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The Galactic Patrol

Saving the Universe from Boskone and Bugs

WS-Eventing for Dummies

WS-Eventing is a standard that enables interoperable publish/subscribe systems. The spec itself is...

Author: bwill Date: 02/10/2004

Software Testing on Mars

Here is an interesting summary of the problem encountered by the Spirit probe on Mars. Important...

Author: bwill Date: 02/10/2004

Bruce Gets Back To Work

I’m back at work, after six weeks away – vacation and then paternity leave. Please...

Author: bwill Date: 02/05/2004

WS-Eventing published

I noticed the WS-Eventing proposed standard has been published – this is directly related to...

Author: bwill Date: 01/27/2004

Welcome to the world, Lucy!

On Wednesday, my wife gave birth to a darling baby girl – Lucille Alsdorf Williams. What can I...

Author: bwill Date: 01/12/2004

Welcome, Dom!

A friend of mine, Dominic Hopton, recently joined our ranks here at Microsoft – he’ll be...

Author: bwill Date: 01/06/2004

Is that a rail gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Here is an interesting site about a guy who builds rail guns in his spare time. (If you don’t...

Author: bwill Date: 12/16/2003

"Ender's Game" should be movie

Scott Hanselman lists out some of his favorite books that he’d like to see made into movies....

Author: bwill Date: 12/12/2003

how to contact me

I published this info when I started my GotDotNet blog; with the move, now is a good time to...

Author: bwill Date: 12/12/2003

should this blog be technical-only?

When my blog was on GotDotNet, I asked if I should limit myself to technical issues, or if I should...

Author: bwill Date: 12/11/2003

new A/V cable format has built-in copy-protection?

I was reading an article recently about a new audio/video cable format that a bunch of companies are...

Author: bwill Date: 12/11/2003

old blog entries at

For anyone who is new to my blog at this location; the content from my old blog should get migrated...

Author: bwill Date: 12/10/2003

If you develop on Windows - use AppVerifier!

I read a post recently from a person who was disappointed that they hadn’t heard of the...

Author: bwill Date: 12/10/2003

Honk if you can read this!

First post in the new blog – lets see if the .Text plugin for NewsGator works…

Author: bwill Date: 12/10/2003

Blog moving...

As with so many other GotDotNet bloggers, I am moving over to WEBLOGS.ASP.NET.  Yeah, I know...

Author: bwill Date: 12/09/2003

think you're good at puzzles? try this one.

I ran across this puzzle a little while ago.  I’m still working on it – now you can...

Author: bwill Date: 12/09/2003

Privacy? What's that?

Take a look at this very interesting map of the Carnegie Mellon college campus.  It shows, in...

Author: bwill Date: 12/09/2003

ever wanted to make your software more usable?

If you are a software developer, I’m sure you’ve considered the usability of your...

Author: bwill Date: 12/09/2003

wanna write an online/offline app like Outlook 2003?

If you are interested in writing an app that transparently caches and goes offline gracefully, like...

Author: bwill Date: 12/09/2003

"connected media center" devices - the new stereo component receiver?

 I was reading a Gizmodo article talking about the proliferation of “connected media...

Author: bwill Date: 12/07/2003

The real story behind "Design Patterns"...

 Check this out – it appears that the book “Design Patterns” was actually...

Author: bwill Date: 12/05/2003

FreeNet looking for donations

I notice the FreeNet site is soliciting donations.  FreeNet is a distributed, anonymous file...

Author: bwill Date: 12/02/2003

Breaking [Serializable]

Doug is asking folks if we should change how [Serializable] works under partial-trust, to be more...

Author: bwill Date: 11/25/2003

Lego robot solves rubik's cube

 Very cool – a design journal for a robot made of Legos that can solve a Rubik’s...

Author: bwill Date: 11/12/2003

Children growing up in a TiVo world

With my own little Lucy due in less than two months, I find articles like this one particularly...

Author: bwill Date: 11/11/2003

The /GS switch and 'secure by default'

 Interesting article about the /GS switch for compiling more secure C++ programs, as well as...

Author: bwill Date: 11/11/2003

The Blue Lady watches out for homeless Miami street children

 Amazing stories of God and Satan, Angels and Demons, and the wars between them – as...

Author: bwill Date: 11/11/2003

separated at birth?

Cameron Purdy spills deep family secrets about his brother Doug.  I think its funny as heck,...

Author: bwill Date: 11/11/2003

cbrumme on application compatibility (appcompat as we fondly know it)

Chris has another excellent opus, this time on managed appcompat. 

Author: bwill Date: 11/10/2003

VB Lover? Read On...

 Paul introduces a most excellent idea for a short video or ad targeting the proud VB...

Author: bwill Date: 11/05/2003

wanna beta-test some games? get some free software? read on...

 I just noticed a post by Steve describing Microsoft Usability Lab’s need for more...

Author: bwill Date: 11/04/2003

PDC - Company Meeting - who needs it!?

I’m back from my week-long vacation in West Virginia.  I gotta tell you, the Northeast...

Author: bwill Date: 11/03/2003

wierd connections

I just caught up on my hotmail account - I've been slacking, and haven't looked at it for three...

Author: bwill Date: 10/20/2003

Time, once again, for the annual Ig-Nobel prizes!

If you, like me, enjoy science, and also enjoy the lighter side of life – then you probably...

Author: bwill Date: 10/09/2003

bluetooth ATMs?

 I was reading this:,1282,60677,00.html And in...

Author: bwill Date: 10/09/2003

When it comes to C programming - start young!

 Patrick Steele posts this outstanding reference to the C programming language in the Foxtrot...

Author: bwill Date: 10/09/2003

MONO Bloggers

There are a number of MONO project bloggers whose aggregated entries can be found at this site; very...

Author: bwill Date: 10/09/2003

Your pain is my humor

I found this most excellent site which describes a number of (presumably) real-world stories,...

Author: bwill Date: 10/09/2003

blog the testing cost post

I send myself e-mail occasionally, so I can remember items that I want to blog about later.  (I...

Author: bwill Date: 10/09/2003

Chis Brumme on exceptions

I think Chris took exception when someone wrote that Suzanne Cook might be his equal in the...

Author: bwill Date: 10/02/2003

categories coming

I’m going to go ahead and tag some of my posts with categories; I’m not sure if this...

Author: bwill Date: 09/30/2003

Macs suck - they really, really suck

Ok, prompted by this Russell Beattie post, I have to say that Macintosh computers really bite the...

Author: bwill Date: 09/30/2003

Be verwy verwy quiet - we're hunting bugs!

Eric Lippert has a great post describing some of his adventures with security issues in...

Author: bwill Date: 09/26/2003

oh - my - god - buy me this computer!

Calling this machine a 3.8 GHz Pentium computer does it a massive disservice.  It completely...

Author: bwill Date: 09/26/2003

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