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Just Published! WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 SDK 1.4 Download and Online MSDN Library (8.29.2008)

Hello SharePoint Developers!


We are excited to announce the availability of the latest updates to the online MSDN Library + the downloadable SDKs for both MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0!


In our never-ending efforts to improve the customer and partner experience, we are announcing the sim ship of both the online MSDN Library and the downloadable SDK! No more confusion about what’s the latest version: August is August!

> Download the MOSS SDK 1.4 <

> Download the WSS SDK 1.4 <


The August 2008 update is version 1.4 and reflects feature enhancements that were part of the recent Infrastructure Update. For more information on SharePoint Products and Technologies updates, you can start here on TechNet.


Which SDK do I need to download?

If you are only writing code that utilizes the Windows SharePoint Services platform, you can download the WSS SDK. However, if you want the superset of all documentation and samples, you should install the MOSS SDK, and then you’ll get all the platform and technology information as well. You don’t need to download both, but you will need to uninstall all previous versions.

Note The SDK 1.4 downloads are full releases that include all previous tools and documentation.


What’s New in this release?

The SDK updates in 1.4 include:

  • New Federated Search Samples :

· Updated documentation files, including updated, offline versions of MSDN Library Technical Articles and Developer Guides
What’s New in the MOSS SDK 1.4 Documentation
What’s New in the WSS SDK 1.4 Documentation

· Lots of new documentation for Records Management APIs.

· Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.Holds

· Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.InformationPolicy

· Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.PolicyFeatures

· Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository

· Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.Reporting

· Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.SearchAndProcess

While you’re updating your SharePoint development tools…

You can also update the Visual Studio Extensions for SharePoint Services. Here is the link to the installer: VSeWSS 1.2. The extensions were updated on 7/1/2008 and now work with Visual Studio 2008!


Don’t forget to download the user’s guide: version 1.1


Please keep sending us feedback!

We want to make sure you have all the information you expect to find in the SDK. Please reply to this blog entry with comments if you have a request. And don't forget to use the Community Content Wiki on MSDN to annotate the SDK documentation online with your own insights. Just look toward the bottom of each page online or click the Add Content... button in the top-level menu on MSDN Library pages.