate date-time

Date of the users most recent share of this post


Name Path Type Description
Total In App Share Count
totalInAppShareCount integer

Synonym for ShareCount

Tracking ID
trackingId string
Share Count
shareCount integer

The count of shares initiated in the app that have been verified as successfully shared

Reaction Count
reactionCount integer

The count of reactions (likes, retweets, etc.) to shares

Impression Count
impressionCount integer

The potential views of a post by sharers friends and followers

Viewed Count
viewedCount integer

The number of times the post has been visited by logged-in users

Click Count
clickCount integer

The count of clicks to the posts link from shares

Like Count
likeCount integer

The count of internal likes on the post

Comment Count
commentCount integer

The count of internal comments on the post

Comment Like Count
commentLikeCount integer

The sum of all likes across all internal comments on the post


Summary information about a user

Name Path Type Description
User ID
userId integer

ID of the user

Display Name
displayName string

Display name of the user

profilePictureImages object
Is Active
isActive boolean

Whether the user is still an active member of the community


Name Path Type Description
Image Identifier
imageIdentifier string

The identifier to the uploaded image


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The users internal ID

email string

The users email address

handle string

The users handle (the "user name")

Display Name
displayName string

The users preferred display name

Full Name
fullName string

The first and last name of the user

First Name
firstName string

The users first name

Last Name
lastName string

The users last name

displayNameFormat string
status string
Profile Completed
profileCompleted boolean

Whether the users profile was completed during onboarding

Last Activity Date
lastActivityDate date-time

The last time the user interacted with the system.

title string

The users title

location string

The users self-described location (may not be an actual geographic location)

External Api User ID
externalApiUserId string

The users ID on the external system managed by the caller of this API

Manager User ID
managerUserId integer

The ID of the users manager (for organizational hierarchy features)

Time Zone
timeZone string

User time zone represented as a tz database time zone name as set by IANA. Example: "America/Los_Angeles".

Selected Time Zone
selectedTimeZone string

The users selected time zone represented as a tz database time zone name as set by IANA. Example: "America/Los_Angeles".

Point Balance
pointBalance integer

The total points earned to date

Unredeemed Points
unredeemedPoints integer

The points currently available for redemption

Redeemed Points
redeemedPoints integer

The number of points redeemed over the users lifetime

Api Info
apiInfo string

API-specific property bag

Has Password
hasPassword boolean

Whether the user has a password associated with the account.

Must Change Password
mustChangePassword boolean

Whether the user must change their password based on community settings

Is Account Verified
isAccountVerified boolean

Indicates if the user has verified their email address

statistics postStatisticsResponse
tags object
badges object
affiliations array of userAffiliationResponse
divisions array of divisionResponse
channels array of userChannelResponse
profilePictureImages object
languages array of string
Primary Language
primaryLanguage string

The users primary interface language

scheduleSettings userScheduleSettingsResponse

A users scheduled sharing preferences

Is Sso
isSso boolean

Whether the user is setup to authenticate using SSO

permissions userPermissionsResponse

A managers permissions

privileges userPrivilegesResponse

A users privileges

identifiers array of allowlistIdentifiersResponse
targets array of targetOverviewResponse
defaults userDefaultsRequestResponse

A collection of a users defaults

Welcome Banner Dismissed
welcomeBannerDismissed boolean

Whether the user has dismissed the welcome banner


A collection of a users defaults

Name Path Type Description
defaultPostState string
defaultPostApprovalState string
Default Post Show Internal Discussions
defaultPostShowInternalDiscussions boolean

The users default post internal discussions state when creating a post

Default Post Show Creator Info
defaultPostShowCreatorInfo boolean

The users default state when creating a post regarding showing creator name and photo


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The allow list definition ID

value string

The users response for the given allow list definition


A users privileges

Name Path Type Description
Can Submit Posts
canSubmitPosts boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to submit posts, based on their privileges and the community settings

Can Share Posts
canSharePosts boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to share posts, based on their privileges and the community settings

Can Comment Posts
canCommentPosts boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to comment and like posts, based on their privileges and the community settings

Can Manage Community
canManageCommunity boolean

Indicates if the user is a manager within community, based on their privileges and the community settings

Can Manage Organization
canManageOrganization boolean

Indicates if the user has the ability to communicate with direct and indirect reports within the community, based on their privileges and the community settings

Can Set Post Shareable
canSetPostShareable boolean

Whether the user can set the Shareable status when submitting a post


A managers permissions

Name Path Type Description
View Broadcast
viewBroadcast boolean

Allows the manager to view broadcasts

List Broadcast
listBroadcast boolean

Allows the manager to view lists of broadcasts

Edit Broadcast
editBroadcast boolean

Allows the manager to create and edit broadcasts

View Broadcast Stats
viewBroadcastStats boolean

Allows the manager to view broadcast stats

View Post
viewPost boolean

Allows the manager to view posts

List Post
listPost boolean

Allows the manager to view lists of posts

Edit Post
editPost boolean

Allows the manager to create and edit posts

View Post Stats
viewPostStats boolean

Allows the manager to view post stats

View Survey
viewSurvey boolean

Allows the manager to view surveys

List Survey
listSurvey boolean

Allows the manager to view lists of surveys

Edit Survey
editSurvey boolean

Allows the manager to create and edit surveys

Community Settings
communitySettings boolean

Allows the manager to view and edit community settings


A users scheduled sharing preferences

Name Path Type Description
days string
times array of string


A user channel.

