.NET samples demonstrating how to use AI in your .NET applications.
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.NET samples demonstrating how to use AI in your .NET applications.
Chat with your data using OpenAI and AI Search with Python.
Chat with your domain data using Azure OpenAI and Azure AI Search.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message (DLQ) by Azure Service Bus (queue) and JMS using passwordless connections
This sample demonstrates how to use a .NET MAUI HybridWebView to host HTML/JS/CSS content, and communicate between that content and .NET.
This sample demonstrates how to cache data to Azure Cache for Redis with PasswordLess in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to manage features and how to get configurations from App Configuration to Spring Environment in Spring Boot web application.
This sample demonstrates how to read and write files in Azure Storage Blob and Spring Resource abstraction in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Event Hubs and Spring Integration in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK to access data in Office 365 from Blazor WebAssembly apps.
This sample demonstrates how to perform search operations using the Dataverse Web API.
This sample demonstrates how to use the CreateMultiple, UpdateMultiple and UpsertMultiple actions for standard and elastic tables using the Dataverse Web API.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Storage Queue and Spring Integration in Spring Boot application.
This collection of samples demonstrates how to use various Azure AI capabilities to build a solution to extract structured data, classify, redact, and analyze documents.
This sample demonstrates how to load configuration properties from App Configuration to Spring Environment in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to refresh configuration properties from App Configuration in Spring Boot application using Entra ID.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Event Hubs and Spring Cloud Stream Binder EventHubs in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Service Bus (queue) in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to use Azure Cosmos DB by Spring Data in Spring Boot application - Multi database and single account.
This sample demonstrates how to cache data to Azure Cache for Redis in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Event Hubs and autoconfigured SDK client in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Service Bus (topic) and Spring Cloud Stream Binder in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Storage Queue and SDK client in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to use Azure Cosmos DB by Spring Data in Spring Boot application - Multi database and multi account.
This sample demonstrates how to use Azure Cosmos DB in Spring Boot (MVC on servlet stack) application.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Storage Queue and StorageQueueTemplate in Spring Boot application.
This sample demonstrates how to enable HTTPS connection by certificate stored in Azure Key Vault in Java application.
A javascript sample app that chats with your data using OpenAI and AI Search.
This sample demonstrates how to perform common data operations using the Dataverse Web API.
This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Event Hubs and Spring Cloud Stream Binder Kafka in Spring Boot application.