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Publishing Biztalk Orchestrations as webservices

When developing Biztalk applications that are exposed as webservices, it becomes quite a tedious job to expose them as webservices everytime there is a change in the orchestration. Even though Visual Studio integrates the BizTalk Web Service Publishing Wizard, it is definitely a cumbersome tool to use everytime.

To minimize the efforts, we can have a simple batch file that can do the job for us. Biztalk comes with a command line utility - btswebsvcpub.exe

Here is an example of how you can achieve this on the command prompt -


btswebsvcpub "C:\TestOrchSolution\TestOrch \bin\Deployment\MyTestOrch.dll" -Overwrite -Anonymous -TargetNamespace:https://testorch /service -ReceiveLocation -ApplicationName:MyTestApp


Furthermore, you can also use this trick for quickly deploying your assemblies from one environment to the other.