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TechEd: Developers - SQL Server - Draft Session Update

So here we are, star date August 11th 2006

  • Still 4 months to go until TechEd Europe.
  • But only 1 month to get your feedback on the TechEd: Developers SQL Server Track agenda !

Yes, we've been hearing your feedback and made changes to the SQL Server track agenda. I'd like to take this opportuntity to thank all of the people who sent me feedback through my blog or direct email address.

Again, the content team is working hard to make this your event. It's thanks to your feedback that we shape those sessions and make them less marketing. :)

Here's the 75% draft list of the breakout sessions: 

  1. SQL Server Error Handling: T-SQL, SQLCLR and Clients
    In SQL Server 2005, both T-SQL and SQLCLR procedures can use Try-Catch constructs to intercept and process exceptional conditions. This is a big change for both server and client/middle-tier processing, as client and middle-tier received and processed all errors directly from SQL Server. In addition, both T-SQL and SQLCLR error handling don't catch every type of error or allow the ability to directly rethrow all errors to reproduce SQL Server 2005 behavior. In this session, I'll look at how the mechanism in depth and attempt to provide a comprehensive and consistant error handling strategy that works for all procedural code and clients.
    Speaker: Bob Beauchemin (SQLSkills Inc)
  2. Managing Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data: BLOBs, XML and FTS in SQL Server 2005
    More and more data that does not fit into the relational model directly, such as semi-structured and unstructured data, is stored inside the database. SQL Server 2005 provides several improvements that make the management of such data easier and more efficient than ever. This presentation shows how XML, varbinary(max), CLR-based user-defined functions and fulltext search will enable you to store and manage your semi-structured and unstructured data along with your traditional, relational data.
    Speaker: Michael Rys
  3. XQuery Deep Dive: How to Write and Optimize Your Xquery
    SQL Server 2005 provides deeply integrated native support of XML. Besides storing the data as XML, it provides XQuery support as the key to unlock the information stored inside the XML document. This presentation gives you an introduction to SQL Server's XML and XQuery support and it demonstrates how to write and optimize your XQuery expressions. In particular, it discusses the use of XML Indices and how to read XQuery generated query plans.
    Speaker: Michael Rys
  4. Implementing the Service-Oriented Database Architecture with SQL Server
    In this session I'll discuss building an application architecture that takes the purpose and usage of the data into account, using scale-out techniques and services. You can build a database application as services from the ground up or implement individual operations as services. SQL Server 2005 Service Broker is an infrastructure that uses asynchronous activation programs, which are built using SQLCLR or T-SQL. SQLCLR programs have the capability to be moved off-database (external activation) if needed for maximum flexibility. See how to build services using SQL Server 2005 that allow you can scale as your transaction and query volume grows.
    Speaker: Bob Beauchemin (SQLSkills Inc)
  5. Understanding Interactions of Transactions, Batches, Nested Procedures, MARS, and SQLCLR in SQL Server 2005
    Most errors in SQL Server do not automatically roll back transactions. The interaction between SQL batches, transactions, errors, timeouts, and procedure nesting can be complex. SQL Server 2005's MARS (multiple active resultsets) and SQLCLR features introduces additional ramifications, and client-side timeouts have often been misunderstood. In this talk, I'll bring shed light of the interaction of all of the behaviors that can cause inconsistancies in programming and intermittant suprises for DBAs and programmers.
    Speaker: Bob Beauchemin (SQLSkills Inc)
  6. SQL Server 2005 Cache Sync/Query Notifications in Depth
    SQL Server 2005, ADO.NET 2.0, and ASP.NET 2.0 combine the provide a solution to an age-old development problem - keeping a data cache automatically up-to-date without minimal overhead. This is known as Cache Sync when implemented in ASP.NET and backed by Query Notifications in the database. In this presentation, we'll look at the "sweet spot" for this feature, how it works inside the database, and how to use it to minimize database resource utilization.
    Speaker: Bob Beauchemin (SQLSkills Inc)
  7. Coding SQL Server 2005 Plan Guides and Plan Forcing
    Most database professionals avoid query hints unless they're really necessary, but when you do need to them they can make an enormous difference. The query engine is constantly being improved, but you may be one of the few that wants to return to an older query plan. SQL Server 2005 has a few new query hints, but includes quantum changes known as plan guides and plan forcing. Plan guides allow you to insert hints into code that you can't change directly, such as code generated by packaged products. Plan forcing allows you to use the XML representation of a query plan to instruct the engine to use a specific plan. We'll show how both of these features can be used to increase plan control when you need it.
    Speaker: Bob Beauchemin (SQLSkills Inc)
  8. SQL Server 2005 Integration Services: Performance and Scale
    In this session, learn the architectural patterns that derive the highest scale and performance from SQL Server Integration Services. Walk away with a full set of strategies for planning high performance and scale implementations and a range of practical techniques for measuring performance and for identifying and tackling bottlenecks in your data integration processes.
    Speaker: Donald Farmer
  9. Metadata Solutions for SQL Server 2005 Integration Services
    What does metadata mean to you? A critical part of everyday business intelligence? A checkbox when completing proposals? Something that sounds important, but somehow never quite seems to get the attention it deserves? This session introduces the Metadata Samples Pack for SQL Server Integration Services - a shared source, extensible metadata tool that enables you to move beyond traditional metadata management to incorporate metadata intelligence into your BI applications. Demos include how to use the samples as they are shipped, but also how to extend and embed the technology for your own needs.
    Speaker: Donald Farmer
  10. SQL Server 2005: Advanced Indexing Strategies : Part 1
