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10 Essential Resources for SharePoint Developers

10 Essential Resources for SharePoint Developers

Last month we took an inventory of all the things Microsoft has been producing for SharePoint developers, and we thought it was a great list to share broadly. Even though I wanted this to be a “Top 10” list, I ended up with 14 items!

1. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) SDK and ECM Starter Kit

2. Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) SDK and Workflow Starter Kit
Note The MOSS SDK includes the WSS SDK documentation and a more robust starter kit

3. Visual Studio Extensions for SharePoint Services (November CTP)

4. Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites

· Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites
(Part 1 of 3): Understanding Web Content Management and the Default Features

· Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites
(Part 2 of 3): Extending WCM

· Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites
(Part 3 of 3): Creating and Configuring WCM-Enabled Sites

5. MOSS for Content Management Server Developers (Beta)
Three papers + an analysis tool:

· SharePoint Server 2007 for MCMS 2002 Developers

· Assessing and Analyzing Your MCMS 2002 Application for Migration  

· Mapping MCMS 2002 APIs to SharePoint Server 2007

· CMS Assessment Tool

· Planning MCMS 2002 Application Migration to SharePoint Server 2007

6. Office Developer Screencasts (applies to all of Office)

7. SharePoint Developer Map (also includes InfoPath and 2007 Office System posters)

8. MOSS and WSS Online Clinics
Online clinics covering SharePoint technology are free for a limited time!!! Check 'em out:

· WSS Development:

· WSS Infrastructure:

· MOSS Development:

· MOSS Infrastructure:

9. MOSS portal on the Office Developer Center

· Includes the Upgrade and Migration Center for SharePoint Developers

10. SharePoint Developer Center

11. 7 Development Projects for SharePoint – online book

12. MSDN Community Content
MSDN Community Content is a way of providing Wiki-style annotations to core Microsoft documentation. For example, you can add code samples, remarks or “gotchas,” translations, or other comments that enhance or supplement the core MSDN documentation.

· WSS –

· MOSS –

13. F1 Help from Visual Studio Document Explorer
Follow the steps in this blog post to receive F1 Help directly from your code in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

14. Project SDK Download
I see a lot of questions about SharePoint integration with Project Server, and the Project SDK is also produced by my team.

We’re Not Done Yet

We are by no means finished producing content for the 2007 Office System and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. We are already in the throes of updating the SDKs for a post-RTM release—in addition to writing articles, tools, and other rich media that will be released in the calendar year of 2007.

If you haven’t already seen Erika Ehrli’s blog post about the 2007 Office System Developer resources, check that out, too:


More from our SharePoint MVPs and Partners

Our SharePoint MVPs are also producing great lists of resources for SharePoint; here are two examples if you haven’t already seen them.

· Andrew Connell –

· Mark Kruger –

And finally, Todd Bleeker’s book, Developer's Guide to the Windows SharePoint Services v3 Platform, is now available for purchase. The ISBN numbers are ISBN-10: 1584505001 and ISBN-13: 978-1584505006; the book is published through Charles River Media and is available from online book retailers. Check out Patrick Tisseghem’s blog for more information about this and more upcoming books for SharePoint.