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Keith Richie

Sharing the point on SharePoint

Life 2.0 - Premiering 01-06-2007

And this blog shall pass away.... For reasons why, see my new blog and my initial posting (Same...

Author: krichie Date: 01/01/2007

Upgrading a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Shared Services Farm with NLB and Forced SSL to MOSS 2007

How's that for a blog posting title! Oh, and I'll add IIS redirect virtual servers into the mix....

Author: krichie Date: 12/19/2006

Understanding SharePoint - Part 6 - Duplicate Content Sources bound to multiple indexes causes duplicate alerts to be fired

I had a theory that this caused problems and validated it today while working with a customer who...

Author: krichie Date: 11/27/2006

Rich Text column for Document Libraries don't work as expected

In this previous post, I discussed how I spent most of my evenings and vacation time updating my...

Author: krichie Date: 11/27/2006

Capacity Planning for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007

The Capacity Planning documentation is available for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft...

Author: krichie Date: 11/26/2006

Editing pages with SharePoint Designer: Lesson Learned

"Check Out!" Edit, test ,test , test, edit, test ,test, test, test. Check In. Ready for more...

Author: krichie Date: 11/21/2006

Using SharePoint as an aid to my Tangerine Dream Collection project

In my previous post, I commented that I've updated my indieOpolis site to WSS 3.0, As well, I've...

Author: krichie Date: 11/20/2006

indieOpolis updated for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Over the past few evenings (during what little spare time I've had :)), I re-created the indieOpolis...

Author: krichie Date: 11/18/2006

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Crawl Performance Part 2

Tony has made yet another good posting in his "SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Crawl Performance"...

Author: krichie Date: 11/10/2006

PSCONFIG for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 is your friend

In my line of work, I have to have a few SharePoint farms sitting around with different topologies,...

Author: krichie Date: 10/30/2006

Welcome Tony McIntyre to the blogging community!

Tony McIntyre from my old team has started blogging!!!! Check out his first post titled SharePoint...

Author: krichie Date: 10/27/2006

Understanding and Troubleshooting the SharePoint Explorer View

Steve Sheppard from my old team in conjunction with many other folks, has created a fantastic...

Author: krichie Date: 10/26/2006

Here's to you Mr. Microsoft IT SharePoint Technologist Guy

If you've ever heard the Real Men of Genius commercials, you'll be able to sing along with this. If...

Author: krichie Date: 10/26/2006

More reasons to ensure you're not exceeding capacity planning guidelines

If I don't harp on it enough :) I knew I had seen the official KB on this subject long ago, and...

Author: krichie Date: 10/12/2006

Yep, I know...pretty quiet on this blog for the past month or so

I've been super busy and have had some personal items to take care of, but to show some link love to...

Author: krichie Date: 10/11/2006

All future music and indieOpolis related blog postings will be created here, and you can Subscribe...

Author: krichie Date: 09/29/2006

SPSiteManager 2.3 available for download!

The version of SPSiteManager can now be downloaded from the SharePoint Utility Suite project...

Author: krichie Date: 09/25/2006

Installing Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR) – What you need to know before you double click update.exe.

Be sure to read this great post before just cliking on update with B2TR...

Author: krichie Date: 09/12/2006

It was a joke!

Unfortunately, I think it has come to this. I will not be posting anything personal, or what I find...

Author: krichie Date: 09/11/2006

Using Kerberos? Keep that in mind during your V2 to V3 SharePoint upgrades

Chris Gideon has a great note about keeping Kerberos in mind when upgrading to WSS V3 and MOSS 2007....

Author: krichie Date: 09/11/2006

Hey! Where can I get SPSiteManager 2.2??? It's not in the Utility Suite!

A lot of folks are asking me where they can get SPSiteManager 2.2 since I noted that it was...

Author: krichie Date: 09/11/2006

Getting Ready for Battlestar Galactica Season 3

The SciFi Channel is reving us up with 10 short Webisodes called "The Resistance" for the countdown...

Author: krichie Date: 09/10/2006

I said, stop MOSSing with me

I promise not to quit my day job (yet) and take up comedy, but adding on to my previous post with...

Author: krichie Date: 08/29/2006

How I personally use SharePoint

In my previous post When the heck did you find the time to do all this music, I mentioned that I...

Author: krichie Date: 08/29/2006

When the heck did you find the time to do all this music?

A few folks have asked me this question over the past few months, primarily, because at the end of...

