Comparteix a través de

TSWeeklyHours Extended Data Type

Help Text: Number of hours entered for this day of the week in this timesheet
Configuration Key: ProjTimesheet
Alignment: Auto
Base Type: Real
Extends: Qty Extended Data Type

Base Type Properties

Allow Negative: Auto
Analysis Default Sort Property: Ascending
Analysis Default Total Property: No
Analysis Grouping Property: Auto
Analysis Usage Property: None
Auto Insert Separator: Auto
Decimal Separator: Auto
Displace Negative: Auto
Format MST: Auto
ID: 11526 (non-default)
Model: Foundation (non-default)
Number of Decimals: Auto
Rotate Sign: Auto
Show Zero: No (non-default)
Sign Display: Auto
Thousand Separator: Auto

Array Elements

Index Label
1 Day1
2 Day2
3 Day3
4 Day4
5 Day5
6 Day6
7 Day7

See Also

Extended Data Types (EDTs)

Extended Data Type Properties

Data Types in X++