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Lists, Libraries, Templates, Web Parts and Site Actions in MOSS 2007

Default Lists & Libraries Available

The following table shows all of the lists & libraries that the site owners can typically create on their site






Site templates

Document Library

Create a document library when you have a collection of documents or other files that you want to share. Document libraries support features such as folders, versioning, and check out.


Form Library

Create a form library when you have XML-based business forms, such as status reports or purchase orders, that you want to manage. These libraries require a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible XML editor, such as Microsoft Office InfoPath.


Wiki Page Library

Create a Wiki page library when you want to have an interconnected collection of Wiki pages. Wiki page libraries support pictures, tables, hyperlinks, and wiki linking.


Picture Library

Create a picture library when you have pictures you want to share. Picture libraries provide special features for managing and displaying pictures, such as thumbnails, download options, and a slide show.


Data Connection Library

Create a Data Connection Library to make it easy to share files that contain information about external data connections.


Translation Management Library

Create a translation management library when you want to create documents in multiple languages and manage translation tasks. Translation management libraries include a workflow to manage the translation process and provide sub-folders, file versioning, and check-in/check-out.

Not on My Site

Slide Library

Create a slide library when you want to share slides from Microsoft Office PowerPoint, or a compatible application. Slide libraries also provide special features for finding, managing, and reusing slides.





Create an announcements list when you want a place to share news, status, and other short bits of information.



Create a contacts list when you want to manage information about people that your team works with such as customers or partners. You can share information between your contacts list and Windows SharePoint Services-compatible contacts programs.


Discussion Board

Create a discussion board when you want to provide a place for newsgroup-style discussions. Discussion boards provide features for managing discussion threads and ensuring that only approved posts appear.





Create a links list when you have links to Web pages or other resources that you want to share.



Create a calendar list when you want a calendar-based view of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and other important events. You can share information between your calendar list and Windows SharePoint Services-compatible events programs.



Create a tasks list when you want to track a group of work items that you or your team needs to complete.


Project Tasks

Create a project tasks list when you want a graphical view (a Gantt Chart) on a group of work items that you or your team needs to complete.


Issue Tracking

Create an issue tracking list when you want to manage a set of issues or problems. You can assign, prioritize, and follow the progress of issues from start to finish.



Create a survey when you want to poll other Web site users. Surveys provide features that allow you to quickly create questions and define how users specify their answers.



Custom Lists

Custom List

Create a custom list when you want to specify your own columns. The list opens as a Web page and lets you add or edit items one at a time.


Custom List in Datasheet View

Create a custom list when you want to specify your own columns. The list opens in a spreadsheet-like environment for convenient data entry, editing, and formatting. It requires a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible list datasheet control and ActiveX control support.


Languages and Translators

Create the list of languages for which the Translation Management workflow will assign translation tasks. You can also specify the translators for each language.

Not on My Site

Import Spreadsheet

Import a spreadsheet when you want to create a list that has the same columns and contents as an existing spreadsheet. Importing a spreadsheet requires a spreadsheet application compatible with Windows SharePoint Services.



Web Pages

Basic Page

Create a basic page when you want to add a simple Web page to this site. You can modify the page by adding text, pictures, and tables using your Web browser.


Web Part Page

Create a Web Part Page when you want to add a Web page to this site that displays one or more Web Parts. Web Parts provide an easy way to build powerful Web pages that can show you information ranging from a view of a list in the current site to the latest data from Web Services.


Sites and Workspaces

See below

Default Site Templates Available

The following table shows all of the types of sub sites that a site administrator can typically create on their site






Site templates

Team Site

A site for teams to quickly organize, author, and share information. It provides a document library, and lists for managing announcements, calendar items, tasks, and discussions.


Blank Site

A blank site for you to customize based on your requirements.


Document Workspace

A site for colleagues to work together on a document. It provides a document library for storing the primary document and supporting files, a tasks list for assigning to-do items, and a links list for resources related to the document.



A blog site for a person or team to post ideas, observations, and expertise that site visitors can comment on.


Wiki Site

A site for a community to brainstorm and share ideas. It provides Web pages that can be quickly edited to record information and then linked together through keywords





Basic Meeting

It is a site to plan, organize, and capture the results of a meeting. It provides lists for managing the agenda, meeting attendees, and documents.


Blank Meeting

A blank meeting site for you to customize based on your requirements.


Decision Meeting

A site for meetings that track status or make decisions. It provides lists for creating tasks, storing documents, and recording decisions.


Social Meeting

A site to plan social occasions. It provides lists for tracking attendees, providing directions, and storing pictures of the event.


Multipage Meeting

It’s a site to plan, organize, and capture the results of a meeting. It provides lists for managing the agenda and meeting attendees in addition to two blank pages for you to customize based on your requirements.



Enterprise tab


Document Center

A site to centrally manage documents in your enterprise.

Not on MySite

Records Center

This template creates a site designed for records management. Records managers can configure the routing table to direct incoming files to specific locations. The site prevents records from being modified after they are added to the repository.


Personalization site

A site for delivering personalized views, data, and navigation from this site collection into My Site. It includes personalization specific Web Parts and navigation that is optimized for My Site sites.

