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Steven Cheng's MSDN Notes

简易旅游攻略手册(Windows Phone)应用程序隐私策略声明


Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/19/2013

SimpleTileCreator (Windows Phone) application Privacy Statement

SimpleTileCreator (Windows Phone) application Privacy Statement Last updated: Mar 2013 This privacy...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/13/2013

[Windows Store App]How to perform RSA data encryption with x509 certificate based key in Windows Store application

How to perform RSA data encryption with x509 certificate based key in Windows Store application...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/12/2013

[Microsoft Windows Store App] 团购信息汇 (微软Windows 8 商店应用)简介


Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/07/2012

团购信息汇(微软Windows 商店 应用程序)隐私策略声明


Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/06/2012

法语学习小手册(Microsoft Windows 商店 应用程序)隐私策略声明

法语学习小手册(Microsoft Windows 商店 应用程序)隐私策略声明...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 11/09/2012

Another good news from Packt to win a surprise gift

Packt Publishing reaches 1000 IT titles and celebrates with an open invitation Birmingham-based IT...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 09/20/2012

Free Copy of Packt's book for .NET Developers

I’m pleased to announce that we are organizing a giveaway with Packt Publishing especially for...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 09/14/2012

Packt Publishing Celebrates its range of Microsoft books/e-books all this May!

Packt Microsoft Carnival Packt Publishing Celebrates its range of Microsoft books/e-books all this...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 05/07/2012

[ForumMobile]Glad to introduce the Microsoft Forums mobile service

Really glad to introduce this Microsoft Forums mobile service to you. If you are developers of IT...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 02/27/2012


[Data]PlaceHolder_gadget.xml gadget.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 08/02/2011


[Data]PlaceHolder_blog&wiki.xml blog&wiki.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 08/02/2011


[Data]PlaceHolder_O365forumlist.xml O365forumlist.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 08/02/2011


[XML]PlaceHolder_O365forumlist.xml O365forumlist.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 07/21/2011


[XML]PlaceHolder_O365b&wlist.xml O365b&wlist.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 07/21/2011


[XML]New_PlaceHolder_tnfaqlist.xml tnfaqlist.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 07/20/2011


[XML]PlaceHolder_tnsupportlist.xml tnsupportlist.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 07/20/2011


[XML]PlaceHolder_tnforumlist.xml tnforumlist.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 07/20/2011

[Test]A Test Thread For Attachment

This Is A Test Thread For Attachment MSDNforumlist.xml

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 07/19/2011

[WCF]Service Identity for authentication against the server-side endpoint

Here are some reference for you who want to get more ideas on what, why and how of the "Service...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 01/06/2011

[WCF]WCF performance testing information share

PerfGoals Check the application design for potential synchronous and asynchronous operations Check...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 01/04/2011

[WCF]Some tips for making WCF service and client proxy working more effeciently

  1. Protocol and serialization format There are many blog and MSDN articles that discuss the...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 01/04/2011

[ASP.NET]A very good article illustrating the server-side processing lifecycle of the script callback and AJAX method in ASP.NET web page

See link below: #AJAX and the ASP.NET 2.0 Callback...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/29/2010

[WCF]A good blog entry explaining the various settings for validating X.509 certificate token in WCF

#WCF: certificateValidationMode and revocationMode...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/13/2010

[WCF]A good thread that explaining the "MaxItemsInObjectGraph" property of DataContractSerializer

There always come many good and useful threads in the MSDN development forums. Here is a very good...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/09/2010

[Azure]New annoucement about azure service benefit for MSDN managed subscribers

MSDN Premium and Ultimate Subscribers are entitled to complimentary usage of the Windows Azure...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/08/2010

[WCF]Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation 4.0 Cookbook for Developing SOA Applications

This book finally gets published on October 20th 2010. I'm trying to provide some useful WCF sample...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 10/30/2010

[MOSS]IE language setting and MOSS search results

Recently I received some questions about the IE language setting that affects the MOSS search...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/16/2009

[Information]Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework

As Introducted in previous entry, the Microsoft Online technical forum support team is building a...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 12/01/2009

[ASP.NET]Good post about ASP.NET url routing and MVC routing

ASP.NET MVC request pipeline in-depth...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 08/02/2009

[ASPNET]Articles explain the difference between app.config for .NET exe and dll

I've seen many guys confused about the .NET app.config file for the exe application and the dll...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 07/01/2009

[WCF]Useful reference on sharing http cookies between multiple endpoints

#Custom Cookie Handling

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 06/30/2009

[WSS]WSS/MOSS ULS log and how to read and write it

Eli Robillard has given a good blog entry introducing the WSS/MOSS ULS log which is important for...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 06/29/2009

[WSS]Resource about WSS 3.0 & MOSS 2007 development tools

#Development Tools and Techniques for Working with Code in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Part 1...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 04/28/2009

[WCF]Good article explaining the "aspNetCompatibilityEnabled" of IIS hosted application

Here is a blog entry from Wenlong Dong's blog which explains the "ASP.NET Compatibility Mode" in...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 04/15/2009

[ASP.NET]Good ASP.NET MVC best practice articles

Just found some good BP articles from Kazi Manzur Rashid's Blog: #part...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 04/13/2009

Good article explaining compatibility between Hyper-v and former MS virtualization solutions(VPC and Virtual server)

John has posted a good blog entry describing how to make vhd image work between VPC/Virtual server...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 04/01/2009

[ASP.NET]How to implement file upload and download in ASP.NET MVC

[ASP.NET]How to implement file upload and download in ASP.NET MVC File upload/download is very...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/20/2009

[ASP.NET]ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RTM available!

Finally, ASP.NET MVC 1.0 comes to RTM. Anyone who're interested in ASP.NET MVC (and prefer non-beta...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/18/2009

[WCF]Use MessageInspector to validate SOAP XML message

Here is a good MSDN tech article which demonstrate using custom MessageInspector to validate WCF xml...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/17/2009

[News]All-In-One Code Framework---Ready to Rock!

Some of my colleagues are building a code sample project on codeplex. I think it an very useful and...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/11/2009

[WCF]Exposing WCF service to raw MSMQ client via msmqIntegrationBinding

[WCF]Exposing WCF service to raw MSMQ client via msmqIntegrationBinding WCF has provided two...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/06/2009

[WCF]Resources about WCF message framing

If you're interested in the underlying transfered bits of WCF messages or if you want to build a...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/06/2009

[ASP.NET] ASP.NET MVC RC2 is now available.

ASP.NET MVC RC2 just came out. We're getting closer and closer to the final RTM. You can get the RC2...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 03/05/2009

[WCF]How to inspect and modify WCF message via custom MessageInspector

[WCF]How to inspect and modify WCF message via custom MessageInspector Recently I received some...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 02/21/2009

[WCF]Secure a dynamically added message header via behavior extension(part 2)

[WCF]Secure a dynamically added message header via behavior extension(part 2) This article is the...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 02/19/2009

[WCF]Secure a dynamically added message header via behavior extension (part 1)

[WCF]Secure a dynamically added message header via behavior extension (part 1) Recently I receive...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 02/18/2009

[DEBUG]Resources for debugging ASP.NET application

Just a placeholder for ASP.NET debugging resource, will continue to update them. #How to use ADPlus...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 02/15/2009

[ASP.NET]Useful resource for ASP.NET AJAX development

#Offical Site #ASP.NET AJAX roadmap:...

Author: Steven Cheng - MSFT Date: 02/03/2009
