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Enterprise Library for .NET 2.0 - November CTP now available!

We're pleased to announce that the November Community Technology Preview of Enterprise Library for .NET Framework 2.0 is now available to download (and on the same day as the Visual Studio 2005 launch too - what a coincidence! :-)

We've done a lot of work since the August CTP, and you will find this release is much more complete and high quality than the previous release. Still we're not done yet, and there are a couple of notable omissions in this release:

  • Unfortunately the configuration tool and designtime still are not complete, and we couldn't include it in this release. But don't dispair - we are making great progress and it's going to be there for the final build. In order to make it easier to use the CTP blocks without the tool, we've documented the XML configuration file schemas for all blocks in the release notes.
  • Due to some unexpected delays in our internal review and sign-off processes, we have not included the Cryptography Application Block in this release. We don't have an exact timeframe on when we will be able to release this, but it should be either in the final release or soon after. I'll be posting more about the situation with this block in the coming days.

Other than that, we're very close to complete. We're confident that this build is high enough quality for you to commence development with, although since the final release is scheduled in December we definitely recommend moving to it as soon as it is available.

And as always, we really want to hear what you think. The best place to post comments is on the Enterprise Library Pre-Release Discussions message board on our community site. Or alternatively you can post to the blog or mail me directly via this blog.


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