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Sample for Sending Email with PowerShell

I get asked quite often to show examples of sending an email from Powershell.  This could easily by written into an actual cmdlet, and it wouldn't shock me a bit if it already has.  Either way, its very simple .Net code to send email.

In this script sample below, I am showing a small utility type of script (could be easily made a function) that can be used almost like an “out-email” type of cmdlet.

Warning, I haven't tested this Script extensively at all. I know the .Net classes definitely work, but in this example, I tried to get a bit fancy with the body where the script can work with a param or pipeline input and in my limited testing I encountered some inconsistency. Just the same, this is still a neat sample of the types of scripts you would write to accomplish a task like this. Also, before you can run this, you should consider making edits to the param defaults and such as well. This is by no means a production level script is just a concept demonstration.


#This script can be used either at the end of a pipe or all by itself



# here is a pipe example:

# get-process | send-email -to -subject "Process List Report"


# or this script can be run by itself

# send-email -to -from -subject "Powershell Email" -body "Hey there buddy!"


# Define Parameters

param ( [string]$subject         =  "PowerShell Notification",

        [string]$to              =  $(throw "We can use a lot of defaults here, but pal, we need to have a TO address for this email."),

        [string]$from            =  "$env:username@$",

     [string]$smtpserver      =  "",

     [string]$body            =  "No Body Entered",




$pipelineinput = $input


# See if a body was explicity entered as a Parameter, if not check if there is pipeline input, if not then no body

if ( $body -eq "No Body Entered" )


     If ($pipelineinput -ne "")


          [string]$body = $input




          [string]$body = "No Message Body Supplied by Sender!"




# Create Message Object

$msg = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $to, $subject, $body


# Create SMTP Client object to get ready to send message

$client = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $smtpserver


If ($CurrentUserAuth)


# Use Default Creds instead of anonymous if desired

     $client.UseDefaultCredentials = $true








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