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Everything Azure

A blog by John West of Microsoft

Slipstreamed SP1 Made Available

Read all about it...

Author: Johnwe Date: 05/11/2008

Windows Server 2008 TechCenter for MOSS

Gives you step by step directions for installing MOSS on Windows Server 2008 and provides other...

Author: Johnwe Date: 05/11/2008

KB Describing Service Pack 1 for SharePoint

One of the better KB's I have seen. Thanks!

Author: Johnwe Date: 05/11/2008

How NTFS Works

Nice article I ran across this...

Author: Johnwe Date: 12/29/2007

Coding 4Fun

Great site for getting started on developing on the Microsoft...

Author: Johnwe Date: 12/29/2007

Configuring SSL Host Headers

I wanted to share this link for what I think is a good article on configuring SSL for Host Header...

Author: Johnwe Date: 12/29/2007

New SharePoint developer document available

Author: Johnwe Date: 12/16/2007

SharePoint Deployment Guide

May be old news, but it is new news to me. Here is a link to the SharePoint Deployment Guide, a...

Author: Johnwe Date: 12/16/2007

Ports used by Windows Server System Products

Came across this one doing some research, and it looks pretty good....

Author: Johnwe Date: 12/12/2007

SQL Server 2005 Max Capabilities

I often get the question on what the the max dabase file size can be with SQL. I finally took the...

Author: Johnwe Date: 12/10/2007

MOSS VPC Available for Download!

Announcing the availability of a MOSS VPC (Inc 2007 client) in the VHD Program run by the Server...

Author: Johnwe Date: 06/21/2007

Sharepoint Customization Policy

Author: Johnwe Date: 06/06/2007

Exchange 2007 Virtual Labs

Wanted to post this link for reference....

Author: Johnwe Date: 06/03/2007

Deploying Windows Rights Management Services with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Step-by-Step Guide

Found this looking for information to help a customer request. Thought folks might find it of...

Author: Johnwe Date: 05/16/2007

What does the Search SKU look like

Jason Ditzel, a fellow architect out of Cleveland sent some great screen shots from the installation...

Author: Johnwe Date: 05/03/2007

Excel Services Blogger

Wanted to highlight a new blogger I can across today. Thanks!

Author: Johnwe Date: 05/03/2007

What's the benefit of going 64 bit?

I have been deploying 64 bit servers wherever I can for customers as of late. I truly believe that...

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/28/2007

Saw these links come across in e-mail from Jason Leznek, and wanted to post here for reference....

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/28/2007

Good, Better, Best for MOSS 2007

Updated document by Lawrence Liu. Thanks...

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/28/2007

Team-Based Development in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Good article by Eric Charran. Thanks Eric!

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/23/2007

Overview of Workflows in MOSS 2007

One of the better documents I have found to date....

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/16/2007

Steve linked back to me this evening, and after looking over his blog, I saw a few links that I have...

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/15/2007

InfoPath 2007 Information Center

Some of you may be asking, "whats up with all this Infopath stuff?". The more I work with Infopath...

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/15/2007

Infopath 2007 Articles on MSDN

Includes a link to a 12 part training serires which provides some high level overviews of various...

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/15/2007

Posting data to a MOSS 2007 list from InfoPath

This weekend I took some time to research and then test methods to post information from an Infopath...

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/14/2007

Developer Screencasts for SharePoint

Thanks to Joel Oleson for the pointer!

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/09/2007

CMS and SharePoint

Good link that I came across this evening on feature mapping from CMS to SharePoint....

Author: Johnwe Date: 04/09/2007

Alternate Access Mappings

With the new capabilities to support SSL termination provided since SP 2 of 2003/WSS 2.0 and out of...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/11/2007

How to: Create a customer Windows Workflow Activity and make it available in SharePoint Designer

Thanks to Todd Baginski for this great...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/08/2007

InfoPath Forms Services Architecture

Thanks goes to Joel Oleson for pointing me to this link on InfoPath Forms Services Architecture....

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/08/2007

Useful and (free!) SharePoint "Features" available at

Thanks to Lawrence Lui to highlighting this great resource from Scot Hillier!Link to Lawrence's...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/06/2007

Commerce Server 2007 and MOSS 2007 Integration WhitePaper Released!

Thanks to Ryan Donovan for sharing with the community...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/04/2007

Comparison of 2003 and 2007 Features and Terminology

I had a comment point out to me that I posted the wrong link (thanks Gavin!) Unfortunately I can't...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/04/2007

Beginner Developer Learning Center

No experience or programming knowledge required to start. For those of you out there who have been...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/01/2007

Application development on MOSS 2007 Johnson has a good write up on...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/01/2007

SharePoint Task Oriented (How - To Screencasts)

Asif Rehmani has created what at first glance appear to be some very nice screen casts to help bring...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/01/2007

All around great detailed information on various features and capabilities. Thanks to Steve Peschka...

Author: Johnwe Date: 03/01/2007

MOSS and WSS best practice analyzer

Author: Johnwe Date: 02/22/2007

WSS 40 Application templates

All are now live, you can see the list and dowload the invidual templates below...

Author: Johnwe Date: 02/22/2007

Plan, deploy and Manage Microsoft Search Solutions for the Enterprise

Thanks goes to John Nisi for sharing this information. Beginning Wednesday, February 14th, the US...

Author: Johnwe Date: 02/22/2007

Virtual Labs Available for SharePoint 2007

Exploring the msevents sites, I can across the following virtual labs, which I consolidated into a...

Author: Johnwe Date: 02/22/2007

Looking for a recorded event, webcast, or virtual lab

I ran across this site which allows you to search all available content....

Author: Johnwe Date: 02/22/2007

People Picker and Multiple Forests

Great article for enabling the people picker in multiple...

Author: Johnwe Date: 02/08/2007

Discover Significant Developer Improvements in SharePoint Services a bit dated, I found...

Author: Johnwe Date: 02/05/2007

20 of the Fantastic 40 are now available for download!

Thanks to Mike Gannotti for helping make the community aware!...

Author: Johnwe Date: 01/30/2007

Building a webpart using AJAX article. Thanks...

Author: Johnwe Date: 01/27/2007

Announcing the return of the Smart Part!

From Jan Tielen's blog. This web part allows you to host existing web user controls. Thanks...

Author: Johnwe Date: 01/27/2007

Some decent walk throughs of MOSS 2007 interface and admin features

About 10 minutes each, not extremely detailed from a technical perspective, but good for an...

Author: Johnwe Date: 01/25/2007

Implications of Stopping the Windows SharePoint Service Web Application Service

Thanks to Daniel Webster for this great...

Author: Johnwe Date: 01/24/2007

My previous post was actually focused on WSS....

Author: Johnwe Date: 01/22/2007

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