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Problemas con los contactos en OWA 2007

Hola a tod@s!

Para todos los aquellos que utilicemos el interfaz de OWA de Exchange 2007 en español puede que hayáis notado algún problema en cómo se muestran los contactos. Comentar que se trata de un bug en Exchange 2007 pero afortuandamente ya está corregido con el Service Pack 2. El problema es que la documentación sobre este tema es un tanto difícil de localizar. Podéis encontrar información en la Release Notes del propio Service Pack 2:

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) Release Notes

Consider the following when you install Exchange 2007 SP2 on a server that uses Outlook Web Access, and the regional language is set to Spanish:

When a contact is created in Outlook Web Access, and the regional language is set to Spanish, the mapping of the name fields is as follows:
- "Nombre" in Spanish maps to “First Name” in English and to the underlying storage in Exchange.
- "Inicial" in Spanish maps to “Middle name” in English and to the underlying storage in Exchange.
- "Apellidos" in Spanish maps to “Last Name” in English and to the underlying storage in Exchange.

This is a change from the behavior of Exchange 2007 RTM and Exchange 2007 SP1. In the earlier versions of Exchange 2007, the mapping of the name fields is as follows:
- “Nombre" in Spanish maps to “First Name” in English and to the underlying storage in Exchange.
- "Primer Apellido" in Spanish maps to “Middle name” in English and to the underlying storage in Exchange.
- "Segundo Apellido" in Spanish maps to “Last Name” in English and to the underlying storage in Exchange.

También tenéis más datos aquí:

Name Mapping in Outlook Web Access Contacts is Reversed After Installing Exchange 2007 SP2 When Regional Language Is Spanish

Y para todos aquellos que tengáis dudas sobre cómo aplicar y dónde encontrar el Service Pack 2 podéis encontrar respuesta en los siguientes enlaces:

Se facilita información de descarga y de instalación del Service Pack 2:

Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2

How to Install the Latest Service Pack or Update Rollup for Exchange 2007

El orden de actualización:

We recommend that you upgrade your servers that are running the Mailbox server role after you upgrade your servers that are running the Client Access, Unified Messaging, Hub Transport, or Edge Transport server roles. Upgrade your computers in the following order:
- Client Access servers
- Unified Messaging servers
- Hub Transport servers
- Edge Transport servers
- Mailbox servers
If you upgrade your servers in this order, you may avoid potential service interruptions.

En caso de que se aplique sobre un clúster deberemos seguir los pasos descritos en el siguiente enlace:

Upgrading Clustered Mailbox Servers to Exchange 2007 SP1 or SP2

Espero que os sea de utilidad.
