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Upcoming speaking engagements...

web2.0expoTrying to stay ahead of the game, but as usual I'm not very good at publicizing what I'm doing.  Next week, I will be a panelist on the panel "The Arrival of Web 2.0: The State of the Union on Browser Technology" at the Web 2.0 Expo O'Reilly conference, along with Brendan Eich of Mozilla, Chris Wetherell of Google, and our moderator, Rael Dornfest the founder and CEO of Values of n, Inc. I'm flying in this Sunday and staying until Tuesday morning, so see if you can catch me around - or check twitter or dodgeball to see where I am.

mix07I'm also speaking and attending the MIX'07 Microsoft conference in Las Vegas at the end of the month.  A few of my fellow IE team members will also be there; my talk is entitled: "IE7 Past, Present, and Future".