Author: krichie Date: 08/28/2006

Ah you slay me, so stop Mossing with me.

I have a good friend, let's call him Chun...and he's been sending me a few jokes he's been coming up...

Author: krichie Date: 08/22/2006

John Mayer needs a Haircut

So I'm packing today for my trip, and preferrably I fly America Airlines if at all possible. I'm one...

Author: krichie Date: 08/15/2006

My Top 10 Songs for the month ending July 2006

The results are in! Following is the top 10 of my songs based on digital downloads and CD's for the...

Author: krichie Date: 08/10/2006

SharePoint Account Management using SPUserUtil - Part 6 - Synchronizing Display Names and Email Addresses with Active Directory

SharePoint Account Management using SPUserUtil - Part 6 - Synchronizing Display Names and Email...

Author: krichie Date: 08/07/2006

SharePoint Account Management using SPUserUtil - Part 5 - Handling NT Login Name Changes

SharePoint Account Management using SPUserUtil - Part 5 - Handling NT Login Name ChangesOriginally...

Author: krichie Date: 08/04/2006

SharePoint Account Management using SPUserUtil - Part 4 - Replaying Permissions and Moving Webs

SharePoint Account Management using SPUserUtil - Part 4 - Replaying Permissions and Moving Webs...

Author: krichie Date: 08/03/2006

Yep - that 25-50 GB limit you've heard about isn't a hard limit.

I was going to post on this very subject in my "Understanding SharePoint..." series, but luckily for...

Author: krichie Date: 08/01/2006

Review of Rain in Central Park on Space Junkies Magazine

This is so cool :) Wednesday Elektra of Space Junkies Magazine has created a song review of Rain in...

Author: krichie Date: 07/29/2006

Understanding SharePoint - Part 5 - Keep those webs small if you must use SMIGRATE

Understanding SharePoint - Part 5 - Keep those webs small if you must use SMIGRATE This is the fifth...

Author: krichie Date: 07/27/2006

Joel Oleson has the following to say in his Top 10 and a few "MUST HAVE" Management Tools for WSS v2...

Author: krichie Date: 07/26/2006

Understanding SharePoint - Part 4 - Lock those sites before performing backups to prevent orphaned entries!

Understanding SharePoint - Part 4 - Lock those sites before performing backups to prevent orphaned...

Author: krichie Date: 07/25/2006

deletecollection bug in SPUserUtil 2.5 - fix described

Someone noted this problem to me, and I just confirmed it to be a bug with the deletecollection...

Author: krichie Date: 07/24/2006

Understanding SharePoint - Part 3 - Just because your database is larger doesn't necessarily mean that your index size will be

Understanding SharePoint - Part 3 - Just because your database is larger doesn't necessarily mean...

Author: krichie Date: 07/20/2006

Understanding SharePoint - Part 1 - Understanding the SharePoint Portal Server Indexer

Understanding SharePoint - Part 1 - Understanding the SharePoint Portal Server Indexer This is the...

Author: krichie Date: 07/20/2006

Welcome John Kozell to the blogging world!

John Kozell was co-author for the Portal additions to SPUserUtil. If it were not for John, those...

Author: krichie Date: 07/20/2006

Dreamy, majestic, and ambient music sure to relax and calm the spirit while performing MOSS testing :)

The Maestoso Interstellar Suite Well, it certainly helps calm my spirit while performing MOSS and...

Author: krichie Date: 07/14/2006

MOSS 2007 Upgrades and The SharePoint Configuration Analyzer V.Next

MOSS 2007 Upgrades and The SharePoint Configuration Analyzer V.Next With the Beta 2 release of...

Author: krichie Date: 07/12/2006

History of Musical Influences by that SharePoint Guy - Part 3 - 1980-1981

History of Musical Influences by that SharePoint Guy - Part 3 - 1980-1981 Before I start with 1980,...

Author: krichie Date: 07/11/2006

Reach out! Make a difference! Develop without borders challenge with the 2007 Office system!

An exciting new contest that Microsoft jas just launched. It’s called the Develop Without Borders...

Author: krichie Date: 07/11/2006

Orphaned Sites - Part 3

Finally, the Orphan Repair extensions to STSADM are complete: For WSS Alone: Description of a new...

Author: krichie Date: 06/30/2006

My High School Fight Song

My wife is planning her 20 year High School reunion, so I've set her up a SharePoint site to utilize...

Author: krichie Date: 06/29/2006
