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PowerShell - Expand-Aliases

 #Requires -Version 3

function Expand-Aliases {
 find any aliases in use and expand them to full cmdlet names.
 Any scripts in 'corporate' or 'formal' use should have any aliases
 expanded. This removes ambiguity and any potential clashes or errors.
 .PARAMETER InputFiles
 The powershell .ps1 file(s) you wish to scan/repair for aliases.
 Expand-Aliases -InputFile test.ps1
 Get-ChildItem *.ps1 | Expand-aliases

 Param ([parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage='Enter a valid PowerShell filename')]
 [string[]] $InputFiles)

   $aliases = Get-Alias | Group-Object -AsHashTable -Property Name
   $ParserErrors = $null

 ForEach ($InputFile in $InputFiles) {
   Write-Verbose -Message "$Inputfile"
   $text = Get-Content -Path $InputFile -Raw -verbose # ignore newlines, etc. and return as a single string.
   $tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($text, [ref]$ParserErrors)
   $commands = $tokens | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Command'} | Sort-Object { $_.Start } -Descending

   Foreach ($cmd in $commands) { # sorted so that last one in file is expanded first
      $key = $cmd.Content
      if ($aliases.Contains($key)) {
        $alias = $aliases.$key # Alias
        $old = $cmd.Content
        $new = $alias.ResolvedCommandName # expanded Alias as command
        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($old, ('Expand alias to {0}' -f $new))
        $text = $text.Remove($cmd.start,$cmd.Content.Length).Insert($cmd.start,$new)