    In this session we look at a fast-paced collection of indexing tips and tricks based on an already optimized base table structure. How you create your base table - as well as whether or not you cluster it - has a big impact on that table's performance. So, in order to allow us to have a more advanced session, we've decided to mix learning options and continue the discussion in this session. Prior to TechEd, you should view Part 4 of the MSDN Webcast Series titled: Effectively Designing a Scalable and Reliable Database. The complete set of resources for Part 4 can be found here:\&EventCategory=5\&culture=en-US\&CountryCode=US. This online webcast focuses on the base table structure so that we can continue to further improve system performance with Advanced Indexing Strategies. In part 1, we will discuss methodologies in for finding your hidden performance problems (briefly) and then we will dive into solving them. We'll go through numerous options to improve your performance using indexes. This session is very fast-paced with a lot of tips and tricks for various search arguments (SARGs), and joins. Part 2 (DAT4xx) will continue by going over performance tuning for aggregates as well as when it's appropriate to use Indexed Views. Additionally, in Part 2, we will look at a couple of design techniques that help to improve both performance and availability by leveraging new SQL Server 2005 features. Finally, once this session has been completed you should watch Part 5 of the same MSDN series. Part 5 covers Index Maintenance and completes the indexing series from Table Creation to Advanced Indexing Strategies to Index Maintenance. You can see a complete set of resources for this series in a summary entry on Kimberly's blog here:
    Speaker: Kimberly L. Tripp
  11. SQL Server 2005: Advanced Indexing Strategies : Part 2
    In this session we look at a fast-paced collection of indexing tips and tricks based on an already optimized base table structure. How you create your base table - as well as whether or not you cluster it - has a big impact on that table's performance. So, in order to allow us to have a more advanced session, we've decided to mix learning options and continue the discussion in this session. Prior to TechEd, you should view Part 4 of the MSDN Webcast Series titled: Effectively Designing a Scalable and Reliable Database. The complete set of resources for Part 4 can be found here:\&EventCategory=5\&culture=en-US\&CountryCode=US. This online webcast focuses on the base table structure so that we can continue to further improve system performance with Advanced Indexing Strategies. In part 1, we will discuss methodologies in for finding your hidden performance problems (briefly) and then we will dive into solving them. We'll go through numerous options to improve your performance using indexes. This session is very fast-paced with a lot of tips and tricks for various search arguments (SARGs), and joins. Part 2 (DAT4xx) will continue by going over performance tuning for aggregates as well as when it's appropriate to use Indexed Views. Additionally, in Part 2, we will look at a couple of design techniques that help to improve both performance and availability by leveraging new SQL Server 2005 features. Finally, once this session has been completed you should watch Part 5 of the same MSDN series. Part 5 covers Index Maintenance and completes the indexing series from Table Creation to Advanced Indexing Strategies to Index Maintenance. You can see a complete set of resources for this series in a summary entry on Kimberly's blog here:
    Speaker: Kimberly L. Tripp
  12. SQL Server 2005 : Optimizing Procedural Code
    Now that we've just spent two sessions talking about Advanced Indexing Strategies - are your stored procedures using them? In this mini series where we focus on database code, you need to make sure that your Advanced Indexing Strategies aren't going to waste. In this session we will talk about plan caching and Optimizing Procedural Code as well as how to see whether or not your plans are being reused. Are your stored procedures being recompiled - too much or not often enough? In this session, I will help you to know when recompilation is good v. bad. If you use stored procedures (and you want them to scale!) then you need to be here!
    Speaker: Kimberly L. Tripp
  13. Upgrade benefits of SQL Server 2005 for Developers: Power to the Developer!
    Abstract pending
    Speaker: Don Vilen
  14. Security in SQL Server 2005
    Abstract pending
    Speaker: Don Vilen
  15. SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services: Deep Dive
    SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services includes a re-architecture of the OLAP engine from SQL Server 2000. As a result, a lot of your knowledge of Analysis Services 2000 internals needs updating. In this presentation, we discuss the Analysis Services 2005 architecture in detail specifically around query processing and storage. We start with the semantics of the calculation model, explaining how the formula engine operates in the attribute driven multi-dimensional space and computes cell values from the base fact data and calculations. We then dive into the inner workings of MDX query evaluation including query parsing, semantic analysis, optimization, storage engine interaction, etc. Finally we describe how the storage engine manages dimensions and facts on disk and in memory, including compression, bitmap indexing, memory management, etc.
    Speaker: Richard Tkachuk
  16. Developing SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Powered Applications
    Come and learn how developers can take advantage of SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 to build applications that help users make better decisions, faster! In this session we explore how simple and complex analytics can be added to your applications using Analysis Services 2005. We’ll explore how simple report-like queries, Key Performance Indicators, ad hoc browsing and predictive analytics can be added to ASP.NET applications. Along the way, we’ll describe the ins and outs of ADOMD.NET, XML/A, DMX, MDX, and other important aspects of Analysis Services that developers need to know. Those interested in this session should also consider attending the SQL Server Analysis Services Deep Dive session to learn about the Analysis Services intrinsics/internals.
    Speaker: Richard Tkachuk
  17. ? (slot reserved for SQL Server Reporting Services, focus on Report Controls & embedding reports)
  18. ? (slot reserved for SQL Server Reporting Services, focus on Report Controls & embedding reports)
  19. ? (slot reserved for OCS - SQL Express / Everywhere Edition)
  20. ? (slot reserved for OCS - SQL Express / Everywhere Edition)


