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Crear y recuperar relaciones de tabla

Este tema muestra cómo crear y recuperar relaciones de tabla.

Crear una relación de 1:N

El siguiente ejemplo de código usa el método ElegibleCreateOneToManyRelationship para verificar que las tablas Account y Campaign pueden participar en una relación 1:N y luego crea la relación utilizando CreateOneToManyRequest.

bool eligibleCreateOneToManyRelationship =
    EligibleCreateOneToManyRelationship("account", "campaign");

if (eligibleCreateOneToManyRelationship)
    CreateOneToManyRequest createOneToManyRelationshipRequest =
        new CreateOneToManyRequest
        OneToManyRelationship =
        new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata
            ReferencedEntity = "account",
            ReferencingEntity = "campaign",
            SchemaName = "new_account_campaign",
            AssociatedMenuConfiguration = new AssociatedMenuConfiguration
                Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseLabel,
                Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
                Label = new Label("Account", 1033),
                Order = 10000
            CascadeConfiguration = new CascadeConfiguration
                Assign = CascadeType.NoCascade,
                Delete = CascadeType.RemoveLink,
                Merge = CascadeType.NoCascade,
                Reparent = CascadeType.NoCascade,
                Share = CascadeType.NoCascade,
                Unshare = CascadeType.NoCascade
        Lookup = new LookupAttributeMetadata
            SchemaName = "new_parent_accountid",
            DisplayName = new Label("Account Lookup", 1033),
            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
            Description = new Label("Sample Lookup", 1033)

    CreateOneToManyResponse createOneToManyRelationshipResponse =

    _oneToManyRelationshipId =
    _oneToManyRelationshipName =

        "The one-to-many relationship has been created between {0} and {1}.",
        "account", "campaign");


El siguiente ejemplo de código usa el método EligibleCreateOneToManyRelationship, que a su vez utiliza CanBeReferencedRequest y CanBeReferencingRequest para verificar si dos tablas pueden participar en una relación 1:N.

/// <summary>
/// Determines whether two entities are eligible to participate in a relationship
/// </summary>
/// <param name="referencedEntity">Primary Entity</param>
/// <param name="referencingEntity">Referencing Entity</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool EligibleCreateOneToManyRelationship(string referencedEntity,
    string referencingEntity)
    //Checks whether the specified entity can be the primary entity in one-to-many
    CanBeReferencedRequest canBeReferencedRequest = new CanBeReferencedRequest
        EntityName = referencedEntity

    CanBeReferencedResponse canBeReferencedResponse =

    if (!canBeReferencedResponse.CanBeReferenced)
            "Entity {0} can't be the primary entity in this one-to-many relationship",

    //Checks whether the specified entity can be the referencing entity in one-to-many
    CanBeReferencingRequest canBereferencingRequest = new CanBeReferencingRequest
        EntityName = referencingEntity

    CanBeReferencingResponse canBeReferencingResponse =

    if (!canBeReferencingResponse.CanBeReferencing)
            "Entity {0} can't be the referencing entity in this one-to-many relationship",

    if (canBeReferencedResponse.CanBeReferenced == true
        && canBeReferencingResponse.CanBeReferencing == true)
        return true;
        return false;

Crear una relación de N:N

El siguiente ejemplo de código usa el método EligibleCreateManyToManyRelationship para verificar que las tablas Account y Campaign pueden participar en una relación de N:N y luego crea la relación utilizando CreateManyToManyRequest.

bool accountEligibleParticipate =
bool campaignEligibleParticipate =

if (accountEligibleParticipate && campaignEligibleParticipate)

    CreateManyToManyRequest createManyToManyRelationshipRequest =
        new CreateManyToManyRequest
        IntersectEntitySchemaName = "new_accounts_campaigns",
        ManyToManyRelationship = new ManyToManyRelationshipMetadata
            SchemaName = "new_accounts_campaigns",
            Entity1LogicalName = "account",
            Entity1AssociatedMenuConfiguration =
            new AssociatedMenuConfiguration
                Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseLabel,
                Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
                Label = new Label("Account", 1033),
                Order = 10000
            Entity2LogicalName = "campaign",
            Entity2AssociatedMenuConfiguration =
            new AssociatedMenuConfiguration
                Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseLabel,
                Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
                Label = new Label("Campaign", 1033),
                Order = 10000

    CreateManyToManyResponse createManytoManyRelationshipResponse =

    _manyToManyRelationshipId =
    _manyToManyRelationshipName =

        "The many-to-many relationship has been created between {0} and {1}.",
        "account", "campaign");


El siguiente ejemplo de código crea un método EligibleCreateManyToManyRelationship que utiliza CanManyToManyRequest para verificar si una tabla puede participar en una relación de N:N.

/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entity">Entity</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool EligibleCreateManyToManyRelationship(string entity)
    CanManyToManyRequest canManyToManyRequest = new CanManyToManyRequest
        EntityName = entity

    CanManyToManyResponse canManyToManyResponse =

    if (!canManyToManyResponse.CanManyToMany)
            "Entity {0} can't participate in a many-to-many relationship.",

    return canManyToManyResponse.CanManyToMany;

Recuperar relaciones de tabla

El siguiente ejemplo de código recupera las relaciones de dos tablas creadas previamente usando RetrieveRelationshipRequest. El primer ejemplo usa MetadataId y el segundo usa Name.

//You can use either the Name or the MetadataId of the relationship.

//Retrieve the One-to-many relationship using the MetadataId.
RetrieveRelationshipRequest retrieveOneToManyRequest =
    new RetrieveRelationshipRequest { MetadataId = _oneToManyRelationshipId };
RetrieveRelationshipResponse retrieveOneToManyResponse =

Console.WriteLine("Retrieved {0} One-to-many relationship by id", retrieveOneToManyResponse.RelationshipMetadata.SchemaName);

//Retrieve the Many-to-many relationship using the Name.
RetrieveRelationshipRequest retrieveManyToManyRequest =
    new RetrieveRelationshipRequest { Name = _manyToManyRelationshipName};
RetrieveRelationshipResponse retrieveManyToManyResponse =

Console.WriteLine("Retrieved {0} Many-to-Many relationship by Name", retrieveManyToManyResponse.RelationshipMetadata.MetadataId);

Vea también

Mensajes de definición de relaciones de tablas


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