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White Papers: Using Windows Intune with Professional Services Automation Tools

Today, I am sharing 2 White Papers for Tools that you can use with Windows Intune deployment.Windows Intune

1. What Is ConnectWise?

ConnectWise is a leading business management solution designed exclusively for IT solution providers, MSPs, technology consultants, integrators, and developers. ConnectWise helps MSPs manage all aspects of their customer relationships from within a single, unified system, combining sales force automation, customer relationship management (CRM), service request and ticket tracking, contract and billing arrangement management, and extensive reporting.

ConnectWise is a software platform that automates the internal business processes for IT pros worldwide. It combines the elements of a successful IT services business, including quoting, sales, project implementations, service delivery, billing, and comprehensive reporting, and provides visibility and reporting on past performance as well as future projections.

How Do Windows Intune and ConnectWise Work Together?

ConnectWise and Windows Intune are different, yet complementary systems. Leveraged correctly, they form an effective systems backbone for established and emerging IT service providers alike.

ConnectWise’s business process automation, coupled with Windows Intune systems management automation, creates an integrated workflow that includes issue alerting (Windows Intune), tracking and escalation of these issues (ConnectWise), remediation work to fix the reported issues (Windows Intune), and billing for the work performed (ConnectWise).

When an anomalous event is detected in a customer’s Windows Intune–monitored environment, an alert is generated in the Windows Intune management portal. A detailed email message can be sent automatically to an address that the ConnectWise Email Connector monitors. The email is converted to a ConnectWise service ticket.

A technician (usually an employee of the IT service provider) can log in to Windows Intune to remediate the alert situation and track the information from the ConnectWise service ticket. When the issue has been satisfactorily resolved using Windows Intune, the technician marks the ticket as complete within ConnectWise and clears the alert from the Windows Intune administrator console (see Figure 1).


Figure 1. Alert flow from Windows Intune to ConnectWise


To complete the setup and processes detailed in this document, an MSP must have signed up and activated the following services:

· Windows Intune (

· ConnectWise PSA (

· ConnectWise Email Connector


You can find more over here Using Windows Intune with ConnectWise


2. What Is Autotask?

PSA systems help MSPs manage all aspects of their customer relationships from a single system. PSA systems combine customer relationship management, service request and ticket tracking, contract and billing management, and extensive reporting.

Autotask, is a web-based, fully hosted PSA software platform that helps MSPs centrally manage their customer relationships. The platform can be used to automate the internal business processes for several geographically dispersed MSPs. Autotask can also provide MSPs with performance reporting, process automation for sales revenue and quotes, project and service delivery management, and billing.

How Do Windows Intune and Autotask Work Together?

Autotask and Windows Intune are complementary systems that, when leveraged together, help form a systems backbone for tracking and remediating technical problems in a customer’s infrastructure. Autotask’s business process automation, coupled with Windows Intune’s systems management automation, creates an integrated workflow that includes issue alerting (Windows Intune), tracking and escalation of these issues (Autotask), remediation work to fix the reported issues (Windows Intune), and billing for the work performed (Autotask).


A hosted, Standard Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)–based email system, MSPintegrations Autotask Email Parser (Email2AT) detects inbound email messages and converts the received email messages to Autotask tickets. When Windows Intune detects an anomalous event, an alert is generated in the management portal. Automatically, a detailed email message can be sent to a preconfigured list of email addresses. Autotask tickets can be created from these email alerts by activating Email2AT.

Once the Autotask ticket is created, a workflow rule is triggered to notify technicians who have been configured in Autotask (typically employees of the IT service provider). The technician logs in to Windows Intune to remediate the alert situation and tracks the information from the Autotask ticket. When the issue has been satisfactorily resolved using Windows Intune, the technician marks the ticket as complete within Autotask and clears the alert from the Windows Intune administrator console (see Figure 1).


Figure 1. Alert flow from Windows Intune through Email2AT to Autotask


To complete the setup and processes detailed in this document, an MSP must have signed up and activated the following services:

· Windows Intune (

· Autotask Go! or Autotask Pro (

· Email2AT from MSPintegrations (

You can find more over here Using Windows Intune with Autotask


General Windows Intune Resources at Microsoft Partner Program India website…