Comparteix a través de

Uri.Inequality(Uri, Uri) Operador


Determina si dos instancias de Uri no tienen el mismo valor.

 static bool operator !=(Uri ^ uri1, Uri ^ uri2);
public static bool operator != (Uri uri1, Uri uri2);
public static bool operator != (Uri? uri1, Uri? uri2);
static member op_Inequality : Uri * Uri -> bool
Public Shared Operator != (uri1 As Uri, uri2 As Uri) As Boolean



Un identificador URI que se compara con uri2.


Un identificador URI que se compara con uri1.



Es true si las dos instancias de Uri no son iguales; de lo contrario, es false. Si alguno de los parámetros es null, este método devuelve true.


En este ejemplo se crean tres Uri instancias de cadenas y se comparan para determinar si representan el mismo valor. Address2 y Address3 no son los mismos porque Address3 contiene un Query objeto que no se encuentra en Address2. El resultado se escribe en la consola.

// Create some Uris.
Uri^ address1 = gcnew Uri( "" );
Uri^ address2 = gcnew Uri( "" );
Uri^ address3 = gcnew Uri( "" );

// The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
if ( address1 == address2 )
   Console::WriteLine( "{0} is equal to {1}", address1, address2 );

// The second two are not equal.
if ( address2 != address3 )
   Console::WriteLine( "{0} is not equal to {1}", address2, address3 );
// Create some Uris.
Uri address1 = new Uri("");
Uri address2 = new Uri("");
Uri address3 = new Uri("");

// The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
if (address1 == address2)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}", address1.ToString(), address2.ToString());

// The second two are not equal.
if (address2 != address3)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}", address2.ToString(), address3.ToString());
// Create some Uris.
let address1 = Uri ""
let address2 = Uri ""
let address3 = Uri ""

// The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
if address1 = address2 then
    printfn $"{address1} is equal to {address2}"

// The second two are not equal.
if address2 <> address3 then
    printfn $"{address2} is not equal to {address3}"
' Create some Uris.
Dim address1 As New Uri("")
Dim address2 As New Uri("")
Dim address3 As New Uri("")

' The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
If address1 = address2 Then
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}", address1.ToString(), address2.ToString())
End If 
' The second two are not equal.
If address2 <> address3 Then
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}", address2.ToString(), address3.ToString())
End If


Esta sobrecarga usa el Equals método para determinar si las dos Uri instancias no son equivalentes. UserInfo y Fragment se omite el contenido al realizar esta comparación.

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