So, what's missing?

  • We're still working on the Reporting Services sessions, but the're coming! :)
  • We're still working on the SQL Server Express and SQL Server Everywhere Edition sessions, but the're coming! :)
  • SMO - As it stands right now, we won't have a session on SMO (SQL Server Management Objects). I would like to understand how important this is to you. If you feel this is highly important to you as a SQL Developer, then let me know NOW (blog reaction or email me directly) and let me know as well what session you'd like to drop in favor of an SMO session. Dropping a session is never easy - welcome to the world of a track owner. :)
    Depending on the number of requests & feedback, I can still change the agenda and host an SMO session if you really want it.


Business Intelligence (BI) topics?

I've received a couple of request on the BI topics (Business Intelligence). Let me first clarify our BI approach at TechEd Europe:

  • The SQL Server track focuses on the SQL Server BI topics, being SSIS (Integration Services), SSAS (Analysis Services), SSRS (Reporting Services).
  • The IW track focuses on the front-end BI topics, being our OBA (Office Business Applications) suite with products like Business Scorecard Manager, Excel, ProClarity and the forthcoming Performance Point Server (Biz#).

So if you can't find a front-end BI session in the SQL Server track, then make sure to check out the IW track. Chances are you'll find your preferred sessions in there! :)


That's it so far. This must be the longest blog post I've ever written. :-)
Now please tell us : Does this respond, meet and exceed your SQL Server Developer needs? If there is something missing, let us know, if there is too much or too little content on a particular product or technology, again let us know. At this stage we can and will make changes based on your comments.

We want to bring you the *highest quality* SQL Server content, sessions and speakers and your ultimate satisfaction is my only goal.


Thanks and I'm looking forward to your feedback and also, to meet you in person in Barcelona! Guntherb   ( guntherb at microsoft dot com )
