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Distributor and Publisher Information Script (Script de información del distribuidor y del publicador)

Se aplica a: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Este script utiliza tablas del sistema y procedimientos almacenados de replicación para responder a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre los objetos del distribuidor y del publicador. El script se puede utilizar "tal cual" y puede también proporcionar la base para crear scripts personalizados. Para poder ejecutar el script en el entorno, puede que sea necesario realizar las dos modificaciones siguientes:

  • Cambie la línea use AdventureWorks2022 para utilizar el nombre de la base de datos de publicaciones.

  • Quite los comentarios (--) de la línea exec sp_helparticle @publication='<PublicationName>' y reemplace <PublicationName> por el nombre de una publicación.

--********** Execute at the Distributor in the master database **********--  
USE master;  
--Is the current server a Distributor?  
--Is the distribution database installed?  
--Are there other Publishers using this Distributor?  
EXEC sp_get_distributor  
--Is the current server a Distributor?  
SELECT is_distributor FROM sys.servers WHERE name='repl_distributor' AND data_source=@@servername;  
--Which databases on the Distributor are distribution databases?  
SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE is_distributor = 1  
--What are the Distributor and distribution database properties?  
EXEC sp_helpdistributor;  
EXEC sp_helpdistributiondb;  
EXEC sp_helpdistpublisher;  
--********** Execute at the Publisher in the master database **********--  
--Which databases are published for replication and what type of replication?  
EXEC sp_helpreplicationdboption;  
--Which databases are published using snapshot replication or transactional replication?  
SELECT name as tran_published_db FROM sys.databases WHERE is_published = 1;  
--Which databases are published using merge replication?  
SELECT name as merge_published_db FROM sys.databases WHERE is_merge_published = 1;  
--What are the properties for Subscribers that subscribe to publications at this Publisher?  
EXEC sp_helpsubscriberinfo;  
--********** Execute at the Publisher in the publication database **********--  
USE AdventureWorks2022;  
--What are the snapshot and transactional publications in this database?   
EXEC sp_helppublication;  
--What are the articles in snapshot and transactional publications in this database?  
--REMOVE COMMENTS FROM NEXT LINE AND REPLACE <PublicationName> with the name of a publication  
--EXEC sp_helparticle @publication='<PublicationName>';  
--What are the merge publications in this database?   
EXEC sp_helpmergepublication;  
--What are the articles in merge publications in this database?  
EXEC sp_helpmergearticle; -- to return information on articles for a single publication, specify @publication='<PublicationName>'  
--Which objects in the database are published?  
SELECT name AS published_object, schema_id, is_published AS is_tran_published, is_merge_published, is_schema_published  
FROM sys.tables WHERE is_published = 1 or is_merge_published = 1 or is_schema_published = 1  
SELECT name AS published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published  
FROM sys.procedures WHERE is_schema_published = 1  
SELECT name AS published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published  
FROM sys.views WHERE is_schema_published = 1;  
--Which columns are published in snapshot or transactional publications in this database?  
SELECT object_name(object_id) AS tran_published_table, name AS published_column FROM sys.columns WHERE is_replicated = 1;  
--Which columns are published in merge publications in this database?  
SELECT object_name(object_id) AS merge_published_table, name AS published_column FROM sys.columns WHERE is_merge_published = 1;