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Cloud applications

Now that we are getting closer to releasing Windows Azure, I wanted to check and see who is planning to have an application in the cloud.  Or if you already have an application in the cloud, what you are doing there and how it is working for you.

Please note, I understand that other companies are hosting cloud applications and by no means am I wanting to compare the hosters.  I want to focus on the types of applications you are using or planning on using.

Feel free to discuss it here and what advantages you think it has over traditional applications.  To get things started, here are some companies plans.  This is all from:

Enterprise Content Management Company to Reach More Customers with Cloud Computing

Open Text Corporation, a global leader in enterprise content management, realized that customers increasingly demand more flexible and affordable ways of managing their electronic archiving environments. The company is integrating its software with the Azure™ Services Platform—a cloud-computing platform from Microsoft―to provide a virtual storage service. This will speed implementation, improve business.

UK-Based Incubator Develops Social Discovery and Messaging Application on the Azure Services Platform

Bluehoo has created and deployed a social discovery and messaging application that lets people use their mobile phones to find other users around them with similar interests. To ensure that they have a reliable and scalable foundation for their business, Bluehoo built their application on the Azure Services Platform.

Mashups Showcase from Live Services

Windows Live Services allow for the easy creation of mashups—applications that combine data or content from several sources into a new single integrated application. Check out mashups for Live Services in this showcase.