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Module path: TFS/TestManagement/Contracts


  • cloneStatistics: CloneStatistics.

  • completionDate: Date. If the operation is complete, the DateTime of completion. If operation is not complete, this is DateTime.MaxValue

  • creationDate: Date. DateTime when the operation was started

  • destinationObject: ShallowReference. Shallow reference of the destination

  • destinationPlan: ShallowReference. Shallow reference of the destination

  • destinationProject: ShallowReference. Shallow reference of the destination

  • message: string. If the operation has Failed, Message contains the reason for failure. Null otherwise.

  • opId: number. The ID of the operation

  • resultObjectType: ResultObjectType. The type of the object generated as a result of the Clone operation

  • sourceObject: ShallowReference. Shallow reference of the source

  • sourcePlan: ShallowReference. Shallow reference of the source

  • sourceProject: ShallowReference. Shallow reference of the source

  • state: CloneOperationState. Current state of the operation. When State reaches Succeeded or Failed, the operation is complete

  • url: string. Url for getting the clone information