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ClipBoard Manager

For most of the Programmers,copy and paste is frequently doing task in their daily life. But, Windows’s Clipboard will make our work of copying and pasting little bit hard. It won’t support queuing,saving of clipboard data, showing time of copy occurred,application name from where you copied data and access to remote machine’s Clipboard etc. I think it’s better to design an application that will make copying and pasting of data little bit easier. I will explain features provided by this application.

 Features present in this application:   

  •  It allows us to queue all clipboard data.
  • It allows us to save entire clipboard data into permanent storage like file.
  • Access remote machine’s clipboard,if have administrative or its equivalent permissions on that machine. 
  • Shows Icon of the application from where you copied data onto clipboard.
  • Easy to use UI.
  • Now, Clipboard data is just a click away from us.