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Data mining and Power Pivot for Excel 2010 add-in issues with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015

Update: Download the latest version of Data Mining add ins here that solve this issue.

Unfortunately with the release of Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015 an issue was found in the 64 bit versions of the following products:

  • PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel 2010
  • Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft Excel (Table Analysis Tools and Data Mining Client)

After installing .NET 4.6, the default .NET version that comes with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015, opening Excel with either add-in enabled will result in a crash of Excel. The next time Excel opens the following error message appears:

  • For PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel 2010: “Excel experienced a serious problem with ”powerpivot for excel” add-in. If you have seen this message multiple times, you should disable this add-in and check to see if an update is available. Do you want to disable this add-in.”
  • For the Data Mining Add-ins: “Excel experienced a serious problem with ”sqlserver.dmclientxladdin” add-in. If you have seen this message multiple times, you should disable this add-in and check to see if an update is available. Do you want to disable this add-in.”

This is caused by a bug in the add-ins that was exposed by the new 64-bit JIT compiler in .NET 4.6.

We are investigating the issue and the potential fix. In the meantime a workaround is available by allowing Excel to use the previous 64-bit JIT for .NET by adding a file to your Excel folder:

  • Navigate to the folder with your Excel executable (excel.exe), usually “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14”. If you cannot find the folder:
    • Open windows explorer
    • Select “This PC”
    • Search for “excel.exe” in the “Search this PC” box on the upper right side of the explorer
    • Right mouse click on the file and select “open file location”
  • Create a file “excel.exe.config” in this folder, or download it here and add it to the folder
  • When creating the file yourself, open the file with notepad and add the following contents:

         <useLegacyJit enabled="1" />

  • Save the file
  • Reopen Excel

Alternatively you can download the file here and add it to your Excel folder.

Adding this file causes Excel to use the same 64-bit JIT as was available the previous version of .NET. When a fix has been released for this issue you might want to change this behavior back to the default JIT by deleting the file just created in the workaround. For more details see this article by the JIT team:

We are sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused.