Name Path Type Description
User Channel ID
userChannelId integer

The internal user channel ID

User ID
userId integer

The internal user ID

provider string
name string

The users name on the social provider

Display Name
displayName string

The users display name on the social provider

Provider User ID
providerUserId string

The providers user ID

status string
url string

The URL for the channel

friends integer

The number of friends the user has on the channel

followers integer

The number of followers the user has on the channel

following integer

The number of people the user is following on the channel

posts integer

The number of posts the user has made on the channel.

views integer

The number of views the user has on the channel

Point Balance
pointBalance integer

The point balance of the user on the channel

Source Display Name
sourceDisplayName string

The display name of the user channel when used as a content source

reach integer

The users reach on the channel

sharable boolean

Whether the channel supports sharing

Sharing Default
sharingDefault boolean

Whether the channel is preselected for sharing

Auth Required
authRequired boolean

Whether the channels credentials need to be renewed

statistics postStatisticsResponse
profilePictureImages object


A division definition

Name Path Type Description
Division ID
divisionId integer

The division ID

name string

The division name

Parent Division ID
parentDivisionId integer

The ID of this divisions parent


A user affiliation

Name Path Type Description
question affiliationQuestionResponse

An affiliation question

answer affiliationAnswerResponse

An affiliation answer


An affiliation answer

Name Path Type Description
Answer ID
answerId integer

The answer ID

answer string

The answer

score double

The score, if provided

Free Text
freeText string

Text for questions with FreeText question type

Decline To Answer
declineToAnswer boolean

If set, this is the answer signifying that a user declined to answer the question.

position integer

The answers sorting position


An affiliation question

Name Path Type Description
Question ID
questionId integer

The question ID

name string

The question

Score Position
scorePosition integer

The questions sorting position

description string

The questions description

questionType string
required boolean

Whether the question has to be answered to register

Is Publicly Visible
isPubliclyVisible boolean


Information relevant to an attached document

Name Path Type Description
id uuid

The documents ID

File Name
fileName string

The documents filename (with extension)

extension string

The documents file extension

Mime Type
mimeType string

The documents MIME type


The divisions defined in the system

Name Path Type Description
divisions array of divisionResponse
prompt string

The label to prompt members to select a division

Show User Division Selection
showUserDivisionSelection boolean

Whether registered members can change their own division

Show User Division Selection During Onboarding
showUserDivisionSelectionDuringOnboarding boolean

Whether new members should select their own division during registration

Require User Division Selection
requireUserDivisionSelection boolean

Whether members must select their own division.

Allow Multiple Divisions
allowMultipleDivisions boolean

Whether members are allowed to select multiple or only one division


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The category ID

name string

The category name

description string

The category description

Display Order
displayOrder integer

The order in which to display the category

Is Pinned
isPinned boolean

Whether the category has been pinned by an administrator

Is Forced
isForced boolean

Whether the authenticated user is force-subscribed to the given category

Is Subscribed
isSubscribed boolean

Wther the authenticated user is subscribed to the given category

Is Hidden
isHidden boolean

Whether the category is hidden by an administrator

Is User Selectable
isUserSelectable boolean

Whether users are allowed to select categories for submitted posts

Parent Category ID
parentCategoryId integer

The parent category ID


Detailed information for a specific target.

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The target ID

name string

The name of the target

description string

The targets descritption

Definition ID
definitionId integer

The ID of the target definition the target belongs to

Parent ID
parentId integer

The ID of the targets parent, if it has one

Is Subscribed
isSubscribed boolean

Whether the user is subscribed to a specific target

childTargets array of targetInfoResponse2


Detailed information for a specific target.

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The target ID

name string

The name of the target

description string

The targets descritption

Definition ID
definitionId integer

The ID of the target definition the target belongs to

Parent ID
parentId integer

The ID of the targets parent, if it has one

Is Subscribed
isSubscribed boolean

Whether the user is subscribed to a specific target

childTargets array of targetInfoResponse3


Detailed information for a specific target.

Name Path Type Description
id integer

The target ID

name string

The name of the target

description string

The targets descritption

Definition ID
definitionId integer

The ID of the target definition the target belongs to

Parent ID
parentId integer

The ID of the targets parent, if it has one

Is Subscribed
isSubscribed boolean

Whether the user is subscribed to a specific target