Sub site only

Site Directory

A site for listing and categorizing important sites in your organization. It includes different views for categorized sites, top sites, and a site map.


Report Center

A site for creating, managing, and delivering Web pages, dashboards, and key performance indicators that communicate metrics, goals, and business intelligence information.


Search Center with Tabs

A site for delivering the search experience. The welcome page includes a search box with two tabs: one for general searches, and another for searches for information about people. You can add and customize tabs to focus on other search scopes or result types.


Search Center

A site for delivering the search experience. The site includes pages for search results and advanced searches.


MySite Host

A site used for hosting personal sites (My Sites) and the public People Profile page. This template needs to be provisioned only once per Shared Service Provider, please consult the documentation for details.

Site collection only


Publishing tab


News Site

A site for publishing news articles and links to news articles. It includes a sample news page and an archive for storing older news items.

Sub site only

Collaboration Portal

A starter site hierarchy for an intranet divisional portal. It includes a home page, a News site, a Site Directory, a Document Center, and a Search Center with Tabs. Typically, this site has nearly as many contributors as readers and is used to host team sites

Site collection only

Publishing Portal

A starter site hierarchy for an Internet-facing site or a large intranet portal. This site can be customized easily with distinctive branding. It includes a home page, a sample press releases subsite, a Search Center, and a login page. Typically, this site has many more readers than contributors, and it is used to publish Web pages with approval workflows.

Site collection only


Default Web Parts Available

The following table shows all of the web parts that a site designer can typically add to their site

Web Part


Internal name



Business Data


Site templates


Requires enterprise license and CALs



Business Data Actions

Display a list of actions from the Business Data Catalog.

Business Data Actions Web Part


Business Data Related List

Display a list of items related to one or more parent items from a data source in the Business Data Catalog.

Business Data Association Web Part


Business Data Item

Display one item from a data source in the Business Data Catalog.

Business Data Details Web Part


Business Data Item Builder

Creates a Business Data item from parameters in the query string and provides it to other web parts. This web part is only used on Business Data profile pages.

Business Data Item Builder


Business Data List

Display a list of items from a data source in the Business Data Catalog.

Business Data List Web Part


IView Web Part

Displays iViews from SAP portal servers.

IView Web Part


WSRP Consumer Web Part

Displays portlets from web sites using WSRP 1.1.

WSRP Consumer Web Part



Content Rollup



Colleague Tracker

Displays a list of your colleagues and their recent changes.

Contact links

MySite only


Shows the links to colleagues the user has shared with you


MySite only

Get Started with My Site

Links to various hints and tips about the usage of the My Site.

welcome web part

MySite only

In Common Between Us

Shows what is in common between you and the user

In Common

MySite only


Displays your site and distribution list memberships.


MySite only

My Links

Use to display your links

Quick links

MySite only

My Pictures

Displays pictures from your pictures library, with an option to view as a slide show.

My pics

MySite only

My SharePoint Sites

Use to display documents authored by you on sites where you are a member and sites of your choice.

My docs

MySite only

My Workspaces

Displays sites created under your My Site.

My works

MySite only

Recent Blog Posts

The most recent blog posts for the user

Latest Blog Posts Public

MySite only

SharePoint Documents

Use to display documents authored by the user where the user is a site member.

Membership docs

MySite only

Site Aggregator

Use to display sites of your choice.

Site Framer







Requires enterprise license and CALs



KPI Details

Displays the details of a single status indicator. Status indicators display an important measure for an organization and may be obtained from other data sources including SharePoint lists, Excel workbooks, and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services KPIs.

Indicator Web Part


Key Performance Indicators

Shows a list of status indicators. Status indicators display important measures for your organization, and show how your organization is performing with respect to your goals.

KPI List Web Part






I need to….

Displays tasks and tools from a list

Tasks And Tools


RSS Viewer

Renders RSS Feed

RSS Viewer


This Week in Pictures

Displays one image from an Image Library and links to a slide show where users can see all of the images in the Image Library.

This Week In Pictures







Require enterprise license and CALs



Choice Filter

Filter the contents of web parts using a list of values entered by the page author.

Authored List Filter


Business Data Catalog Filter

Filter the contents of web parts using a list of values from the Business Data Catalog.

Business Data Filter


Date Filter

Filter the contents of web parts by allowing users to enter or pick a date.

Date Filter


Filter Actions

Filter Actions

Filter Actions


SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Filter

Filter the contents of web parts using a list of values from SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services cubes.

OLAP Filter


Page Field Filter

Filter the contents of web parts using information about the current page.

Page Context Filter


Query String (URL) Filter

Filter the contents of web parts using values passed via the query string.

Query String Filter


SharePoint List Filter

Filter the contents of web parts by using a list of values from a Office SharePoint Server list.

SPList Filter


Text Filter

Filter the contents of web parts by allowing users to enter a text value.

Text Filter


Current User Filter

Filter the contents of web parts by using properties of the current page.

