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Poll: Do you see SQLCLR as a security threat?

I've been hearing from some folk that they consider the SQLCLR functionality in SQL Server 2005 to be a potential security hole.  Some have even gone so far as to say that they plan to leave it disabled (it's not enabled by default).  When pressed, many can't articulate what their specific concerns are, or they raise concerns that aren't valid -- that the architecture already addresses.  At first blush, not using this wonderful facility because of vague security concerns seems a bit much.  I think the dev team has done a reasonably good job of locking it down and balancing functionality with security.  That said, I'm interested to hear your opinions.  Do you think it makes sense for security-conscious users to disable SQLCLR and avoid apps that use it?  If you see SQLCLR as a security threat, what specific issues are you worried about?


  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    I think it's mainly a matter of reducing the surface area for attacks, and that's probably why it's also included in SAC: if it's not there, you have less things that can go wrong. This may be seem a bit paranoic but a lot of security bulletins are still issued every day. On the other hand every non trivial piece of software potentially has bugs, choosing whether to use it or not should be based on other architectural factors. I know this has been already discussed a lot, but IMO the big problem will be whether people will use it wisely or not. It doesnn't have anything to do with security threats, but I also think that many DBAs feel they can't do proper troubleshooting and problem determination until they have learned very well how it works, so they may choose to leave it off until they feel more confortable.
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    I'm a huge proponent of separating code from data/documents. Having program code within SQL server violates that rule. From a security standpoint, we need to take a big step back and stop adding scripting/programming capabilities to things like documents, movie files, and databases.

    If you want a program, create a program. Don't embed/hide it in something like a Word doc or a database. True separation of what is code and what is data will go a long way toward improving security all the way around.

    Proponents of SQLCLR will claim that SQL Server has had code capabilities for a long time with stored procedures. But we would be wise to note that this has always been a security risk.
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    I see a risk, of course, but I think it's as manageable as any other risk related to stored procedures.

    Matt: Stored procedures allow you to host code local to the server. This allows for performance as well as development benefits (for example, the procs define an API through which the data can be safely manipulated). They benefit the code/data seperation by making the remote code blind as regards the schema. Take any large database analysis and you'll see that it's intractable without running code at the database, because of the latencies involved in wire transport, and in the fact that, in general, non-database systems aren't granted the boost to hold all the data required in-memory.

    There's a reason that stored procs are a recommended best-practice. SQLCLR is the next logical step toward making them safer and more manageable.
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    Well because security comes first nowadays. And it requires admins a few months to learn the technology before we can allow devs to use it. It allows us to take precautions, and avoid the usual pitfalls of learning things later on.

    Jeff: I find it sad that your admins are not capable of or do not want to understand .net. Just like it is important for a DBA to know the inner parts of tsql, sql, procs etc. it is important that your web app admins know IIS and and their security capabilities. If they cannot learn and edit config files now, they are going to have a real tough time with iis 7.
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2005
    IMO, lot's of these security fears are based on the fear about the un-known. Face it; a SQLCLR assembly catalogued under default permission set is as safe as T-SQL code executing inside SQL Server.

    Matt: I'd be interested in hearing your arguments why you consider sp's being a security risk.

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2005
    Simply put: Not at all.

    Do I think there are some risks? Sure. But we already have plenty of risks in SQL Server 2000. xp_cmdshell, sp_oa*, extended stored procedures. Each of these are riskier from a security point of view than using managed code, and managed code will help us do away with using them.

    If you are concerned, just remember your two options:

    A) sp_configure 'clr enabled', 0

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2006
    I'm interested to hear what you consider the biggest potential security issues with SQL Server 2005. ...
  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    I think it is a great tool for developers. There are things you can do in the new CLR that was not available before the CLR (or at least you couldn’t develop it easily).  Actually, I think it makes it more security because it allows developers to develop security functionality (like encryption algorithms) in the SQL Server verses an external process.  Since .Net includes basic encryption algorithms, then you don’t have to rely on 3rd party encryption algorithms.  Also, you can manipulate low level data (like image data) in .Net much more easily than in T-SQL. From a SQL Developer standpoint, you can achieve more advance development options with the CLR.