User Context Filter






Contact Details

Use to display details about a contact for this page or site

Contact WP



Outlook Web Access




Connects to Microsoft Exchange Server


My Calendar

Displays your calendar using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later.

OWA calendar


My Contacts

Displays your contacts using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later.

OWA contacts


My Inbox

Displays your inbox using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later.

OWA inbox


My Mail Folder

Displays your mail folder using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000.



My Tasks

Displays your tasks using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later.

OWA tasks







Search web parts are used to construct custom search query input areas and custom search results pages. They could be useful for users to learn about these web parts, or for users to construct specialized search pages for their own use and possibly the benefit of others.



Advanced Search Box

Used for parameterized searches based on properties and combinations of words.

Advanced Search box


People Search Box

Used to search people.

People Search Box


People Search Core Results

This web part displays the people search results and the properties associated with them.

People Search Core Results


Search Action Links

Web part to display the search action links.

Search Action Links


Search Best Bets

Web part to display the special term and high confidence results.

Search Best Bets


Search Box

Used to search document and items.

Search Box


Search Core Results

This web part displays the search results and the properties associated with them.

Search Core Results


Search High Confidence Results

Displays keywords, best bets and high confidence results.

Search High Confidence


Search Paging

Display links for navigating pages containing search results.

Search Paging


Search Statistics

Displays the search statistics such as the number of results shown on the current page, total number of results and time taken to perform the search.

Search Stats


Search Summary

This web part displays the "Did you mean" feature for the search terms.

Search Summary



Site Directory




Site Directory web parts are used to construct custom Site Directory pages. They could be useful for users to learn about these web parts, or for users to construct specialized directories for their own use and possibly the benefit of others.



Sites in Category

Displays sites in the Site Directory

Category Results Web Part



Category Web Part


Top Sites

Display the top sites from Site Directory

Top Sites Web Part


Default Site Actions available

The following table shows all of the actions that the owner of a MySite can typically perform on their site.

The method for configuring which actions can or can’t be performed by the site owner is to change their permission levels… each permission level controls the ability to perform some set of actions (see the Permissions Matrix). Therefore the granularity of what actions can be customized is set in advance. You may not be able to get the exact combination you think you need.

Site Action




Users and Permissions

Site templates

People and Groups

View and manage all people for this site collection


Site collection administrators

Add and remove site collection administrators


Advanced permissions

Assign permission levels to users and groups. This is a top-level Web site.


Look and Feel

Title, description and icon

Change the site’s title, description or icon.


Tree view

Manage this site's left navigation panel,


Site theme

Change the fonts and color scheme for your site.


Top link bar

Specify the links that appear in the top link bar of the site,


Quick Launch

Change the links and headings in the Quick Launch.


Save site as template

Save your Web site as a site template. Users can create new subsites on this MySite from this template.


Reset to site definition

Remove all customizations from a page….you can reset a single page within your site to use the version of the page included in the site definition, or you can reset all pages



Master pages

Store master pages. The master pages in this gallery are available to this site and any sites underneath it


Site content types

Create and manage content types declared on this site and all parent sites (a MySite has no parent site). Content types visible on this page are available for use on this site and its subsites.


Site columns

Manage columns on this site and all parent sites (a MySite has no parent site)


Site templates

Make a template available for use in Web site creation by adding it to this gallery. The templates in this gallery are available to this site and all sites under it.


List templates

Make a template available for use in list creation by adding it to this gallery. The templates in this gallery are available to this site and all sites under it.


Web Parts

Use this Web Part Gallery to store and retrieve Web Parts. The Web Parts in this gallery are available to this site and all sites under it.



View workflows in the current site collection


Site Administration

Regional settings

Set regional settings such as the locale and time zone


Site libraries and lists

Change the design of a list, document library, discussion board, or survey


Site usage report

View a detailed usage report for this Web site. The report does not include data for sites under this Web site


User alerts

Manage alerts for users on this site



Enable/disable RSS feeds for this site collection


Search visibility

Manage this site's search visibility settings


Sites and workspaces

Shows all the sites you have access to below this Web site. To create a new site, click Create below.


Site features

Enable and/or disable features on this site (root web or subsite within MySite)


Delete this site

Delete this MySite and all subsites that it may contain


Site Collection Administration

Search settings

Enable custom scopes (include scopes managed at this site or by shared service provider) and set search results page


Search scopes

View and manage search scopes for this MySite


Search keywords

Add & manage keywords that will provide targeted search results on this MySite


Recycle bin

Restore items that users have deleted from this site or to empty deleted items


Usage summary

View summary information on how this site collection is being used


Storage space allocation

View storage being used on this MySite. Allow deletion of items taking too much space from this page.


Site collection features

Enable and/or disable features on this MySite site collection


Site hierarchy

View all subsites that have been created under this MySite


Portal site connection

Set the URL of a portal that this MySite should be associated with.


Site collection audit settings

Specify the events that should be audited in this MySite


Site collection policies

Create and modify information management policies (expiration, auditing, etc.) on this MySite.



- cheers,


  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2011
    This is really a very vital information for everybody to get the know-how as well as clear the SharePoint basics. Thank you very much for sharing this valuabe information :-)